Best milligram scale for measuring Research Chemicals?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone just a quik question what do you think is the best scale for measuring out some 2C-B and some 4-aco-dmt normally I don't even use a scale I just buy one of those tiny milligram scoops and eyeball it and that's worked for me but I'm going to be doseing other people so thought it would be best if I got a good scale 100$ is my budget some people online recommended this but it seems a bit cheap


Well-Known Member
That's an awesome balance for the money. If you're taking something where 1mg or better resolution is really important for dosing measure ten (or ten thousand) doses and dissolve that in known volume of water or alcohol as appropriate and then dose with that. It GREATLY reduces the error factor.


Well-Known Member
That's an awesome balance for the money. If you're taking something where 1mg or better resolution is really important for dosing measure ten (or ten thousand) doses and dissolve that in known volume of water or alcohol as appropriate and then dose with that. It GREATLY reduces the error factor.
Is accuracy important when it comes to 2C-B? I never felt the need to use a scale with it but I'm also not as sensitive as most people do you think it would make a diffrence in effects if I'm 5 to 10mg off I'm trying to get 20-30mg per capsule.


Well-Known Member
There's a huge difference between 20 and 30 IME. It won't hurt you but if you're trying to go out 30 might be a bit much.