Broad mites???

I'm thankful for your feedback im just tripping over here... I have never had to hit the reset button and I just want to be sure I'm keeping them under control my buddy came over and said nuke em doesnt work .. others says it does ... he recommends AVID ... but that shit is hella strong and expensive!! I just sprayed today and hit my walls with bleach and extra nuke em mixed together... keeping my fingures crossed they are mite free.
I'm already down 4 weeks from the initial RESET and now back to where i was originally.
the only way to the be certain is to grab yourself a pocket scope.
With something like this you will see them if they are there. They're impossible to see with a naked eye, until theyre heavily colonized, at which point they look like powder

Also, i would stay away from avid until you need an extreme solution... thats some mean shit

Thanks, I actually have a cheap 100x hand microscope from amazon I got for 15$. It has a small cheap led light on it that runs off an AA battery. I also put my smart phone flash light up next to the white plate that I set the leaves and tops on to inspect for mites STILL I see nothing moving under my 100x scope I guess that's good news. But I'm day 10 into flower and I see slooooow progress (if any at all) flipped March 28th...

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I'm thankful for your feedback im just tripping over here... I have never had to hit the reset button and I just want to be sure I'm keeping them under control my buddy came over and said nuke em doesnt work .. others says it does ... he recommends AVID ... but that shit is hella strong and expensive!! I just sprayed today and hit my walls with bleach and extra nuke em mixed together... keeping my fingures crossed they are mite free.
Don't mix bleach with Nuke 'em, You need to do the bleach first (5 to 7 % in solution) and let it dry, then apply Nuke 'em. Your killing the Nuke 'em if you add it to the bleach solution.
Thanks Dave,

Notice your a new member welcome ! I've been on here maybe a year? I think I'm mite free now. To be sure though do those bug bombs you can buy for $20 work?
Thanks Dave,

Notice your a new member welcome ! I've been on here maybe a year? I think I'm mite free now. To be sure though do those bug bombs you can buy for $20 work?

Waste of money for treating broad mites... Even though a bug bomb product says it controls certain insect pests - it may not be the best option. Bug bombs essentially throw the insecticide into the air, treating the surface where it lands. If the pest insect is under a leaf or buried deep in a cola (which is where they are usually found), it avoids contact with the pesticide fog.
man broad mights are the hardest some say you can see them i dont think so you need a micro scope hard to find them but the simptoms are like the mosac virus they leave your buds not realy smelling if you go all the way airy rusted and low yield you can kill them but you might kill your dogs and hurt your family i had this war before and had the comisioners office from riverside and loss angles trying to track me down showing up at my mothers house and calling everplace they could that had my info, so before you spray realy gear up and make shure the mask isnt from home depo and you got the right one make shure you cant get it on your skin what so ever not even a lil bit but thier is a few that work in rotation but if you do make shure it aint near your home outside away from your inside dwelling it will seap threw and can be fatal i myself was hospitalized, its some serious shit man and dont go spray it out side you will kill other insects and if your dogs eats a leaf he will get sick... i rather not tell you what works because i myself have been skared to spray anything after that caper.. i rather not..
chopping down the entire garden at this very minute after battling these bastards for almosta year
gonna leave the light on 247 to keep temps up for around 2 weeks and let these bastards starve to death along with their next few generations of satan's spawn

actually came here wondering if i need to toss the soil too

but you know what, im not taking any chances to save a few bucks on some soil after what ive spent on the war

fuck broad mites! they make you wish you only had spidermites
chopping down the entire garden at this very minute after battling these bastards for almosta year
gonna leave the light on 24/7 to keep temps up for around 2 weeks and let these bastards starve to death along with their next few generations of satan's spawn

actually came here wondering if i need to toss the soil too

but you know what, im not taking any chances to save a few bucks on some soil after what ive spent on the war

fuck broad mites! they make you wish you only had spidermites
man broad mights are the hardest some say you can see them i dont think so you need a micro scope hard to find them but the simptoms are like the mosac virus they leave your buds not realy smelling if you go all the way airy rusted and low yield you can kill them but you might kill your dogs and hurt your family i had this war before and had the comisioners office from riverside and loss angles trying to track me down showing up at my mothers house and calling everplace they could that had my info, so before you spray realy gear up and make shure the mask isnt from home depo and you got the right one make shure you cant get it on your skin what so ever not even a lil bit but thier is a few that work in rotation but if you do make shure it aint near your home outside away from your inside dwelling it will seap threw and can be fatal i myself was hospitalized, its some serious shit man and dont go spray it out side you will kill other insects and if your dogs eats a leaf he will get sick... i rather not tell you what works because i myself have been skared to spray anything after that caper.. i rather not..

Sounds like it affected your brain too. It must have been pretty bad stuff.

- Jiji
I really need some info on Broad Mites. Not spider mites!! The males carry the females to the new growth after they hatch and the eggs have polka dots ojn them. They are only visible with a microscop[e. If anyone has dealt with them plz post. They can't be killed by your normal agents. We have tried. Typical spider mite controls do nothing. Thank you very much for any info.
They are a bitch that's for sure. One thing to watch out for is a poster that goes by the name of Nuggs. He is an ass clown that has been tormented by all kinds of insects and he will love to tell you how he keeps failing at eradicating them. He is clueless and opinionated. Good luck
Havent looked at a microscope or anything yet. Just been doing my normally succesful regiment and bam! Wtf is this. Should i be considering broad mites as a culprit? Or is this possibly just a deficiency etc.


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Get 3 pyrethrum bombs. Dont waste your money on no Doktor Doom bullshit either. Get the strong stuff called Pyrethrum TR. It is 4.0% pyrethrum vs 0.3% like Doktor Doom. Shut down your exhaust fans/ lights /heaters etc. Blow off the bomb in the room. Its good up to 3000sq ft. Let it sit for about 2 hrs then go in the room and turn on your exhaust and lights like normal. Mix up a batch of neem oil spray (10ml concentrated neem oil + a couple drops of dish soap per gallon of warm water and shake it up real good). The following day after you bomb with pyrethrum, spray your plants with the neem water batch top to bottom underneath the foliage and on the tops until its dripping from the plants. Be sure to give the sprayer a good shake to mix every minute or so of spraying. 3 days after your initial pyrethrum bomb, do this all over again. 7 days after this, blow off the 3rd pyrethrum bomb and you will be bug/pest/mite/mold/mildew/fungus free. This will destroy broad mites. Be sure to do it just like I mention because the broad mite drops its larvae when they get hit with the first bomb. The 2nd bomb on day 3 is to kill off the larvae dropped from bomb 1. The last bomb is just precautionary at worst. Also, pyrethrum is natural and organic and can be used on flowering fruits and veggies up to 4 days before harvest according to manufacturer. The propellant however can burn the plants if it sprays directly all over a plant while going off so set it up on a milk crate or something about 24" or so from any plant material. The fog will move and do its job.
I am speaking from first hand experience as I had been affected badly by them once last year. Key word....once. I follow a strict maintenance program now and have been bug/mildew free for going on a year now.
Heres a pic of how bad I was infested:
Here is a link to the bombs I am suggesting:
Get 3 pyrethrum bombs. Dont waste your money on no Doktor Doom bullshit either. Get the strong stuff called Pyrethrum TR. It is 4.0% pyrethrum vs 0.3% like Doktor Doom. Shut down your exhaust fans/ lights /heaters etc. Blow off the bomb in the room. Its good up to 3000sq ft. Let it sit for about 2 hrs then go in the room and turn on your exhaust and lights like normal. Mix up a batch of neem oil spray (10ml concentrated neem oil + a couple drops of dish soap per gallon of warm water and shake it up real good). The following day after you bomb with pyrethrum, spray your plants with the neem water batch top to bottom underneath the foliage and on the tops until its dripping from the plants. Be sure to give the sprayer a good shake to mix every minute or so of spraying. 3 days after your initial pyrethrum bomb, do this all over again. 7 days after this, blow off the 3rd pyrethrum bomb and you will be bug/pest/mite/mold/mildew/fungus free. This will destroy broad mites. Be sure to do it just like I mention because the broad mite drops its larvae when they get hit with the first bomb. The 2nd bomb on day 3 is to kill off the larvae dropped from bomb 1. The last bomb is just precautionary at worst. Also, pyrethrum is natural and organic and can be used on flowering fruits and veggies up to 4 days before harvest according to manufacturer. The propellant however can burn the plants if it sprays directly all over a plant while going off so set it up on a milk crate or something about 24" or so from any plant material. The fog will move and do its job.
I am speaking from first hand experience as I had been affected badly by them once last year. Key word....once. I follow a strict maintenance program now and have been bug/mildew free for going on a year now.
Heres a pic of how bad I was infested:
View attachment 3645077
Here is a link to the bombs I am suggesting:
Hope u still active really need help i uae a 7x7 closet chucked all my plants in the garbage broad mites made me rage quit on my grow of how bad they were looking how many bombs would recommend for this small space and for that small a space should i use the whole bomb in one treatment? I dont wanna flood my house with pyrethreum if its bad for my pets n myself.