
Well-Known Member
Research says caffeine is as addictive as tobacco, the symptoms are as follows ........
Knocking on your neighbours door at 7am for a teabag and some milk!!!! .... The fact you had no money to buy any didn't cross your mind while cold turkey from caffeine took a hold.

Difficultly in concentration, your mind goes all fuzzy and you raISE YOUR VOICE!!! .... "i need a cup a tea!!"

"ahhhhh that's better " <<< sound familiar after a hit of caffeine;)

Your world starts and ends with caffeine (and thc), you have caffeine before and after everything you do ...... "come on hunny lets go shopping, we'll stop off for a coffee first " :)
"go put the kettle on, I'll park the car" << after shop caffeine fix ;)

Ok people this is reality i beg you please don't change your friends daily Most needed caffeine fix with the dreaded DE-CAFF !!! ...... No seriously don't !! It wont be funny to see them tear their hair out in confusion due to caffeine withdrawal;)

good luck with the caffeine love ;)

jokes aside this is actually true and the Starbuck drug pushers ARE actually feeding your civilized and socially acceptable addiction to this drug :)

its cheap, readily available and legal lol ... Win win imo
Fuck off :-P

I come bk after being away for a few months and you've suddenly become the "hey, I'm serious" guy. What the fuck happened?

Glad you are posting as yourself though. The socks were beyond banal.
tough guy

you been off a couple of month ....... Walmart give ya time off?

bring it on person i don't know!! Dick
Fuck off :-P

I come bk after being away for a few months and you've suddenly become the "hey, I'm serious" guy. What the fuck happened?

Glad you are posting as yourself though. The socks were beyond banal.

Where ya been Gonzo? I missed you. But this is a shitty time to come back. A very, very boring time.

And yeah, mainys banal days are behind him. He's way worse now. But his photoshops are as easy to ignore as his prose. He's a pool shitter.
Doing good L, he doesn't have a clue does he? I'm sure I spoke to him multiple times.

Not sure whether I should be annoyed that he doesn't remember who I am or grateful that he thinks wal-mart would consider hiring me.
He hasn't an iota of a clue, which usually makes it funnier, at his expense. Lol at you being grateful that Walmart would hire you! You haven't changed!

It's been a bit different around here lately. Yessi has done a good job of getting the party started again but the thread got locked, for all the right reasons! :)
Where ya been Gonzo? I missed you. But this is a shitty time to come back. A very, very boring time.

And yeah, mainys banal days are behind him. He's way worse now. But his photoshops are as easy to ignore as his prose. He's a pool shitter.

He's a cunt no doubt but surely it must be better than the sockfest it was before.

The dude was having full blown arguments with himself.....and losing. It was an impressive display of dislikability.

I'm good, just got a bit tired of the same old in here but absence makes the heart and all that pish....
He's a cunt no doubt but surely it must be better than the sockfest it was before.

The dude was having full blown arguments with himself.....and losing. It was an impressive display of dislikability, the likes of I've never seen before.

I'm good, just got a bit tired of the same old in here but absence makes the heart and all that pish....
There has been other activity but nothing too notable. Just some guy starting rapey threads and chasing Yessi all over the place.
There have been other sock puppets in the meantime too. The old family hardly ever log on now, it's a shame. :(
He's a cunt no doubt but surely it must be better than the sockfest it was before.

The dude was having full blown arguments with himself.....and losing. It was an impressive display of dislikability, the likes of I've never seen before.

I'm good, just got a bit tired of the same old in here but absence makes the heart and all that pish....
Yeah, he still does that. Every day. Not a thread exists nymore that he hasn't shit upon. I totally understand, but this is an even worse time than ever. A good chunk of the regulars have been missing for a few months.

Nobody really wants to talk about anything because it just got tedious wading thru his shit.

I'm having a wonderful time with the baby. I would post a picture, but that would be insane under the current circumstances. Stay in touch, meet back here in six months, ok?