I found some of my old dispensary grow pics


Well-Known Member
Here's some pics of one of the rooms. I will not bow down too the haters.
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I've got even different pics of the under current DWC 4 plants four pounds.


Well-Known Member
O and thanks for emailing Jerry nobody else here would have ever thought to buy something from another website you are so talented at inquiring about products online we are all so proud and thankful beautiful work gargoyle boy


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Those magnum reflectors suck they spread the light way too much and why the hell do you even have a closed air reflector that you aren't venting....you would be so much better with open air reflectors....
That's why I quit he was a cheap bastard I wanted Adjust a wings and he wanted used equipment lol

edit: my bad he wanted not me I always want new lol
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Well-Known Member
That room was clean. I don't see any leaves on the ground and if you're talking about the dried water on the plastic then it's filthy lol
Thats far from clean. Especially if you are supposed to be on a retail level .... I would be embarrassed of that , I really would. If your current grow is filthy like that , burn it down. Its a sticky plant...anything you have floating around (dirt, dust, pet hair etc) it will stick to it


Well-Known Member
Thats far from clean. Especially if you are supposed to be on a retail level .... I would be embarrassed of that , I really would. If your current grow is filthy like that , burn it down. Its a sticky plant...anything you have floating around (dirt, dust, pet hair etc) it will stick to it
Sweet heart I didn't said I owned a dispensary. I just grew for one and I quit because he was cheap. I make led cob panels now. Here's my current grow

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So you need to show me your grow now and are you still using the roomba in your grow?


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Well-Known Member
uh ohhhh....I see a speck a dirt in the corner!...naaa jk. Maybe I WOULD have stated...blah blah...much improvement since then. Because yea, looks tons better then the other grow...
Roombas are expensive I found out...
I have pics floating around