What are your opinions on drugs dealers?


Well-Known Member
I personally don't like them because when you're on the street there's no morals you got to stay grinding on top of your game which can result to violence and under age people gaining access to drugs the drug dealer himself might not be a bad guy but what he represents and his chain and higher people on top are the scums.
I personally don't like them because when you're on the street there's no morals you got to stay grinding on top of your game which can result to violence and under age people gaining access to drugs the drug dealer himself might not be a bad guy but what he represents and his chain and higher people on top are the scums.

There are many types of drug dealers. Can you give us more context about who you are speaking of? Street dealers, right?
Yeah street dealers now there's some that might not be like this but the more of a successful ones are the ones that are linked to gangs too.

I've always avoided them as they offer more risk than I care to be exposed to. I always bought drugs from a dealer that dealt from their home, not on the street. So I really don't have ny opinions other than that.

If you accept the worldview of The Wire, lots of these kids don't really have a choice. But the dealers I used were grown up and taken a conscious choice to be a societal scourge.

But buying drugs on the street always seemed a really bad idea to me. It also makes me pretty sad that a bunch of urban yutes cannot walk down the street of their neighborhood without a bunch of suburban white kids asking them if they sell drugs. That would blow.

But here are my "risk factors" in descending order.
- inherent violence risk - catching a bullet
- drug risk; poor quality
- cop risk,; I stick out like a sore thumb
Just like any other business there are reputable ones and those that aren't....... And the thing is they both can end up dead or in jail just like anybody else !
Just like any other business there are reputable ones and those that aren't....... And the thing is they both can end up dead or in jail just like anybody else !
That's so true but the sad part is a good drug dealer and a bad both have similar fate which is sad because of laws