Well-Known Member
there are many, many differences actually.
Good lord you have an insane amount of posts dude. Do you get paid for it? I'm not trying to be condescending in anyway but I have never seen that many posts.
there are many, many differences actually.
Good lord you have an insane amount of posts dude. Do you get paid for it? I'm not trying to be condescending in anyway but I have never seen that many posts.
Good lord you have an insane amount of posts dude. Do you get paid for it? I'm not trying to be condescending in anyway but I have never seen that many posts.
We didn't have a war in Iraq? Really, you're going to argue that?And did it happen? No it didn't.
Bill Clinton did not try and start a war with Iraq. He had the no fly zones for northern iraq and southern iraq. Meaning no war planes could fly in those areas. I know I was apart of operation northern watch in Iraq while I was in the Air Force in a Combat Search and Rescue Unit.
The only force we used was to shoot down a war plane if it was to fly in the no fly zones and to destroy anti air missile sites before they shot down one of our jets and that is why my unit was there, to rescue the pilot/pilots. Look it up, and post some links to back up your facts for fuck sake.
Hi, red. How is your tiny penis doing today?We didn't have a war in Iraq? Really, you're going to argue that?
Iraq was theocratic in 1952. It was secular in 1954. Therefor your statement was not only false, but a lie. Is sarcasm over your head?I said "Iran went from secular to theocratic as a result of the 1953 US led coup", how did you misunderstand that as "Iran didn't exist before 1953"?
It's false is it? Ever hear of operation Ajax?
So that --> "You are blind to that which you do not want to see." would be all you, buddy. The CIA takes full credit for it.
The 53 coup led directly to the Iranian revolution in 1979
"The Iranian Revolution (also known as the Islamic Revolution or the 1979 Revolution; Persian: انقلاب اسلامی, Enghelābe Eslāmi or انقلاب بیست و دو بهمن) refers to events involving the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty under Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, who was supported by the United States and its eventual replacement with an Islamic republic under the Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the revolution, supported by various leftist and Islamic organizations and Iranian student movements."
The revolution led to the theocratic government led by Khomeini
Take a history class you moron.
You haven't been looking then. Uncle Buckhead has multiples of what I have. I'm sure there are many others.Good lord you have an insane amount of posts dude. Do you get paid for it? I'm not trying to be condescending in anyway but I have never seen that many posts.
So you, once again, have no rebuttal.
And you never much of anything intelligible to say. That is your best effort yet. A dick pic. I'm impressed, NOT.ω==D
lol. Why not man up, and post a shot of your junk? Oh, wait....I know why....cause it's tiny withered and like 65 years old. Take your seething jealousy, and your tiny old man wiener and go troll another thread.When the opposition has all their lies disproved and is reduced to posting dick pics, it's time to accept their defeat and bow out gracefully
When the opposition has all their lies disproved and is reduced to posting dick pics, it's time to accept their defeat and bow out gracefully
The truth is that black males are just more inclined to criminality.
I never said blacks have a "propensity" to commit crime.
One last thing, During Clintons presidency in the midterm elections Republicans took over the upper and lower house in congress for the first time in 40 years. Bush Senior attacked Baghdad during the Gulf war and lied to Saudi Arabia about Iraqi troops on their border to get their support to let hundreds of thousands of US troops into Saudi to squash Iraq in Kuwait which use to be part of Iraq until 1961 and the US started, for the first time, using depleted uranium munitions which the A-10 tank buster plane uses which caused the gulf war syndrome and thousands of deformed babies in Iraq and over a hundred thousand Iraqi civilians were killed in the gulf war. Clinton never ever tried to go to war with Iraq.
Take a history class you moron.
Clinton was also confronted with problems in Iraq. In 1991, two years before Clinton became president, the United States under President George H. W. Bush participated in the Persian Gulf War to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi occupation. In 1991, the warring parties signed a cease-fire agreement and the United Nations Security Council passed UNSC Resolution 687 requiring Iraq to eliminate its weapons of mass destruction and allow inspectors from the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) to monitor the country's adherence to the agreement.[19] In addition to UN inspections, to ensure the Iraqi compliance of UNSC Resolution 688 which called for Iraq to end its oppression of Iraqi citizens, the no-fly zones over Iraq were established by the U.S. and its allies to protect the Kurds in Iraqi Kurdistan and the Shiites in southern Iraq from aerial attacks by the Iraqi government.
On June 26, 1993, Clinton ordered a cruise missile attack on the Iraqi Intelligence Service's (IIS) principal command and control complex in Baghdad, publicly announced as retaliation for the assassination attempt by the IIS on former President George H. W. Bush while he was visiting Kuwait in April of that year to commemorate a coalition victory over Iraq in the Persian Gulf War. Fourteen cruise missiles were launched from the USS Peterson and nine were launched from the USS Chancellorsville. Sixteen of the missiles hit the target; three struck a residential area, killing nine civilians and wounding 12. Four of the missiles were unaccounted for.[20] This strike was in violation of international law, although that point is contentious.[21]
In October 1994, Baghdad once again began mobilizing around 64,000 Iraqi troops near the Kuwaiti border because of their expressed frustrations of economic sanctions imposed on Iraq by the United Nations Security Council.[22][23] In response, the U.S. begins to deploy troops in the Persian Gulf to deter Iraqi aggression against Kuwait. Code-named Operation Vigilant Warrior, 1st Brigade of the Fort Stewart, Georgia-based 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized) deployed and drew pre-positioned equipment in Kuwait. The 23rd Wing's (Flying Tigers) 75th Fighter Squadron (Tigersharks) and its full complement of A-10s initially deployed from Pope AFB, North Carolina to Dhahran Air Base, Saudi Arabia, followed by the first forward deployment to Ahmed Al Jaber Air Base, Kuwait. This allowed better face-to-face coordination with tactical air control parties (TACP) assets further forward deployed at Camp Doha, Kuwait and points north. Iraq would later withdraw troops near the Kuwaiti border in response to a massive U.S. military buildup. This served to increase U.S. and Coalition resolve to contain Iraqi aggression against their neighbors in the Middle East.[citation needed]
In September 1996, Clinton ordered Operation Desert Strike, when ships from the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) Battle Group, including the USS Laboon (DDG-5, and the USS Shiloh (CG-67), in conjunction with B-52 bombers escorted by F-14D Tomcats from the USS Carl Vinson, launched 27 cruise missiles against Iraqi air defense targets in southern Iraq.[24] A second wave of 17 missiles was launched later that day.[25] The missiles hit targets in and around Kut, Iskandariyah, Nasiriyah, and Tallil.[26] This was done in response to Saddam Hussein attempting to launch an Iraqi military offensive campaign in the Kurdish town of Arbil in Iraqi Kurdistan.
In Clinton's 1998 State of the Union Address, he warned Congress of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's possible pursuit of nuclear weapons:
Together we must also confront the new hazards of chemical and biological weapons, and the outlaw states, terrorists and organized criminals seeking to acquire them. Saddam Hussein has spent the better part of this decade, and much of his nation's wealth, not on providing for the Iraqi people, but on developing nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them. The United Nations weapons inspectors have done a truly remarkable job, finding and destroying more of Iraq's arsenal than was destroyed during the entire gulf war. Now, Saddam Hussein wants to stop them from completing their mission. I know I speak for everyone in this chamber, Republicans and Democrats, when I say to Saddam Hussein, "You cannot defy the will of the world", and when I say to him, "You have used weapons of mass destruction before; we are determined to deny you the capacity to use them again.[27]
The UNSCOM team faced resistance from Iraq, which blocked inspections and hid deadly germ agents and warheads.[28] Clinton then threatened military action several times when Iraqi President Saddam Hussein attempted to stall the UNSCOM inspections.[29] To weaken Saddam Hussein's grip of power, Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act into law on October 31, 1998, which instituted a policy of "regime change" against Iraq, though it explicitly stated it did not speak to the use of American military forces. On December 16–19, 1998, Clinton ordered four days of concentrated air attacks against military installations in Iraq. This was in response to Saddam's refusal to cooperate with UN inspectors. After the bombing, Hussein blocked any further UN inspections and announced its attempt to shoot down Coalition aircraft in the no-fly zones over Iraq. For several years afterward, U.S. and Coalition aircraft routinely attacked hostile Iraqi defense installations in Iraq, in response to what the Clinton administration claimed were "provocations" by the Iraqi military, including antiaircraft fire and radar locks on U.S. and Coalition aircraft.
The UN sanctions against Iraq that the United Nations Security Council imposed after the Gulf War remained in place during the Clinton administration. These sanctions are alleged to have contributed to increased child mortality there.[30][31] Albright later wrote "Saddam Hussein could have prevented any child from suffering simply by meeting his obligations.[32]
Holy mother of fuck you are stupid, Red!Iraq was theocratic in 1952. It was secular in 1954. Therefor your statement was not only false, but a lie. Is sarcasm over your head?
So that --> "You are blind to that which you do not want to see." would be all you, buddy. The CIA takes full credit for it"
Yes, the CIA takes full credit for overthrowing the theocratic government that was in power prior to 1953 and installing the secular government of the Shah.
Jimmy Carter failed to continue support foe the Shah's secular government when the Shah was dying, thus leading to to revolution. Your lame attempt at rewriting history has failed.
Holy mother of fuck you are stupid, Red!
"Iraq"? We're talking about IRAN here fucktard, go get your countries right and get back to me..
Iran was secular in 1952, Mossadegh's reign lasted from 1951-1953 when the CIA ousted him via illegal international coup because he wanted to nationalize the oil industry and provide for Iran. Western interests saw to it that Iran's oil would not be nationalized, the Shah was installed, Iran went to shit (because of economic and foreign policies, not because of secular legislation), the people hated it and western involvement in middle eastern affairs, and that led to the revolution in Iran. It shouldn't surprise anyone that western influence stole from Iran from 53-79, Islamic influence promised a better life because the west was fucking them over so much and they bought it, no different than the majority of our retarded population bought into the "weapons of mass destruction" lie before the Iraq war. Populations can easily be manipulated, it happens to ours just as much as it happens to theirs at the benefit of the government, no matter the party in charge.
One last thing, During Clintons presidency in the midterm elections Republicans took over the upper and lower house in congress for the first time in 40 years. Bush Senior attacked Baghdad during the Gulf war and lied to Saudi Arabia about Iraqi troops on their border to get their support to let hundreds of thousands of US troops into Saudi to squash Iraq in Kuwait which use to be part of Iraq until 1961 and the US started, for the first time, using depleted uranium munitions which the A-10 tank buster plane uses which caused the gulf war syndrome and thousands of deformed babies in Iraq and over a hundred thousand Iraqi civilians were killed in the gulf war. Clinton never ever tried to go to war with Iraq.
Take a history class you moron.
Ignorant, and proud of it. Can't let facts influence your opinions?