Steve French
Well-Known Member
The correct response is, "A pimple doesn't come on your face until you turn thirteen" but I suppose that answer is acceptable.I've stuck my dick in a pimple.
The correct response is, "A pimple doesn't come on your face until you turn thirteen" but I suppose that answer is acceptable.I've stuck my dick in a pimple.
hahahahahahahThe correct response is, "A pimple doesn't come on your face until you turn thirteen" but I suppose that answer is acceptable.
1. I disagree. A lucid dreamer questions reality and whatever constant phenomenon that binds us to this realm. A lucid dreamer can almost never be certain about anything for he is a skeptic to epistemology.
2. What is life but a constant battle for balance? A constant manipulation of entropic forces? Albeit, which will always inevitably prevail in the grand scheme of the universe...of any aspect of it. .
I am not presenting any nonsensical, novel ideas. I prefer to live in my own world. Conforming takes a lot of unnecessary effort and is not personally rewarding. My train of thought is irreversible at this point.babble non logical bullshit buddy.
the Santa Claus belief at its best .
call me when your logics tuned in to ours buddy ok
good luck in life seriously
you were uncertain about your logic above ......" perhaps my frequency is different"
perhaps is not true ....... You are not true in thought ........ Work on it
You're taking up space. Look sometimes you seem normal sometimes like a rapist. If your not a rapist that kind of humor is too dark for this site and tone it down to normal penis jokes. If you are a rapist, well please leave.This thread is stupid. No questions are being answered.
AgreeIf you are a rapist, well please leave.
People fuck shit up here because some people just want to watch the world burn.Why is this site censored? I don't get it!!
I have some suggestions.
Maybe Roll It Up could rate threads so that only adults can access certain threads. Oh wait we are all meant to be adults anyway:/ Hmm
Maybe Roll It Up can make it so the person who creates a thread can block people who might be offended. e.g. Yessi could bloke her partner so he doesn't get offended by her online antics. Oh wait, maybe he is with her because he likes who she is. Hmm
Maybe Roll It Up should prohibit certain subjects and content? Wait, I can't put a finger on it but I'm pretty sure prohibition is bad for stuff. mmm K?
Maybe I can take responsibility for which threads I view and interact with? Nah, according to Roll It Up I'm too retarded to do this (that guy who thinks he has a big dick isn't helping us here).
Sorry, I answered my own question and now understand why we get censored. My bad!
Dude, what the hell are you talking about? You just tagged me in this post and essentially dragged me into perpetuating whatever conflict you are instigating. So, I guess me inferring this and knowingly replying regardless, deems me partly responsible and a conspirator. However, I have written this acknowledgement and explication so well, that I refuse to delete it at this point.@mainliner
You have been asked by the person to stop doing this stupid shit in her thread. For fucks sake have a little respect. Its stupid shit like what you two are doing that is ruining this site and making people leave.
This is yessica's thread go make your own.
1. No - but I made out HARD once.Yessi...
1- have you ever had sex dressed up like a zombie?
2- do you get a camel toe if your jeans are too tight?
3- who's gonna win the Stanley Cup?
4- why the hell would you live in Thunder Bay when you and @lahadaextranjera could be cuddling in Spain?
Dude, just go back and read this thread and really ponder your posts and actions. Think to yourself "Am I a douche?"Dude, what the hell are you talking about? You just tagged me in this post and essentially dragged me into perpetuating whatever conflict you are instigating. So, I guess me inferring this and knowingly replying regardless, deems me partly responsible and a conspirator. However, I have written this acknowledgement and explication so well, that I refuse to delete it at this point.