bodhi seeds

The fuckers like 14 years old now...

Is she still putting out good cuts? I've heard so much about keeping mothers too long but I've heard Chemdawg has the same mother of Chem since he found her and Gooeybreeder has the same Gooey mom for 20+ years. Seems like those refute what's been said but it's always good to hear other opinions
Is she still putting out good cuts? I've heard so much about keeping mothers too long but I've heard Chemdawg has the same mother of Chem since he found her and Gooeybreeder has the same Gooey mom for 20+ years. Seems like those refute what's been said but it's always good to hear other opinions

She has lost vigor, doesn't produce what she used to, but still worth it for a head stash, one of the tastiest plants I've ever had or grown, the first being a purple bubblegum that I lost. It especially appealed to middle to late aged women for some reason lmao.
An additional note, she still produces good seed and is an invaluable breeding material.
Even if a plant loses its vigor over several years, its basic genetics do remain the same, so it should cross as well now as it ever did. Just less seeds, and if its lost a lot of vigor, maybe fewer viable seeds, but producing seeds is not really a difficult task for these plants.
I would love to have a cut of that blue moonshine. So many amazing cuts out there, but where I live I have to go through beans. That is one thing I love about elite breeders like Bodhi, I know I am gonna have something most of the time that is at least close to a lot of clone only strains quality. And honestly, maybe it is just me as I have never had any clone only strains... but I think a lot of the clone only strains are clone only because of a lucky coincidence. An example, OG Kush - the original obviously was good... but it seems there are so many OG's out there that are from different generations and they are probably just as fire. So a lot of clone only strains are just the first of their kind, or ones that got popular in a certain group and gained hype. But if you get some good seeds from the same stock, a lot of times you will find a keeper just as good as the mother if you go through enough.

And as good as SSDD is, you can find a clone only keeper in every pack. I bet a few years from now there will only be a few SSDD cuts around since no more seeds will be made... and about that time everyone will be wanting a cut and it will gain a little more hype as people can't just go out and buy a pack of seeds anymore.

I shouldn't have been so hard on SVOC , they have always done me right and I plan on spending many more dollars there unless they do something really wrong. But the point is the way they communicate isn't the best, they aren't that great at answering questions. They don't update their in stock list that often. You'd think they would write down how many packs of each strain they have, and every time they pack one in they mark it off the list. Or have a computer program to do so. And after they run out , make a note of it and take it off the list on the in stock e-mail. But you will see stuff saying IN STOCK for weeks after they are gone at times.

They are good for us, they offer great strains, they are easy to deal with. And I like them. All I am saying is, they aren't as professional of a company as you would expect. I don't see how it would be that hard to run that company, in fact I would rather enjoy it. The only problem is the legality of it. And that very well may be why they don't make a website and try to get bigger. I doubt that is their reasoning.... but it would make sense to me if I were in the same situation. Create a website, start getting a lot more customers and you will make a lot more money.... but that money don't do you any good sitting in jail if the feds start looking into them because they got big enough to attract attention. Honestly, I enjoy the size that they are now. I just wish they would fix the small problems that would be easy to deal with like the in stock lists, and better communication etc. I understand a lot of customers probably are a pain in the ass to deal with, I have read so many comments over and over on instagram I could see why they would get tired of answering questions that are answered over and over right on top of each other. But when you ask a legitimate question and have spent a few thousand dollars there it would be nice if they take the time to actually answer it correctly instead of blow ya off. Just little pet peeves I suppose, you will have that everywhere in life. I am happy enough , just figured I would speak my mind since we are on the subject.
I had a very cool conversation with SHOE about old cuts and them 'running out' ... It is possible to bring cuts bak to former glory it just takes a while. SHOE brought a run down GG4 back and I restored my old Diesel cut when she lost some of that brutal power. It is all about taking the happiest clones off the happiest mums possible. Fresh, young mothers. We all tend to work them up nice and large before taking our clones. My exact method was: Clone and root for fresh mothers, vegged those for four weeks, cloned the strongest shoots for fresh mothers, vegged fo four weeks, repeat. I kept the big mum around of course. Each cloning cycle, I chose the four strongest clones, sent one to flower and vegged the other three. When flowering the fourth clone (in other words three mums on from the big mom) things were looking the way they should so I prepared a big mum out of that batch of clones and also the next generation (four mothers on). These mums produced identical clones in every regard just like our mothers used to, everything we loved about her shining bright amd strong. It was well worth the effort. Been making certain I keep fresh mums always since then. More effort but I like the peace of mind. Oh and Gooeybreeder lost Mom last year and brought her back from backed up cuts, so the twenty year plus mums out there haven't actually been growing in soil for twenty years as one plant, it is an unbroken line of well taken care of mothers and clones. Old heads had no problem preserving genetics, Clackamas Coot is still growing his cut The One from the 70's or some long ass time ago and it looks so good I fell for some poopy crosses using it as a mum. Looks almost exactly like The White... Lots to learn on this topic.
You all are right. Vigor can be reintroduced if you are meticulous in your cloning regimen. Unfortunately I move around all the fucking time and feel pretty lucky just to have maintained this cut and my floppy strawberry cream cheese goji og.

Offspring typically resemble their mothers, which is 70% of the reason bodhisattva produces straight Fire. The rest being his practices and stud male. The seed produced from the Bluemoonshine very closely resembles the mum, but with that reintroduced vigor and less polyploid tendencies. The mum is for sure a mutant. I've found several keeper phenos from my breeding exploits, given them all away. Still have 30 seeds from my first cross with a local acclimated Colt 45. Looking for a good male to back cross with the mum.
Mothers milk & her kin
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Seen spots of pm,so she got the chop
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Beautiful mother's milk.

PM shouldn't really be problem in for you in organics, but if you see it on other plants, I would recommend using some actinovate (organic) or other method of upping the streptomyces lydicus levels in your soil. PM is a major pain here in CO, and when I was growing hydro I would see it constantly enough to justify owning a sulfur burner. However, since going to organic / probiotic and using an AACT made with organic soil, earthworm compost, fish emulsion, and kelp meal I have not seen a single spot of it in almost a year.
Two days in the dark at the end? I've heard of that tactic, just never knew of anyone that practiced it. Benefits?

Positive results experienced in regards to resin head size and the overall ripeness of buds. Makes sense due to both stress and the plant's natural responses to darkness. At the very least, you should always harvest at the end of the 12 hours of darkness.
Beautiful mother's milk.

PM shouldn't really be problem in for you in organics, but if you see it on other plants, I would recommend using some actinovate (organic) or other method of upping the streptomyces lydicus levels in your soil. PM is a major pain here in CO, and when I was growing hydro I would see it constantly enough to justify owning a sulfur burner. However, since going to organic / probiotic and using an AACT made with organic soil, earthworm compost, fish emulsion, and kelp meal I have not seen a single spot of it in almost a year.
Love it,out of them 4...she was the only one not in organic/probiotics

Love the information..