Having read back over this thread, I must say, I am more impressed by people who for what ever reasons in life are forced to grow for themselves inside of small spaces, a dresser, a closet, a refridgerator, a tool cabinet. These types have to put such thought and creativity and effort into thier situation, into thier stealth applications, into training the plant to fit the space. And when they harvest, they have pride in thier work. I have seen thick buds come out of PC cases that some guy grew in his bedroom without anyone suspecting and he is happy at 420 in the afternoon. Those who have the means to rent a wharehouse and just daisy chain together hydro buckets and daisy chain together endless 1000k bulbs inside of hoods, its just repetition , more cords more buckets more bulbs more space, lots of head room, no need to worry about noise, (those concrete walls sheild everything), the idea of 100 pounds per harvest or 1 ounce per harvest , its not the amount that impresses me. Its the effort, the ingenuity, the willingness to make it happen, especially in states where it is a crime to do so. So my hats off to those to make due despite their circumstances, if you use a bulb and make it work aweseome, if you DIY your own LED and your rockin it, Awesome! if you mad it thru your grow to harvest in your dresser , awesome, if you made it thru and got 100 pounds out of your warehouse, good job, I hope you cut those in need some good deals and have some integrity along the way.
Happy 420 to all of you
The Fox