2 weeks of flower. how are they?


Hello people of roll it up I am back with a little update too see if I'm still on the right track. ( bagseed, 400 watt hps, promix mixed with ff happy frog, ff trio nutes). I just flushed this morning I saw some build up in the top of the soil. image.jpgimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
That looks awesome. Where is a good place to get seeds? I live in a state that doesn't have either mmj or legal. Should I just keep with the bag seeds?
Of course keep with the "bag seeds" because youll come across beautiful strains. All it is is labeling the strains and breeding them to identify them and their nature and characteristics. Bag seeds are the true seeds all natural.


Well-Known Member
Like the one i have id name Fresh Mint Diva because shes a hybrid with majority in(di)ca with sat(iva). Then when i come across a handsome mail ill name him to identify his strain then breed them...


Like the one i have id name Fresh Mint Diva because shes a hybrid with majority in(di)ca with sat(iva). Then when i come across a handsome mail ill name him to identify his strain then breed them...
I know one thing for sure next grow im doing all organic. (Super soil) I hate using liquid nutes. I am always worried I will put to much or too little.


Well-Known Member
Do you know anygood recipes?
Sure i do. I myself like to keep things simple so the mix i use is the easiest super soil i have come across thus far. Its called moonshine mix. I found an easy variation of this that ive used my whole growing experience with great results. It consists of 3 bags of fox farm organic soil, some happy frog peace of mind and an extra bag of organic perlite. Theres no cooking or having to wait to use it its all ready for you to go once youve mixed it up. No checking ph or any of that just add water and your good!

If your interested i can give you more info.


Sure i do. I myself like to keep things simple so the mix i use is the easiest super soil i have come across thus far. Its called moonshine mix. I found an easy variation of this that ive used my whole growing experience with great results. It consists of 3 bags of fox farm organic soil, some happy frog peace of mind and an extra bag of organic perlite. Theres no cooking or having to wait to use it its all ready for you to go once youve mixed it up. No checking ph or any of that just add water and your good!

If your interested i can give you more i
Sure i do. I myself like to keep things simple so the mix i use is the easiest super soil i have come across thus far. Its called moonshine mix. I found an easy variation of this that ive used my whole growing experience with great results. It consists of 3 bags of fox farm organic soil, some happy frog peace of mind and an extra bag of organic perlite. Theres no cooking or having to wait to use it its all ready for you to go once youve mixed it up. No checking ph or any of that just add water and your good!

If your interested i can give you more info.
heck yeah I'm always down to learn new and easier ways to get my medicine


Well-Known Member
Heres all i use

1.5 cubic feet fox farm ocean forest
1 cubic foot of fox farm light warrior
1 cubic foot of fox farm planting mix
8-10 quarts of organic perlite
I cup of happy frog 5-8-4

mix this all together real well and its ready to use. It'll get the plant from start to finish no problem. Doesnt burn them i havent had any deficiencies with this mix. Everything the plant needs is in the soil. Its so easy to grow with you dont need to flush or check ph just water and watch your plant grow!

A couple good tips are to do about 3 transplants with this soil, i start with a 3 gallon and move up to 5 and flower in 10+pots.
And let the soil dry out about an inch deep before watering, you want your plants to almost wilt (but obviously dont let them) before you water next. You will be very pleased with the results!

Oh and most importantly you can get some top shelf bud if grown right!

Hope this helps. Feel free to ask any questions


Well-Known Member
I dont have a certain quota you know what I mean... But my instincts tell me never to overdo it. I try to put myself in their place and feel what they want or need. Its just like trimming and making your garden nice... But the most important is to try not removing anything from them not even a pebble of perlite that accationally falls out.. i tossess them back into the dirt sometimes.. heh heh... But I keep them happy. And i guess when youre growing in such a small place you have to maintain the way i do you know.