Okay so please bear with me , I'm from aus and I'm not seeing a end to these draconian laws on prohibition going anywhere in the foreseeable future in my home land , and quite frankly North America , god bless the states that have passed medical laws for family's/ carers that can now relieve symptoms of there loved ones from something that's organic and natural , as appose to prescriptions an arms length in some cases.
I'm a big believer in mmj
I guess that's why we are all here , but I'm taking a unpaid leave from work to study agriculture / horticulture at university to gain some qualifications
In the industry , shortly Thereafter id like to put together a grow portfolio as such , and then I guess the ultimate dream would to be to work in the medicinal marihuana industry
I plan on having a batchelor of agriculture from university of Newcastle but I'm unsure if Australian degrees or qualifications are valid in northern us . Where I'd look for work , what jobs I'd be able to apply for , or even if I was able to work in the breeding industry
I do have a valid passport
Australian green card
First aid
About 5 1/2 years as a orderley at a hospital
Where to from here guys ?