Research says caffeine is as addictive as tobacco, the symptoms are as follows ........
Knocking on your neighbours door at 7am for a teabag and some milk!!!! .... The fact you had no money to buy any didn't cross your mind while cold turkey from caffeine took a hold.
Difficultly in concentration, your mind goes all fuzzy and you raISE YOUR VOICE!!! .... "i need a cup a tea!!"
"ahhhhh that's better " <<< sound familiar after a hit of caffeine

Your world starts and ends with caffeine (and thc), you have caffeine before and after everything you do ...... "come on hunny lets go shopping, we'll stop off for a coffee first "

"go put the kettle on, I'll park the car" << after shop caffeine fix

Ok people this is reality i beg you please don't change your friends daily Most needed caffeine fix with the dreaded DE-CAFF !!! ...... No seriously don't !! It wont be funny to see them tear their hair out in confusion due to caffeine withdrawal

good luck with the caffeine love