I'm hiding behind SCIENCE...

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Just took a tiny rip of OG ghost, came back and read your post. Thought it said shemales lmfao but it said shameless. Og ghost is some dyslexic shit haha. Too bad it was tipped to me and im out.:cuss: Just thought id share, im not really sure if this is funny or just too stoned lol
You're great, that's GREAT!!

Do you know where "Bukake" comes from? The word I mean? If you do - then we are both awesome! It's my favourite factoid, and I came about it randomly.


I don't know why I asked a question, Like you were going to answer, and then I would wait. I hate waiting.

Bukake in Japanese means "to put on top of". So you can go to a restaurant in Japan and order a popular dish called "Bukake rice" which means: rice with a bunch of shit on top of it.

(veggies and meat - not poop, ya weirdo's)

Aww, you didn't give me time. I was going to say "on top of" aswell. Right after my other answer, which was going to be "in yo face bitch" now I wasn't 100% sure if that was the literal translation or just the words you say in your head as you carry out the act but it's an approximation
are you being sarcastic?*edit < nvmd, my phone had a long 10 line pause after you said "thats great". Seriously though lol i didnt even notice till i seen the pics. Shit i even went as far as telling myself they all have a vagina!
No- I am serious.

That's how I talk. I'm Canadian. We are a kind people.

I just really like what you said.
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