Well-Known Member
Here's my cloner with some glue cuts in it, 4/20 cup tomorrow woot i'm excited!

Here's my cloner with some glue cuts in it, 4/20 cup tomorrow woot i'm excited!
View attachment 3397827
Whats plugged in?
Ive heard it makes them root faster but i'm not sure?
Here is an old pic of my low tech homemade aero cloner. I will take a recent one later.
View attachment 3397848 View attachment 3397849
snipping leaves is done because the cutting has no roots to carry water to the leaves. the more foliage on clone the more u have to mist and keep in a dome to prevent wilt. misting leaves slows root growth because the clone adapts to receiving water from the leaves instead of roots.Ive heard of snipping leaves like that as it helps the clones not to wilt under the weight of their own leaves.