• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Settle For Nothing


Well-Known Member
The world went to shit when two things happened.
One is surplus, which a surplus in a wanted material such as wood or food, can be bartered for other goods or converted into currency. Currency which is money, is the reason everyone is fucked. Like people don't even learn from early discoveries that could of saved us like Aristotle and The Politics.
Which says fuck greed which is when making surplus is more important than making what you need, because with a surplus of anything you can just "buy' what you need. Thus making it essential to have money more than anything because it is a gateway to wants. Wants like going to egypt and driving your own fucking car, so really it's your own fucking fault and listening to music lyrics and living by them is going to get you nowhere.
Because the second thing to happen to destroy the world is religion and the mass printing of the bible, and the mass passage of edjucation in the form of books or even to today where it's pixel texts that can be so easily reproduced and used to contribute to complete disestablishment where nobody can trust anything because everyone can think. Thank you Christianity and that fucking monk for progressing us so rapidly into destruction.

Your so fucking gung ho about the school system too, to what fucking purpose though. I mean the only way to get anywhere is to be a perfect little nancy and never slip the fuck up. What's wrong with the schooling system is their is no room for error, no room for learning because your being 'taught'. This also destroys your mind because people are unable to learn they need to be told what to do.
Even if you do fucking pass and shit and go on to college or university you are just funding greed more as you fund the country with your greedy wants till you have a way of making more evil, which is cash. Cash so you can spin the fucking clockwork of the biggest fucking mess that you can't see. We don't need fucking society to be controlled the way it is because you just can't do it this way.
So the world would be better if everyone just... shared? No one drives their own cars, we all pile on buses like people in 3rd world countries, share our bread, water, and wine? People are greedy, man, some people would starve. We've already been corrupted, theres no turning back. School is not just for learning. It's about social experience.



we were given the right to bear arms why? for the reason of over throwing our government if they get too big. back when our ansestors ran the country they would not have stood for this nonsense. but then again they diddnt have a government with guided missles and tanks.
what you reap is what you've sown


New Member
All I'm saying is that our society would be nothing without our government, however shitty it is.
never once did i say eliminate gov't,, the gov't is neccessary.. its neccessray to protect us of the evil we all have inside of us. but they arent and thats why im bitching.. take your fat capitalist American ass and stay off this forum,, like i said,, this is for people who can see,, you are still a blind young boy... and dont tell me to move out of my parents basement,, that is the lamest insult on this website,,, you dont know how old i am and you dont know what my living situation is like... so all in all
STFU ravioli.. your name says it all.. a doughy covering stuffed with fake meat.. thats what you are,, a doughy covering stuffed with fake meat


New Member
and i'll tell you how our gov't fucked up.. everything has to do with supply and demand,, our whole economy is based on that sole factor. when the demand is high and the supply is low the value of the supplies increase.
we have become so dependent upon the things that are "done for us", and that demand keeps increasing at a rate that the supply cannot keep up with... we keep ripping holes in our beautiful earth to take the precious metals that lie within.. and what do we do to replenish these "holes"? nothing... it took us this long (up until a couple years ago in canada anyway) to ban clear-cutting foresty... and do you know why? because these huge companies have so much influence on out gov't becauase they are the big bucks... when the gov't puts sanctions on big businesses that could reduce the cash flow not only does that big business lose money but the gov't also loses money from the tax revenue they would receive... this is called greed... the gov't hasnt been set in place to be greedy and suck as much money as they can, they were set in place to protect us from ourselves... if we could we would rip every last natural resource from our earth with no intention on replenishing these natural reserves for future generations.. why? because humans just dont give a fuck,, and thats the sad truth
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New Member
special mentions/thanks goes out to gogrow, radiokills, and overfiend... you all have good heads... now we just need to make this ravioli dude see the light.. he is very ignorant thats for sure,,, probably brought up to hate communism and anything that may sound like it... oh well.. when we are all free he can continue toiling his life away for a gov't that treats him like shit and fucks everything up


New Member
and what the fuck is this? you think just because some us of dont believe in your pompous capitalist ways, this is will what will become of us? shit, and least they are making good use of those fossil fuels and not driving around in a hummer alone with the A/C cranked... these guys got balls and thats more than you can say... still,, dont compare us to the middle east,, just because I point a finger at North America dosent mean other countries dont have their problems..... dont forget that communism would work if it wernt for corruption.. but thats the problem,, communism is to easily corrupted,, and we are too easily tempted


Well-Known Member
That bus looks more fun than the gay city bus I have to ride in.

I'm not saying their shouldn't be goverment, but we need a complete refocus and a rebirth of society.
This is for the good of the planet and the good of the people.


we need a real FREE country free to me means if im not messin with you dont mess with me and everything will be just fine. and be able to grow and smoke of course


New Member
I don't know what you think a revolution is... and giving me negative reputation was cold man, just for speaking my mind? That's fucked up. I have a different view I get negative rep?
im pretty sure i did that because i told you to stay the fuck off this thread... and i know it's a free world and you can do as you please,, so i can do as i please and neg rep you. its not even like you had a good point or anything,,, its the same bullshit when i hear stuff like this.. one capitalist pig comes in and says the same arrogant shit to back up the government that apparently does so much for him, and im tired of it. streets? your shit is so weak man,, the money they (the gov) puts into thing we citizens use on a day to day basis compared to useless shit (prime example the war in iraq) is mind boggling... so much of our hard earned dollars are going overseas to fight phony wars or going overseas to buy natural resources that we have depleted or have made become so scarce that the value of the resource is astronomical. and why? because the government didnt properly protect us from our greed by implementing sanctions on how much can be taken and how much needs to be put back(if it applies)...
and thats just the tip of the ice burg pal,, you are way the fuck out of your league

this was supposed to be a thread for free people to come and discuss how to make our land even more free,, so i say it again,, stay the fuck of this thread ravioli
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Well-Known Member
Your thread is garbage without a valid argument, wallow in your shithole. Open your mind. Dumbass.
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New Member
i have a valid argument punk, it's you that poses no real argument..and how do i need to open my mind?,, you are the one set on the ways your country brought you up on,, i am the one who has opened his mind to new ideas and concepts. so far you have told us that the gov is good for giving us streets.. and thats shit,, i expect more.. dude you lose,, just get over it
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New Member
Ravioli = more of a bitch than a bitch

btw,, keep coming back and replying,, keep making a fool of yourself,, because I will keep laughing


Well-Known Member
I thought streets were a good thing, obviously not for you, Mr. horse and carriage. I hope George Bush kicks you in your tiny balls.


New Member
$406 billion of taxpayer money spent on interest payments to the shareholders of the national debt... and nothing has been done to reverse the effect of the national debt

$600 billion spent on department of defense yet fucked up shit (i.e. 9/11) still happen
and this is compared to:
less than $10 billion spent on the environmental protection agency

only $10 billion spent on department of energy when if we could use a better source of energy to replace the environmentally polluting, non-renewable source of energy we call fossil fuels we could reduce national debt because we would have to import less of the very pricey commodity. its not like we dont know of a fully renewable source of energy with no harmful emissions,, hydrogen,, and we have known that for a while yet we continue to burn expensive dirty fuels... and these electric cars.. wtf?? were we not having black outs only a couple years ago? water is everywhere! we could also drastically help the environment by finding a way to efficiently use hydrogen (derived from water by means of electrolysis) as a source of energy being that it's only emission is water!

in 2006 the gov was spending almost $100 billion on education... but for 2007 they decided that the american kids are smart enough (lmmfao) so they reduced the spending to $61 billion

and then there are the $billions in social security surplus funds that are dipped into every year with a very loose promise of return,, but hey,, if people are paying in more than they are taking out instead of lowering how much the gov takes and puts into that fund they just dip into it and make you have to keep paying the same amount so they can keep taking all the extra.. seems a little fucked up for them to be taking more than they need and instead of giving this money back,, or maybe putting it to good use it just disappears and makes the national debt go higher


instead of intervening in darfur they choose to intervene in the middle east... you know why? because darfur is a shithole that has nothing the u.s. gov wants... the middle east however has oil.. hmmm oil is becoming scarce.. hmmmm there is a huge global demand for oil.. hmmm coincidence? fuck no! this is all about global domination,, manifest destiny.....

need i go on? because i could,, like i said, i can go on for days on how the gov fucks you over and you do nothing... like the skinny punk bitch gone to jail and get passed around and fucked endlessly.. thats who you are ravioli,, and that is who i am refusing to be,,,

oh and btw,, there is only about $6billion spent on the department of transportation,.. compared to the hundreds of billions wasted

id compare bush to hitler but at least germany had money when he was around... bush is fucking all human rights and still making his country poorer,, thats pretty sad,,, just like that oil company he ran into the ground... how the fuck can you do that? oil... everyone needs that shit and yet someone how a guy who ran an oil company into the ground is president of on of the most "important" countries in the world...

that shit is fucked up

so im coming in with some more Rage

Spun our minds and through time

Ignorance has taken over

Yo, we gotta take the power back!

Bam! Here's the plan

Motherfuck Uncle Sam

Step back, I know who I am
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in 2006 the gov was spending almost $100 billion on education... but for 2007 they decided that the american kids are smart enough (lmmfao) so they reduced the spending to $61 billion

if they can keep us just stupid enough they can keep doing what they please.


Well-Known Member
Your on the right track just in the wrong forum. This needs to be taken to the public especially the one who are ignorant of the facts. This is a little website that politically is not in the for front of the public conscience. Your right of course but this is not going to get you anywhere because we here would rather fly below the radar so to speak. You've obviously done your research and know this for yourself I am sure. If your proactive enough get serious get your education and run for office and change things for the better from the inside!