Spring BBQ 2015

Paper plates & napkins....we have plenty of forks/spoons/cups, but we will need plates & napkins. So bring something to throw on the grill or some plates or napkins...see you there!:)
Camping! My son would be pissed if we don't,and we look forward to meeting every one too. I have been on a roll guys when it comes to meeting members. Since dec 13 when I drove to SoCal I have met ten growers I can think of of hand and stayed with three of them. There are some great folks on here.
I'm lucky, only 150 miles this time!

Edit: you all are tempting me to camp. . . but man Sleeping in AC sure is nice :0P
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It took me 12 hours in December to get there. I was welcomed by a nice fatty of SR71 and a group hug from the BBQ Friday night crew.
Yes, the SR-71 Purple Kish was flowing that night, I remember it well!
A fire that was struggling,
Then a faint light appears from the fog, "Is that Mohican" Treeman yells!
"I must be in the right spot" was the response from the car. Out came a wise man bearing gifts...the gifts were bags of many different strains of seeds! Our brother Mohican has arrived and hugs were exchanged!

Something like that, I was stoned!!!