Hello all,
I have expressed some interest in using my Arduino Uno as a grow room controller. There are a lot of step-by-step guides online but they aren't exactly what I am looking for, so having that DIY bug I decided to give it a shot.
My plans are to
Lights (5 CXA/CXBs, 4 Vero 10s, UVB bulb)
Voltage at each string/COB and of entire system
Current of LEDs and of entire system
I purchased:
365buying DS18B20 Temperature Sensor - Waterproof Digital Thermal Probe Sensor DS18B20 - $4.95
Arrela® 4-channel 5v Relay Module with Optocoupler for Arduino DSP AVR PIC ARM - $7.95
Arrela® DHT11 Digital Temperature/Humidity Sensor - $6.43
Total - $18.48 w/prime shipping
I plan to use the DHT11 Temp/Humid sensor in my growing area towards the canopy and will monitor and log this data, I will then be able to convert this to easy to read graphs for the entire grow. This sensor will be the trigger for the Fans/Heater/Humidity elements.
I will be using the DS18B20 waterproof temperature sensor to keep in my res, this will be constantly monitoring the res temp. I will also be able to graph this for different times of the day as well as for the entire grow.
The 4-channel relays will be used to allow the small signal voltage from my arduino to turn on much larger loads. I will be using
https://www.sparkfun.com/tutorials/119 to construct the GFCI outlet boxes, this will allow me to control each outlet individually. The relays are 10A each X 4 realys, so each relay could have one GFCI outlet for future expansion. I will most likely only construct 1-2 to start.
I decided to use components that have examples already available online, and that were relatively low cost. I wanted to get a solid base system going and then I could add almost anything I wanted to in the future, for example:
PH Sensor and probe kit - $127.99
EC Sensor and probe kit - $191.99
Dissolved Oxygen Sensor and probe kit - $231.99
Now those prices are kind of steep, but those are lab grade kits with quality probes as well as everything else *including documentation*. So following our LED way of life, higher upfront costs for a better product that will have a longer quality life, I could set up a round the clock monitoring system that logs and graphs all of the data and stores it to an at home server. This could be used to control and maintain my res automatically.
I also think it would be neat to wire up a camera to take a couple snapshots a day so I can compile some nice seed-harvest GIFs, make for some nice comparison pics!
Once you start thinking about it you can accomplish just about anything you want like a light raiser, nutrient feeder, water pump control, CO2 sensors/controller, AC/Water chiller, Dehumidifier, etc.
I am no expert, I am an electronic hobbyist as well as some college courses. This is why I chose parts with documentation and examples. I will not be trying to reinvent the wheel, I plan on using the code already written for each sensor. I am hoping for as close to a plug-and-play experience as I can, not that I don't enjoy it but I feel like I could give back to the community if I made it....uh.....stoner proof?
The parts will be here Thursday!