Anyone else have trouble sleeping?


Well-Known Member
I have non restorative sleep...I can only keep my eyes shut for 1 1/2 - 2 hrs, then I have to get up and move around, and I do that until I get up at 3 from sucks and makes losing weight problematic...
See fuck, and I just move the whole time I am awake.

Yesterday, I was busy cleaning and cooking and shopping and stuff. But I didn't go for a hike or long walk or anything. And my fitbit says I walked....22, 942 steps. 9.72 miles.


Well-Known Member
Well now Im awake...there was a fricken mouse in my room...the cute little bugger...but b4 I found my glasses I was sure it was a tarantula or a scorpion...fuck. i wont get back to sleep now for a minute.


Well-Known Member
I slept for.....WAIT FOR IT....8 fucking hours!!!!!

That's like normal people number there.

Thank you all for the lovely suggestions.

Now that I know it's not my meds fucking with me, and it's just me being a freak about exciting things - I feel much better.

Although my BP was high as shit yesterday.

What, me worry?



Well-Known Member
Well now Im awake...there was a fricken mouse in my room...the cute little bugger...but b4 I found my glasses I was sure it was a tarantula or a scorpion...fuck. i wont get back to sleep now for a minute.
There are enough snakes and cats around here so that the only time I notice mice is when I hear them getting eaten in my yard lol. Tons of spiders though... bastards

And last time I opened the garage door, there was a line of cockroaches in a military form. They're about to infiltrate


Well-Known Member
@Skuxx thats awful. ..i hate roaches...had them in moms on the net and learned everything i could then got rid of them all with gentrol. Haven't seen them since and that was ten yrs ago.
Had a nice nap this afternoon so I'm baking scones for breakfast now. God I hope I sleep tonight


Well-Known Member
@Skuxx thats awful. ..i hate roaches...had them in moms on the net and learned everything i could then got rid of them all with gentrol. Haven't seen them since and that was ten yrs ago.
Had a nice nap this afternoon so I'm baking scones for breakfast now. God I hope I sleep tonight
Gentrol? Thanks I'll look into that. They're everywhere outside, knock on wood haven't seen them inside yet


Well-Known Member
I slept for.....WAIT FOR IT....8 fucking hours!!!!!

That's like normal people number there.

Thank you all for the lovely suggestions.

Now that I know it's not my meds fucking with me, and it's just me being a freak about exciting things - I feel much better.

Although my BP was high as shit yesterday.

What, me worry?

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You stole my sleep. I awoke EVERY hour last night and now I'm tired and pissy. Kept awake in that unreal, mind numbing way that coffee does...


Well-Known Member
My sleeping patterns are buggered right now because of my prescription, non-weed medication. I'm weening myself off it, and awaiting my medicinal marijuana prescription. But I can't fucking sleep! haha, at least I'm real high.

I fall asleep in front of the tv for like an hour or so,,,after a long day of work,,weed,,,and when I get home beers,,a shower,, and dinner,,,,,I may wake at 11-1 at night,,,,then I go to bed,,or have another beer and a toke and go to bed,, pretty much lay there all night and listen to my wife snore,,I constantly jump up to look at the bedside clock and see if it's time to get up,,,,sleep is over-rated


Well-Known Member
I fall asleep in front of the tv for like an hour or so,,,after a long day of work,,weed,,,and when I get home beers,,a shower,, and dinner,,,,,I may wake at 11-1 at night,,,,then I go to bed,,or have another beer and a toke and go to bed,, pretty much lay there all night and listen to my wife snore,,I constantly jump up to look at the bedside clock and see if it's time to get up,,,,sleep is over-rated
Mine's only like that when I'm all excited about something.

I think I'll sleep like a baby tonight. Already tired!

If you eat the weeds, can you sleep for longer?


Well-Known Member
Mine's only like that when I'm all excited about something.

I think I'll sleep like a baby tonight. Already tired!

If you eat the weeds, can you sleep for longer?

Not sure,,,don't have edibles,,got oil,,got kief,,got hash,,got weed ,,got beers,,,,since I quit harder drugs in 2006-2007,,,I have a hard time sleeping and I am grinding the shit outta my teeth when I do sleep,,,to the point I need some taken out and have to get a couple of plates,,,not full dentures,,but some partials


Well-Known Member
Not sure,,,don't have edibles,,got oil,,got kief,,got hash,,got weed ,,got beers,,,,since I quit harder drugs in 2006-2007,,,I have a hard time sleeping and I am grinding the shit outta my teeth when I do sleep,,,to the point I need some taken out and have to get a couple of plates,,,noy full dentures,,but some partials

What about a retainer or grinding plate that you wear at night?



A friend of mine told me that I should put a small drop of the oil he made into chocolate. Like you melt chocolate, put a drop in the chocolate mold, and then cool them.

He decarbs the weed first, so it's already all good to go. I'm told.

Never done it before, I shall experiment soon.