Best Size HPS


Well-Known Member
nope, temps were in the 80's and you could stick you finger an inch away from the bulb without burns. Yup thatd be a loud mouth.
mate i can stick my finger an inch away from my 600 in a cooltube without getting burnt, fuck me i can touch the glass without getting burnt but thats not the point, when i first got my cooltube i was still using my 250hps, being lured in by the claims of the growshop that yr plants can touch the glass without burning i positioned my 250/cooltube an inch from the top of one of my two plants, yes it didnt burn, but what it did do was bleach the fuck out of the top of my plant and it smelled really strange, so an inch away even with a lil 250 is too close, i had to lift the light back up to around 4inches away for the plant to regain its green colour! I found this 4inches to be around the optimal "sweetspot" for a 250 in the cooltube and 8inches for my 600. So yr claims of succesful grows with 250hps in a pc case i find very hard to believe.