Big bushes indoors vs. sea of green

if no one has mentioned this yet, big bushes win if done propperly, and if you are legal, and electricity is NOT a concern.

go over to

and do a search on DOUBLED medical bucket grow.

double d is his name, but no space.

he gets over 4 lbs per plant.

10 plants.

he is legal, and brings down 40 lbs every 12 weeks i think.

and its nice because you can walk around plants and the room.

he uses a lot of 1000w lights tho...

i think like 12 or 14.

but, if you are legal, who the hell cares right?

he does dwc, and his system is probably the simplest automated system that cant flood and doenst break the bank.

hes got his nute schedule on that forum and everything.

goodluck... anyone who preaches anything but big trees for legal grows does not know what they are talking about.

so if you do sog, you MIGHT get over 40lbs... and thats a huge might...

and you are illegal. Sounds like a great idea.

... understand half the people on this forum, their brains dont work very well.

If you are going to break the law, do it with the clones aspect.

so lets say you can have 12 plants legally or whatever... grow 12 trees.

and 1 week into flower, always take about 20 or more clones...

keep them hidden in a closet somehwere under a fluro, and tell no one.

Then when the big trees are done, you are ready to rock and roll again.

...if your limited to a # of plants as you say, how about supercropping? ...ever looked into that?'s a technique of cutting the tops during veg and steaking them in your desired directions as the main shoots multiply. Good stuff.
For every penny that you spend vs every gram that you get.. the only thing that beats a SOG is a VERT SOG...

Big plants are nice to reduce plant count.. but the veg time under HIDs makes the cost go up considerably...

I have done both 14 gram plants and 3/4 pound plants... and I tell you from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE that trees cost more...

But they are "safer and more legal"...

But yeah... it can get pretty crazy... at one point I had up to 350 plants in my house... all tiny , but still 350...:razz:
wow i have 12 400w for 48 lol big difference
I hear what you are saying, but per plant is not fair...

I flower clones with zero veg... so most people get more per plant than me... but how many plants do they have under the light?

I keep 48 per 600 watter...

How many grams do you get per light? and what size?

That is a more fair question...

So what do you get per light?

Aw dude, you necro'd this two year old thread to talk shit to people who probably aren't even around anymore and you don't even have your facts straight.

With a scrog, 1month veg is all you need to get 1lb+ from one plant from a 600w hps. Look up any of flowamasta's threads on this very forum.

LMFAO @ "6 months veg!!!!!"
Also, did you really say "6 month veg and 9 months total" meaning 3 months flower?

Get a 7 or 8 week strain already dude.

You're talking shit about them taking a long time and yet you are implying you use 3 month flowering strains.

So back assward.

And BTW a SOG is ten times better then plants that take 6 months to get big. By the time you harvest your plant and dry and cure it it will be 9 months down the road and I would have had more then 5 harvest with my SOG..

You dudes are funny,.... large plants however many lumens, supercropped , length of veg, for however long and shit!! Add some pgr (PLANT GROWTH HORMONE) as well... will never equal a sea of green production, quality, size of uniformed bud, and rate of production. Large plants will only have so many main and lateral shoots that are capable of producing large nice uniformed bud, everything else is wispy garbage and mag-NITROGEN GAGG WEED. AS FOR THE LARGE BUDS ON THE PLANT the nodes become calcified and lumber dense . Not calyx and oil rich weight. People who do large plants are lazy growers and don't understand feeding schedules. Probably still feed by manufacturer directions, lol..overfeeding is bad mkay? That's why colorado and California has a lot of bad weed that tastes and smells the same. So, if your after good bud that is calyx and oil rich , don't do big plants! And if your out for weight don't do big plants. Sog, Main shoot plus 4 no more equals pretty uniformed bud , just add more plants, 25-30, 2gal bags per 1000watt on a 18 day veg 56-62 flower and reload, don't waste your time if you depend on it Yo!!! People go broke growing big plants, Craigslist is full of there old equipment, lol... but you can always listen to the hype... ok no more lessons, go back to living.
Live and let live
Aw dude, you necro'd this two year old thread to talk shit to people who probably aren't even around anymore and you don't even have your facts straight.

With a scrog, 1month veg is all you need to get 1lb+ from one plant from a 600w hps. Look up any of flowamasta's threads on this very forum.

LMFAO @ "6 months veg!!!!!"
1 month veg for 1 pound...youve clearly never grown a single plant in your life lol
You dudes are funny,.... large plants however many lumens, supercropped , length of veg, for however long and shit!! Add some pgr (PLANT GROWTH HORMONE) as well... will never equal a sea of green production, quality, size of uniformed bud, and rate of production. Large plants will only have so many main and lateral shoots that are capable of producing large nice uniformed bud, everything else is wispy garbage and mag-NITROGEN GAGG WEED. AS FOR THE LARGE BUDS ON THE PLANT the nodes become calcified and lumber dense . Not calyx and oil rich weight. People who do large plants are lazy growers and don't understand feeding schedules. Probably still feed by manufacturer directions, lol..overfeeding is bad mkay? That's why colorado and California has a lot of bad weed that tastes and smells the same. So, if your after good bud that is calyx and oil rich , don't do big plants! And if your out for weight don't do big plants. Sog, Main shoot plus 4 no more equals pretty uniformed bud , just add more plants, 25-30, 2gal bags per 1000watt on a 18 day veg 56-62 flower and reload, don't waste your time if you depend on it Yo!!! People go broke growing big plants, Craigslist is full of there old equipment, lol... but you can always listen to the hype... ok no more lessons, go back to living.
Live and let live
Idk about this. my buddy crops out about 8lbs every 10 weeks off a 7 1000 watt set up in 7 gallon ebb n flow pots. With only 12 plants under 4 1000s flowering, 12 under 3 vegging. most anything can be done. But when you wanna stay legal 25-30 per 1000 isnt even reasonable to consider If you want to make any cash lol
First of all homie, you cannot get 1 pound from 1 plant, its impossible to get that from an indoor plant, if you said outdoor than i would believe you. Even if you vegged her out for 2 months its still impossible to get that much so stop throwing these lies around and making ppl think they can.
What!!??? Impossible to get 1lb from one plant indoors?? Hahahahahahah

I get 10-12 zs per plant indoors. And i am still just learning how to grow. I have 6 grows under my belt. If i can do that then a good grower should be able to do a lb per plant no problem...