Spring BBQ 2015

was bummed you couldn't make it Angry :( hopefully next time though.
fumble you are my new hero. Thank you soo much. I will be dreaming of sweets and BBQ chicken.
^^^^ agreed, chicken was delicious, so were the shiski's. I found that eating all those sweets put me on my ass halfway through the car ride home, i think 240mg is my limit lol

Thank you very much :) the donut holes will be going into production lol.
It was great to see all the old faces and meet the new ones. :-) i had awonderful time wuth some great people
Awwwwwwww, I'm getting jealous!



EDIT: Doughnut holes??? Homemade???

OMFG if they had weed butter in them I'm going to cry. hahahaha

Happy you all had so much fun. I'm not going to go back and read anything, because then I'm just going to end up Charlie Browning myself and feeling like I'm missing out...


"I got a rock"