The seed list...mostly

Ok time for an updated list, hopefully its easy to read and understand. Keep in mind the descriptions given are for mothers and fathers generally as many have yet to be tested....maybe by you?!

Seed List

Udated: Today


Tahoe hybrids: he imparts a GREAT deal of vigor to all he touches, sometimes dulling down resin production from original mother, has shown to impart larger flowers for most/all hybrids tested, flavors range from very little change to imparting heavy tahoe OG flavor.

Listed are females, most with varietal name first

Pak-PCk, Pakistani Citral Kush,

Grape Ape, The GAT, large yields, vigorous, some variation, all nice,


CST, Chem Sour Diesel

T3, TheTruth, WIN, HUGE plants 5 fems, just great smells from Truth to Tahoe

Sour Tahoe, Sour OG

Maui Wowie, the 2 fems found were huge, medium smell, enormous flowers, and 9+ week flower

Coast to Coast, NYCD,

Starhoe, starDawg

WiTa, WiFi, a wonderful cut

Naughty Tahoe, XXX OG

Mamboe, MambaDUD, very similar to the Mom, better aroma and much improved vigor,

Lemon OG, Lemon Skunk

Stateline, ChemSis


male giant vigor, large flowers, huge pollen release, at end(when too close to lamp) pistils formed waling with resin gland, aroma was just as his siblings; citrus freshness

PCK, 2 purple phenos, #3,4 The 3 was a much better yield and thicker flowers, 4 a novelty low yields long thin foxtails, both had good resin production and clean fresh citrus aroma, flavor was mild citrus, bland

BubbiStan Kush, Pre98 Bubba Kush

Tange-istan, aka TCK, Tange Haze, (Dudes Diesel?), OF MEDICAL VALUE, 30% OR MORE SHOWING HIGH CBD

Space Pak, Magic Space Mutt, AlienDawg v2 x Magic Merlin

Old man Pakistan, GDP, possibility it may be Flo?

Grape Yeti, Grape Ape

Tribal Territory, Mazar-i-Sharif


Double Purple Dojo Ix, Jaws gear, overall bland with mild to medium effects, a nice relaxed buzz, males have both large thin flowers both are red/purple from onset.

heirloom at this point. Separated the Darkness, black phenotype, all had similar aromas belgian wit, yeasty berries, some had more funk to them, affects are mild, medium smoke in quality, will be used only as a breeding tool

Extrema, ChemD x Herijauna, amazing sweet chem flavor and extremely potent.

Double purple Daddy, GDP(flo?), grown this for 2 years not realizing it was flo?

Sour Dojo; sour OG, DNA

The Chemical Purple; Chem91

Red Herrer; Jack Herrer

Passiflora; Somango

Flo Jo; Flo, classic DJ Short’s “Temple Flo” sweet nag champa aroma and flavor

Dark Magik; Magik

JamBang 2013….

5 males and 4 females first run with all. Similar to Truth, our amazing Jamaican/Caribbean, in form and vigor, aroma; some sweeter and not stomach turning funky, Truth aroma similar to old laundry and sour yogurt.

Jamaican, f3,

Jamaican lights, NL

Jamaican Voodoo, Magik

Dancehall, Flo, real good results

91 Jamaicans, Chem91

Redneck Rasta, Pre98 Bubba, good results

Lost Tribe, Kosher Kush, real good results

Jamaican Grape, Grape Ape

Northern Lights,

303 Seeds "citrus" pheno, all very uniform in growth, vigorous, form varied in branching respond well to topping, very good producers all around, Males used are both truly impressive. huge and dropped massive amounts of pollen, matched female counterparts in terms of flower size, healthy stretch on both males and 1.5-2x stretch in flower

NL, f2, all got hit, only one may not be used, testing will be required. 1-4 yes.

Cherry D all finished on 5-9

Dream Light, Blue Dream

Search Light, Lost Dawg, real

Soured citrus, sour OG, DNA,

Light Show, JamBand

Corrosive Light, Acid from Paradise seeds, WIN!!, massive citrus dense gland prodution,
GPM, Grand Pappy Magik,

GDP x Magik male, odd sugary licorice maybe a little bubblegum?, very large yields on most a single intersex issue of 4 specimens, creeper style potent high, 3 min after consumption sometimes. flavor is a good transfer from aroma, support is a must, good plants to be found in these hybrids

GPM, f2

Granddaddy Majik, GDP, bx

Sorcerer, Magik,

Ritualistic Dance, Mamboe


Used 2 males of varying growth habit and aroma, phenotypic expression matched the different females from same seed group. Citrusy and earth; motor oil/ mechanics shop were the 2 main aromas, varying only slightly from those. open pollination.

M-i-S P2, 1,2,3,5,6 fems 7-9 week

Reemus, Mother of Romulan, Korean Stick bud, original pre Romulan Joe cut, landrace, 10week

Snowden; Truth, Jamaican landrace, 9 week flower

Mazar-i-Pana, Panama, "NaturalTherapy/Light’s" cut, seed from ACE, 11 week flower

Al-kamia; Chem4

Afghani Lemons; Lemon Skunk, turns gold when finished, finicky, lemonheads aroma and flavor

Sumac; Blueberry, old school Blueberry we all know and one point

Cookie-Sharif, Girl Scout Cookies, "forum"

Addictive Afghani, Green Crack, 8 week, may be form an S1 seed origin

Tahoe male run

Another run using the same amazing stud,

FloTa; Flo

Some OG; Skywalker

Spectral OG; Ghost OG

T3, Truth

HMS-Tahoe; HMS, wonderful oldschool haze. haze flowers on indica plants large yields 9wk

Peak og; Kosher Kush, Jews gold pheno, 9-10 weeks

Reno and Back; Reno, (Green crack x tahoe), winner this is a bx to the Tahoe OG male

14er Special; Girl Scout Cookies, forum

Gastation; Petrol(sour Diesel), 10 week

Keepin Tahoe Blue; Blue Dream, haze pheno,

Ramus; Romulan, KSB, 10 week

Alien Work order; Alien Torch, WiFi x alien og x Wifi fire alien, sweet and sour fuel golf ball flowers, high yield

Tangerine Kush,

Rare Dankness seed, male reeks of orange/tangerine rind, citrus and acrid, vigor for day strong and weighty, flavor transfer was good on females, male is a spitting image of fems and flowers were large and dropped massive amounts of pollen. Theses seeds are UNTESTED, finished in 0314, we are excited for these

Tangerine Kush, massive yields 10weeks sweet and bitter tangerine aroma

Black Tangerine; Double Purple Dojo(Black/purple pheno, Jaws Gear)

FoCo Tange; FoCo Tange(kirks), aroma of oranges and flo, potent moderate yield, 9wk

Spectral Tangerines; Ghost OG, 9-10wk

Tangerine Sandies; Girl Scout Cookies, forum, WINNER

Hellish Tangerines; Hells Angel OG

Tangerberry Blue; Blueberry, 8 wk

Citric Acid; Acid, DutchPassion seed, huge, vigorous, potent, grapefruit rind aroma/flavor, 9 wk

Da Juice; Flo, 8wk

Kosher Tangerines; Kosher Kush, 9wk

Tangerberry Black; Blackberry Kush, 8-9wk

Citrus Explosion; Lemon Skunk, 8wk

Mamboe (Mamba x DoubleUnderDawg), mom is like WOAH! enomous geriatric chemmy stench slower growth is heavily branching, she was crossed to our Tahoe OG. WIN. improved vigor and equally potent, not quite as racy as mom. Male was found and used to pollinate a few select fems on a last minute decision.

Lem-Chem; Lemon Skunk

Dancing Ghost; Ghost OG

Dancing Lights; Northern Lights, 303 seed, citrus

Dancing princess; Cindy 99 rank and stinky good yields(Mosca seeds)

Chocolate Thai F3,

BillyGoat seed stock, 3 fems with 3 males, massive flowers, hints of sweet almond and earthy citrus more than a chocolate aroma, vigorous and done most for preservation, 9 week maybe 10 total flowering time. There is definitely potential for this variety

Chocolate Thai F4,

Blue Chocolate; Blueberry, a classic DJ Short 2000’s BB. afghani blueberry muffin aroma

Addictive Thai; Green Crack

Thai Charm; Southern Charm, 8-9 wk, berry wine, purples from onset of flower

Chem Thai; Chem Sis

Spicy Thai; Fire Og bx, from seed, OGRascal

Viet-Thai; Vietnam

R14er, reversal.

This variety was gifted as a clone from seed R4 s1 (Greenwerks in denver. not the gifter) tested @ 21.39 cbd .91 thc, SLOOOW growing indica stature, very interesting terpenoid profile on this one as well.

Dude Tange, 1:1 med value

TCK, aka Tangistan gorgeous medicine. 8-9wks showing 1:1 and 2:1 in some aprox 30%


Tangerine Kush


Fire OG hybrids

Fire OG bx massive flowers and decent pontcy, male was enormous and auto flowered. Extremely vigorous growth on all. Sweet Kushy aroma

Fire og bx, F2,

Medicinal Fire; R14, aka Charlotte's Web, tested 21.39% CBD and 0.93% THC

Lucky Fire; Lucky Charms, Hollywood PK x Appalachia

Pyromancy; Magik, the sweet and sour grapey/berry foot funk we all love

ECDF, East Coast Diesel Fire; ECSD

Mag-Ma, Mamba x Double Underdawg, massive “geriatric” chem aroma/flavor, extreme potency

Delta Fire; Triangle Kush

Azar; Mazar-i-Sharif, a rank peanut butter aroma, and devastating stone

Fire Charm; Southern Charm, hoping for great color

Bright Cookies hybrids

This has been a true winner across the board. nearly all have offered wonderful flavor and high while increasing yields from the GSC lineage. NL males imparted a lovely citrus back end to all they touched and these were no exception. A good bit of the citrus still comes through on the GSCbx and Hamantashen

Cookies bx; GSC “forum”, a lovely hybrid carrying a strong influence from the NL fathers. A mild lemon/citrus touch is left on potent heavy yielding and resinous flowers

Hamantash; Triangle Kush, the one and only legendary Triangle Kush

Doraemon; Vietnam, a lovely seletion with heavy sweet floral aroma/flavor

Rumballs; Drunken Monkey, Grape Ape x Moonshine Haze

Bakery OG; Fire og bx

Brightberry Cookies; Blackberry Kush, Outstanding flowers!!!!

Bright Medicine; R14

SOON….finish date will be March 30

Cookies bx hybrids

The males appeared to be champions. Vigorous as can be, large, upright aromatic and heavy pollen production and large flower clusters.

Cookies Bx f2, the most GSC leaning pheno found was used here, beautiful flowers heavy yields of cookies with a touch of citrus and vanilla(a bit “kushy”)

14 Cookies; GSC

Scouts Honor v2.0; TRUTH

Sour Cookies; Ecsd

Gorilla Frosting; GG4

? ; Bright Cookies 4 and BC#2

Legendary Cookies; Legend OG

Lady Fingers; Cookies bx

Pound Cake; Southern Charm, great color and skunky berry aroma

Lemon Chiffon; Lemon G

Note; dates on packages are labeled in month and year only, 0314, eg.march 2014. Info listed after the mother is describing the mother, unless otherwise noted.
week three of veg . one declared female lots of vigour.
Homebrew, I'm plannin on making it down this week or next weekend. Do you guys sell clones? What do clones/seed packs run?
I am really interested in your work as well @homebrew. Its a bit of a drive for me thats why i havent made it in, living im eastern co. Does anyone have any final product reviews feed back or pictures? Thanks
@bleak303, these are all f1 tester seeds of different varieties.


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so this statement,
"SOON….finish date will be March 30

Cookies bx hybrids

The males appeared to be champions. Vigorous as can be, large, upright aromatic and heavy pollen production and large flower clusters.

Cookies Bx f2, the most GSC leaning pheno found was used here, beautiful flowers heavy yields of cookies with a touch of citrus and vanilla(a bit “kushy”)

14 Cookies; GSC

Scouts Honor v2.0; TRUTH

Sour Cookies; Ecsd

Gorilla Frosting; GG4

? ; Bright Cookies 4 and BC#2

Legendary Cookies; Legend OG

Lady Fingers; Cookies bx

Pound Cake; Southern Charm, great color and skunky berry aroma

Lemon Chiffon; Lemon G"

was nothing more that a lie! haha I will begin harvest this Sunday! JUst in time for those of interest around 420

Thanks to the 1Nonly homebrew420 for the opportunity to add some new flavs to the stable! I received these back in Nov 2014 and am just now seeing the results.IMG_0187.jpg

every seed was planted for this pheno hunt.

In the beginning it was difficult to imagine just what we would see transpire, being especially interested in the Fire, Alien, and Tangerine x's.

After vegging ALL seed plants for 5-6wks, we were able to pre sex most. Any identified as a male was fed to our chickens, the rest were at that point backed up with multiple clones.

Within 7 days most plants on the fem fence showed and we happily ramped down to 4 plants per light.

(Thanks to a huge heads up from HB420, the Firey x's all got axed wk 2.5 due to repeated late stage herm tendencies with serious seed potential)

So that brings us to our current standing, day 37 bloom....

A Sour Purple Kush pheno, an in between, smells like sour kush, slight purpling on lowers...

Another Sour Purple Kush pheno, the def kush dom pheno packing, no purps yet.

A shot of the 4 SPK phenos under 1k. The two lanky gals in the back are the sour phenos out of the 4, longer flowering time fo sho.

Now a look @ the Phantom Tangerine phenos. Overall stacking nicely, most have a faint tangerine scent with an almost tropical industrial cleaner scent.

She be stacking...Have one pheno that is ballz out fucking tangerine rind so bitter sweet make your eyes water, the stuff dab dreams are made of... Not sure if the ghost will come through, not sure it's even true ghost og (from HB420).

Lastly the Alien Work Order (Alien Torch x Tahoe OG) in the immediate foreground and background (w/plant stake). These gals are just plain mysterious. I cannot even begin to identify the smell these girls have as my tangerine is louder than everything else in the room.

With 20+ days to go we are not even close to final swell. Maybe it's the seed vigor or just the hybridized combos, but either way I'm pretty pumped to see the local team 14er bringing such flame to the game!