Blue Wizard
Well-Known Member
Where is the "all of the above" answer in the poll?

She's stole my hat! The biatch!!!Where is the "all of the above" answer in the poll?
Hot. Looks like something that would materialize from my imaginative, hallucinogenic soup induced psychosis. Also Looks like she tastes like candy. , ,
Oh snap you like necks too? Rare to find members of the neck admirer club. Chicks with those skinny necks turn me on. Sexy as fuck. So elegant. It riles me up. I love wrapping my hands around their neck. It's like ,,,,, i want to break it ,,,or kill them or something. I cannot explain it. So delicate and feminine. I love women. Fucking feels amazing . So does drugs. Drugs and fucking,,,,yes. God will give me even more of these things in the next afterlife; a palace full of fine exotic bitches in rooms stockpiled with psychedelic entheogens.Legs, neck, abs, those two dimples just above the butt. More erotic than t and a.
After catching up on the hottest thread oon TnT at the moment, I answer:
Yessica's zombie tits and Lahada's sunburnt ass.
Thought I smelled goat nutsGo check out Yessica's 'worst breakup on RIU.....' thread. You have to start at page 1 and read every post to truly earn the last 10 pages...
You got something against sunburned ass?!?