The UK Growers Thread!

so just do what im doing then
no offence but they look very good for going into stretch, theres no real N burn cos u get matt darkness b4 that and yours look shiney happy plants, get more oxygen in the water so they don't feel they've been watered...leaves stay up, and alls good, a tiny bit less than a mil of tip burn is also ok if u have it
haha trying to save face after being made to look like the cunt you are yet again

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it doesn't matter who is right and wrong. I just don't think yorki should be spreading false information Just to make himself look a lot more skilled then he is.. Real growers know what's up.. yorki himself knows what's up. He's just not man enough to say yea I was wrong. .iInstead he rather just push his wrong information as hard as he can to trick people into believing him.. I don't believe him because I know enough not to...iI just barely know enough to know this guy's full of shit.but a noob might not know that...and that's a problem.
I just don't think yorki should be spreading false information Just to make himself look a lot more skilled then he is.. Real growers know what's up.. yorki himself knows what's up. He's just not man enough to say yea I was wrong. .iInstead he rather just push his wrong information as hard as he can to trick people into believing him.. I don't believe him because I know enough not to...iI just barely know enough to know this guy's full of shit.

it doesn't matter who is right and wrong. I just don't think yorki should be spreading false information Just to make himself look a lot more skilled then he is.. Real growers know what's up.. yorki himself knows what's up. He's just not man enough to say yea I was wrong. .iInstead he rather just push his wrong information as hard as he can to trick people into believing him.. I don't believe him because I know enough not to...iI just barely know enough to know this guy's full of shit.but a noob might not know that...and that's a problem.

It's over gentlemen, lets drop this shit already.. not because we're pussys but because we are adults... we're better then this guys..
Why do you think no one else is trying to school me? Or set me straight?

both yorkie and zedd have shown you exactly why you are wrong and even given you the formula for you to check for yourself, but of course, being so backwards you just simply do not possess the intelligence to understand this, this is called the Dunning-Kruger effect,

“In order to know how good you are at something requires exactly the same skills as it does to be good at that thing in the first place,which means — and this is terribly funny — that if you are absolutely no good at something at all, then you lack exactly the skills you need to know that you are absolutely no good at it.”
both yorkie and zedd have shown you exactly why you are wrong and even given you the formula for you to check for yourself, but of course, being so backwards you just simply do not possess the intelligence to understand this, this is called the Dunning-Kruger effect,

“In order to know how good you are at something requires exactly the same skills as it does to be good at that thing in the first place,which means — and this is terribly funny — that if you are absolutely no good at something at all, then you lack exactly the skills you need to know that you are absolutely no good at it.”
this only applies if the persons IQ is so low that he also cannot learn, the normal model of competence taught at uni is the following; unconsciously incompetent (i.e what u say), consciously incompetent, consciously competent, unconsciously competent....job learnt imo
this only applies if the persons IQ is so low that he also cannot learn, the normal model of competence taught at uni is the following; unconsciously incompetent, consciously incompetent, consciously competent, unconsciously competent....job learnt imo

well the fact he still believes that he is right an yorkie is wrong after both of you have pointed out his error and even explained it to him would certainly be "not learning" lol
Dunning and Kruger proposed that, for a given skill, incompetent people will:

  • fail to recognize their own lack of skill
  • fail to recognize genuine skill in others
  • fail to recognize the extremity of their inadequacy
  • recognize and acknowledge their own previous lack of skill, if they are exposed to training for that skill
well the fact he still believes that he is right an yorkie is wrong after both of you have pointed out his error and even explained it to him would certainly be "not learning" lol
well im a bit confused, I stated the science which didn't conflict with anyone but just clarified what happens with RH, I didn't read anything I particularly disagreed with I thought it was just an excuse for a pissing contest which is entertaining this nite lol
Dunning and Kruger proposed that, for a given skill, incompetent people will:

  • fail to recognize their own lack of skill
  • fail to recognize genuine skill in others
  • fail to recognize the extremity of their inadequacy
  • recognize and acknowledge their own previous lack of skill, if they are exposed to training for that skill
yes but this is not fixed its a stage in learning