Spring BBQ 2015

Nobody will probably recognize my username, but I'm Nuggs' sister. I can't make it to the bbq this time because I have to work. :( But I made a big bowl of macaroni salad that Nuggs is bringing and my son and daughter will be there. Hope everyone has a great time and hopefully I'll see you all at the next one!! Take lots of pictures...
yeah hoo sis first post ! I sampled the salad ! YUM !
Sucks I live prob 750 miles away,heard it was 13 hour drive to denver atleast. I hope the weather is nice over there. Have fun
Sucks I live prob 750 miles away,heard it was 13 hour drive to denver atleast. I hope the weather is nice over there. Have fun
about 20 hours. I drove to the first rec legal can cup and it took 10 hours to SLC, stayed the night and I think it was another 10 going through wyoming then down through fort collins.
Wooohoo!!! Bringing pasta salad, some drinks, capsules and smoke. Don't have any beans or clones but def looking for some good cuttings while there. Sooo stoked ;) discs and disc basket as well. Anything else I need to grab on the way?
I'm close by and have 6 - 9 clones/teens/small plants to give away. 2 Jillybean and 5 banana kush.
I moved everything I'm going to blackbox outside and forgot these inside under a t5.
I will come through about 4pm.
