Need help identifying whats wrong with my plant! (pics)


Active Member
Hello, im a long time reader but first time poster. Ive read plenty of guides and i think i got the basics but i still cant get it right.

My grow (3 weeks into veg) is as following:

Soil (Some random i picked up in a shop. NPK 14-7-5) Soil 60% and vermaculite 40%

Indoor grow under 250W CFL. Lights are on 18/6

Temp is between 22-28 constantly and RH% is between 20-50 most of the time.

i water when i feel that its light and not any moisture in the soil(I poke it)

The pot is 3L and i water with about 1L across 3 days.

I add fertilizer 0.25 to 0.5 of recommended dosage by the brand. Gold label nutrients Soil A + B. NPK 6-2-8

I add some ground dolomite lime to keep the runoff water PH between 6 & 7.

The yellowing appeared some days ago and is rotting my plant, it was in a smaller cup before so i transplanted it, but it started showing yellowing leaves before the transplant and i thought it was rootbound. But apparently not.

Ive looked at every single youtube video and growing forum but i cant see whats wrong with my plant. Im thinking some kind of nutrient deficiency since its taking the nutrient from the lower older leaves to the new sprouts because they look healthy, but as the leaves get older they start yellowing.
Help me please.

If i have forgotten something please tell me or ask me and ill get to it!

Thanks for any help in advance!

In the picture u can see from the start they are green then become very ugly, but yellowing apears when they are still healthy!

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Well-Known Member
How sure are you? im not ferting barely anything and very rarely!
Sure looks like it. How many times have you fed it in the three weeks its been alive? Usually you dont need to feed for two weeks, i know your running quite a weak mix but really you shouldnt have had to feed it yet. And if your feeding anywhere near half dose to that girl thats a spoogeload. Have you been keeping track of your feeds?


Well-Known Member
Usually i reserve the phrase dialed in for plants that look....uhh....less nutrient burnt. Do you think shes burnt or is it just me?
Why do you always question people whose opinions/advice contradict yours? Its getting a little annoying.


Well-Known Member
it seems like nute burn. I did the same mistake last year and gave her a little bit more fert and things get even worse.

don't give her any ferts for a time and check the label of soil if possible. It probably contains some time release ferts.

wait the soil to dry, than give water. overwatering is also a problem especially with the time release ferts.

best of luck.


Active Member
Ok Everyone seems to be agreeing on fert problems. But if i recall correct it started to burn a bit at the edges before i even added fert. So it might be the soil.

My best bet is to flush? How do i do that exactly? cuz ive already done that i think. Should i flush again? And is she saveable?

Ive been feeding 2 times with very low but that combined with the soil i guess shes just burnt then.

AND you guys arguing stfu!


Well-Known Member
Ok Everyone seems to be agreeing on fert problems. But if i recall correct it started to burn a bit at the edges before i even added fert. So it might be the soil.

My best bet is to flush? How do i do that exactly? cuz ive already done that i think. Should i flush again? And is she saveable?

Ive been feeding 2 times with very low but that combined with the soil i guess shes just burnt then.

AND you guys arguing stfu!
Put them in the bathtub, run water through, lots. It sounds like your useing a really strong fertilizer. Do you have a ppm meter? That will give you more insight as to whats going on in the plants rootzone. Its also nice to see what your runoff is leaching out of the soil, especially if you see thes burn symptoms later in flower, i like to make sure im not having runoff pushing over 1500ppm. Then your getting toxic and chances are theyre on their way to burning if not already showing signs.


Well-Known Member
Shes most definately saveable. Unfortunately an early burnt plant will usually continue to show burn symptoms for a while after the problem has been corrected, aka, continued crispng of leaves. The flush will help, make sure shes dry and flush at the next watering, turn the heat up a bit and increase airflow to dry the grow medium faster. I think ;)


Active Member
THanks for the replies everyone, esp Alienwidow. Ill see what i can do and hope i remember to come back here and report how it went!


Well-Known Member
THanks for the replies everyone, esp Alienwidow. Ill see what i can do and hope i remember to come back here and report how it went!
ChaaaaMon! AnydayMon! Were here to help, thats what we do, usually theres bickering but then there's usually a general concensus and something gets figured out..and some people learn some stuff...we hope :):):)


Well-Known Member
You can't focus on old growth when diagnosing problems. Plants grow vertically. So, logically, if new growth is healthy and old (lower) growth is suffering, youve dialed in the plants nutrient needs. There may have been toxicity at an earlier time, but not anymore, which again is evident by healthy new growth.


Active Member
Hey deadgro. Thats not correct and 100% true.

While new grow looks healthy it quickly becomes yellow-leaved and exactlly as the old leaves NOW. What do you make of that?


Active Member
I want to add that this has happened before with another seed so its not genetic, its something with my grow.

Im planning on flushing it the next 2 waterings to see improv!