Obama pokes at Christianity

In order to make a million in this country you have to start with ten million, How many people who work for a living have ten million to start up?

do you often get asked about your drooling?

The healthcare law even locks more people out of becoming rich

making people poor by subsidizing them with money?

If the money of this country were still based on a gold and silver backing there would not need to be so many wage increases as their would be no inflation,

what color is your helmet?

There is no government authority under the constitution to redistribute money, set minimum or maximum wages on peoples incomes or earnings

yes there is.

does your mom label your underwear?

, This is socialism you are living under and its not working out to well is it?

actually, it's capitalism.

what is the name of the person who drives your short bus?

Under what other economic structure can someone come from nothing and become wealthy and realize their dreams?

pretty much all of them.

honestly though, you would have to be evaluated to see if you are even fit to stand trial. i doubt your IQ is above 75.
do you often get asked about your drooling?

making people poor by subsidizing them with money?

what color is your helmet?

yes there is.

does your mom label your underwear?

actually, it's capitalism.

what is the name of the person who drives your short bus?

pretty much all of them.

honestly though, you would have to be evaluated to see if you are even fit to stand trial. i doubt your IQ is above 75.
do you ever have anything intelligent to add to any conversation?
Do you even know what free market capitalism is?Do you know that every rule and regulation that the government adds to include health care is another expense for a start up business locking many out of going into business?Locking many out of the middle class, costing many millions of jobs because the majority of people who work in the economy, over 90% of jobs are from small business,
Honestly you have done no one a favor, not the middle class, not the worker, Why don't you liberals do everyone a favor,,mind your own business and keep your hand out of everyone elses pockets,
The big government you love so much has a 100% track record of fucking up everything it touch's,In obamao hitlers care he has a 110% record of failure
You don't think, you just regurgitate dogma. Like I said, everybody knows.
If someone says they're a Christian, they're a Christian, like when Anders Breivik murdered 77 kids, that was because he was a Christian. When Obama says he's a Christian, that's what he is. Retards like you believe he's a Muslim and practices Islam, even though you same retards criticise the church pastor he had. How does that makes any sense in your pea brain? He's a Muslim, but his Christian pastor was radicalized, so that means Obama is a... radical Muslim?

There are legitimate criticisms of Obama, but you idiots care about what his religion is, what his skin color is, why he doesn't hate all the Muslims enough like you do, why he doesn't hate all the women and gays enough like you do, why he doesn't hate anyone who's not a white enough Christian, like you do.. Lets not worry about domestic spying, the drone program, the for profit private prison industry, too big to fail banks, increasing economic inequality, etc., nah, lets spend all our time and energy on superficial bullshit that doesn't actually matter to the wellbeing of the country, just what makes your feelings not hurt so much tonight before bedtime.. Fuckin' pussies.
Yet you do this a couple dozen times every day..............lol................
Quote one time
If someone says they're a Christian, they're a Christian, like when Anders Breivik murdered 77 kids, that was because he was a Christian. When Obama says he's a Christian, that's what he is. Retards like you believe he's a Muslim and practices Islam, even though you same retards criticise the church pastor he had. How does that makes any sense in your pea brain? He's a Muslim, but his Christian pastor was radicalized, so that means Obama is a... radical Muslim?

There are legitimate criticisms of Obama, but you idiots care about what his religion is, what his skin color is, why he doesn't hate all the Muslims enough like you do, why he doesn't hate all the women and gays enough like you do, why he doesn't hate anyone who's not a white enough Christian, like you do.. Lets not worry about domestic spying, the drone program, the for profit private prison industry, too big to fail banks, increasing economic inequality, etc., nah, lets spend all our time and energy on superficial bullshit that doesn't actually matter to the wellbeing of the country, just what makes your feelings not hurt so much tonight before bedtime.. Fuckin' pussies.
1) Accusation
2)Demand for quote.
3)Quote provided.
So easy!
How did I assign any religious dogma to anyone in that post?

Or are you too stupid to explain yourself like I suspect?

Let's rehash: You demanded I prove a quote of you "assigning dogma to others"
assign specific dogmas to people

So I did:
If someone says they're a Christian, they're a Christian, like when Anders Breivik murdered 77 kids, that was because he was a Christian. When Obama says he's a Christian, that's what he is. Retards like you believe he's a Muslim and practices Islam, even though you same retards criticise the church pastor he had. How does that makes any sense in your pea brain? He's a Muslim, but his Christian pastor was radicalized, so that means Obama is a... radical Muslim?

There are legitimate criticisms of Obama, but you idiots care about what his religion is, what his skin color is, why he doesn't hate all the Muslims enough like you do, why he doesn't hate all the women and gays enough like you do, why he doesn't hate anyone who's not a white enough Christian, like you do.. Lets not worry about domestic spying, the drone program, the for profit private prison industry, too big to fail banks, increasing economic inequality, etc., nah, lets spend all our time and energy on superficial bullshit that doesn't actually matter to the wellbeing of the country, just what makes your feelings not hurt so much tonight before bedtime.. Fuckin' pussies.
Added the term "religious dogma", thus changing my statement into something I never said.
No, you're too stupid to explain it to. And too dishonest
Let's rehash: You demanded I prove a quote of you "assigning dogma to others"

So I did:

Added the term "religious dogma", thus changing my statement into something I never said.
No, you're too stupid to explain it to. And too dishonest
We're talking about assigning religious dogma, ie. "You're a Muslim", "You're a Christian", "You're a Jew", etc.

You retards love to do that every day with Obama and claim he's a Muslim while simultaneously criticising his Christian past (morons)

Good luck finding a quote of mine claiming someone is some other religion than they themselves say they are, idiot
We're talking about assigning religious dogma, ie. "You're a Muslim", "You're a Christian", "You're a Jew", etc.

You retards love to do that every day with Obama and claim he's a Muslim while simultaneously criticising his Christian past (morons)

Good luck finding a quote of mine claiming someone is some other religion than they themselves say they are, idiot
No, you keep try to pretend you specified "religious" when you didn't. I've never claimed Obama was a Muslin, yet you just assigned this belief to me. You have also accused me of being a Jew, thus demonstrating that you have not met this new standard you concocted out of thin air. This seems to be your only debating tactic other than insulting your opponents. You are a stupid, obnoxious liar. You constantly prove your dishonesty everyday.
No, you keep try to pretend you specified "religious" when you didn't. I've never claimed Obama was a Muslin, yet you just assigned this belief to me. You have also accused me of being a Jew, thus demonstrating that you have not met this new standard you concocted out of thin air. This seems to be your only debating tactic other than insulting your opponents. You are a stupid, obnoxious liar. You constantly prove your dishonesty everyday.
that's because obamao is a muslim
That's not how it works, you don't get to assign specific dogmas to people, they do. He says he's a Christian, so if you have any gripe with the things he does and want to blame his religion for it, blame Christianity
Your failure to understand the context of the quote only makes you look dumber, Red..

Stop while you're behind, buddy.. I'm getting secondhand embarrassment from your retarded ass..
how many start ups have 50+ full time employees on the payroll you dumb son of a bitch?

it's actually the red states collectively sucking up all the welfare from the blue states.

sure thing, sweetehart.

you're a dumptruck of stupid.
Im sure you are talking about the exemption of for small business from obamao hitler care for business's having less than 50 employees, in that case the employee you hire has to purchase his own health care, even if they are 17 and you hire them to sweep floors , so now either the tax payer picks up the tab or the employee must pay for the health care.Or the employer must provide a higher than market wage so the employee can purchase their own health care, But you being one of the dumbest mother fuckers on RIU and never hiring anyone for anything or starting up and running a business are not aware of the workers compensation insurance, the business insurance the employment tax, the socialist security tax the bonds licenses and fees.If you want to put a sign in front of your business , for example in my city you have to pay the city 400 bucks just to hang a sign in front of your own business,,If you have a vehicle then you have commercial insurance on it, If you drive a truck then you have to pay the DOT, If you are a contractor then you have to go get a contractor license,every state you have to pay them for a license, then every county or municipality you have to take a test and pay them a fee. Then if you are a contractor every job you do you have to get a building permit to do the work, taking the time to go get the permit and pay them their fee's,We have property tax that has to be paid, fuck I could go on forever on this shit,
Yea you have to be a multi millionaire to start even a small business up thanks to fucking mouth breathing morons like YOU who vote.
Your only talent is running your pie hole calling people names and breeding little bastard children for the rest of society to pay for.
Id love to see you pass a certified real estate appraisers exam or a mechanical contractors license exam, You would be straight fucked, Not in a million years would your dumb ass be able to even pass any of these exams.
None of this shit is free market capitalism, it is straight up socialism and it is a failure just like it has failed everywhere it has been tried.
Its all about the control by the few over the many.
now for your fucked up welfare state.if it were up to me there would be no welfare no food stamps(obamao bucks) NO section 8 housing no subsidies for your utility's no free phones no public housing projects no public schools .
If you want to breed little bastard children go ahead but you would be the one paying for it, But you expect the rest of society to pay for your stupidity and your children .
The rest of society didn't get the pussy, didn't make the mistake of having a kid they cant afford to feed and take care of but has to pay,
Me being a libertarian normally im not for force but if you run around having kids you cant afford forcing others to pay id force you to be sterilized so you cant have any more children forcing others to pay for,same goes for the woman.If you have a kid and sex with fucking losers and have kids you cant pay for you would have a forced abortion or be forced into a public whore house to pay for your own child.
If you want to have sex and children with a loser but expect everyone else to pay who you didn't have sex with then you should be required to have sex with those who are already paying for your sex ,If you are so damn ugly no one wants to fuck you then you can earn your public check by cleaning up the splooge in the whore house.
for the woman also don't expect the rest of society to pay for your birth ,control take responsibility for yourself and your own actions.
Now bucky what names you have to call me now?
I think a man should be free to control his own destiny without interference from others or government,
IMHO the dems are worse than the republicans as far as pandering to the rich and special interests, If you were to observe who has gained the most in the last 6 plus years of obamaos administration you will find the average income of the average American working family has went down by at least 2000 dollars, but the wealth of the rich has sky rocketed,The democrats rail against the rich but have no problems taking money from them and doing favors for them,
Its odd you should say that a vote for a libertarian is a vote for the republican, people I know who are republican tell me the same thing, a vote for the libertarian is a vote for a democrat,
to me what difference does it make what boot is on your neck, the left or the right? its still choking you,
I am a capitalist and can compete against anyone in the market so long as it is fair and no laws regulations or rules are made to benefit the larger companys.
We have not had a true capitalist economy in decades in the US, its all controlled and in favor of those with the money to control the laws and regulations through political contributions and favors,
If you go look at most socialist countrys the average guy who works hard will not get ahead because he is locked out of the market through to many rules, fee's and regulations.I do not need a wage increase, I need decreases in fees and regulations so it does not choke my business out.
The middle class in this country and people who get rich to fuel the economy comes from small business,the health care law and some of the other regulations obamao has implemented has choked the growth engine in this country and the upward mobility of the small business out,
More small business's are closing than opening, This is bad for every American.
That is supposed to be the whole point of capitalism is the average guy or girl can come from nothing and make it rich through hard work and education,
It costs huge amounts of money to start up a business because of the rules and regulations , also tax's that it has locked most people out of upward mobility other than the rich, In order to make a million in this country you have to start with ten million, How many people who work for a living have ten million to start up?
Therefor it locks them into a existence of working for someone else.The healthcare law even locks more people out of becoming rich,
If the money of this country were still based on a gold and silver backing there would not need to be so many wage increases as their would be no inflation,
Switzerland a country that has no minimum wage has the highest income levels in the world, on average of around 50 bucks a hour.
A good economy is all that is needed to increase wages. There is no government authority under the constitution to redistribute money, set minimum or maximum wages on peoples incomes or earnings, This is socialism you are living under and its not working out to well is it?
Bono who is a liberal, has traveled all over the world and seen poverty all over the world came to the conclusion when he said.
Milton Friedman to Donahue said when Donahue was bashing capitalism , capitalism is the worst form of economic structure in the world except for all the rest.
Under what other economic structure can someone come from nothing and become wealthy and realize their dreams?

then you should love this: social democracy aka social capitalism..yes?..please read and let me know your thoughts:
