"Ganga Growing Girls are Hard to FIND"...

Ooooh, because he died and then would have become a zombie.

I just figured it was the doctor. Hmmm...

Hey, are we like "The Talking Dead" now? Never watched that show. Probably because I illegally download all my stories...
I watch the talking dead but they never give any hints about future episodes. Did you know that they have webisodes with different actors and scenarios? I watched a few I thought they were pretty good.
Do we really know if wife beater is dead? rick could have shot the old man before he turned.
Pete's definitely dead as hell. Rick was itching for permission, and got it. BOOM!

Unfortunately, newly-jedi-converted Morgan (my new favorite character), mr. "all life is precious" himself, sees Rick in the coldest moment since they've arrived in Alexandria... after last having seen him in "Clear." Morgan has seen the aftermath of governor#2 and terminus, but hasn't caught up w/ the group until now.

I had never gotten into TWD until this past december, my sister was going on and on, and i finally caved and watched an episode.

And then i watched the entire thing from beginning through Coda (end of S5A, the hospital w/ noah and beth) in proper multi-day all-nighter marathon mode.

I fucking love that show. And i hate television.
Is anyone else happy beth is dead? She was too pretty for a zombie apocalypse. At least we dont have to worry about the perverts raping her or the cannibals eating her.
Heh, nah. I wanted Daryl to get his Beth back after the time they shared as a duo, after terminus, just before the claimers.

Maggie (Lauren Cohen) has one of the most appealing faces i've ever seen (lol, first time Glenn sees her, "she mysteriously comes riding up like Zorro..." after carl gets shot). Plus, she's robust and capable, which is even better. Beth was too fragile and delicate, physically. She knew she didn't have much of a chance to make it in the zombie world, which is why she almost killed herself at the farm. That was one of the few times Andrea was right about anything. Give her the option, let her feel it in her hand, let her make a choice. She got close, but chose to fight.

But then... stabbing an armed psycho with a such a small instrument... she did that shit on purpose. Her body language and facial expressions in that scene were perfect. She had that wide-eyed fearless stare, practically smirking. She knew she was gonna die (the character). She thought it was the only way to break the cycle that was trapping everyone at the hospital. LOVED Daryl's reaction there. And then Rick playing negotiator again with tears streaming down his face... awesome. I'd have to say Beth's was probably the most difficult demise, so far. Lori's a close 2nd.

One of my favorite scenes so far, is when Rick realizes Lori didn't make it, and descends into the tombs to blow off some steam. It's like he's not even aware of being human anymore, for a while.
Ooooh, because he died and then would have become a zombie.

I just figured it was the doctor. Hmmm...

Hey, are we like "The Talking Dead" now? Never watched that show. Probably because I illegally download all my stories...
Yeah, Pete was the doctor; he was also a wife-beating violent drunk. He ALSO had previously saved Reg, which is whom, and how, the walls got put up, which is the only reason they survived as long as they did. They haven't seen a real walker herd yet (like the one emerging from the treeline in the distance, right after Rick kills Shane). Abraham: "There's a vast ocean of shit out there, that you people have no clue about. Rick knows every fine grain of said shit... And then some."

But no, Reg hasn't been dead long enough to be in danger of turning yet. Plus, they're facing the other direction, and Pete is tackled near the entrance to the meeting area, immediately after (apparently accidentally) slashing Reg's throat. Deanna sees Reg pass, looks up and says: "Rick? Do it." He immediately turns toward the entrance, aims, fires.

Just at that exact moment, Aaron, Daryl and Morgan have just opened the door to see Rick execute Pete on command. All 3 of them will feel disturbed by this. Probably Morgan will feel it the most, because he's mister new-found "all life is precious" guy. Aaron and Daryl are the outsiders at the moment, and they return from nearly dying, to find Rick executing Pete. lol. The shit has hit the fan.

Oh! and that shit Gabriel pulled on Sasha! I'm surprised she didn't put him down. Maybe he'll learn this time, and finally become a non-turd.

Talking dead is sometimes interesting, because they have the actors clarify character motivations a bit, sometimes, which helps in some of the ambiguous situations. I like how the dude who plays Morgan explained that he doesn't even want to know why the fans like the character (beyond his primary assumption: emotional attachment from first episode where he couldn't put down his zombie-wife, who later eats their son Dwayne, as a result), because he doesn't want his own interpretation of the character to be influenced by something else.

They also talked about how Norman Reedus saved "Rick's Beard" in a plastic bag, after he had to shave it after they got to Alexandria (which was also a Shane-parallel thing, like how they show Shane doing similarly after he returns from Otis-ing Otis).
That shit with Gabriel is their last ditch effort because nothing is working. Look for an answer, It cant hurt to ask. Who do you ask? Gabriel?
That shit with Gabriel is their last ditch effort because nothing is working. Look for an answer, It cant hurt to ask. Who do you ask? Gabriel?
An answer?

I think most of Gabriel's problem is immense guilt from what he did (or rather, didn't) at the church, before we meet him. I see this event as hopefully catalyzing his moving forward from it. I like how even after both Maggie and Sasha see his 'true colors', they still give him a chance, and it shows them sitting in prayer with him afterward (if only symbolic; Maggie i don't think is on board with the whole religion thing... remember what she tells Glenn when they first meet? "You gotta find a way to make it okay, yourself.").

Right when they arrive at Alexandria, it shows Gabriel finding that welcome note and the bowl of strawberries (which is apparently also symbolic), and then tearing pages out of a bible. That's him having a crisis, which results in him telling Deanna "they're the false light!" When really it's him. Maggie overhears that exchange, but they don't notice.

One irony of all that, of course, is that Gabriel didn't meet Hershel, who was far better at usefully interpreting scripture, without inferring more than needed. Like that scene where Hershel talks to Merle about their commonality (lost limb). "If your right hand offends you, cut it off; cast it away from thee..."

Even as an atheist, i can see the wisdom in that statement. If a part of you is stopping you from doing what you must do, get rid of it! Bruce Lee would say something similar about hacking away excess to sculpt yourself the way you want. I love how they show Hershel's courage in the face of expected demise... and that 'risk' speech when everyone gets sick. There's so many great ideas in the show.

OH! speaking of the flu-epidemic episodes... did anyone else notice that right before Patrick is the first to fall ill, he approaches Daryl to thank him for the Venison and shake his hand... Daryl licks every one of his fingers, and then shakes Patrick's hand. Patrick gets sick and dies, like right after that. lol. WTF was Daryl doing? Was it the venison? Did he have something contagious that no one knew about? lol. Yeah it was probably just some random pathogen. I just thought it was funny that it shows Daryl licking his fingers and shaking Patrick's hand right before Patrick gets sick and dies. Maybe not connected, but fun to speculate. Also liked how Rick gets the feels for the pigs, after he figures out how to draw the walkers away from the collapsing fence.

I'm not sure how i feel about them having left it a mystery. We don't know if that was just a relatively normal pathogen running wild, or if it was 'walker contamination', or whether it was the pigs... who knows! I guess they just decided it was 'flu' or whatever. Maybe swine flu, maybe something else.

I've seen speculation that 'perhaps' it was indeed a walker-borne(or walker-mutated) pathogen (which would help explain the potency and lack of resistance). If so, it's 'possible' (technically, in fiction-land) that the living could potentially develop immunity to walker-infection (the part of catching zombie-death by contamination alone), as a result of having survived that pathogen. But yeah, it was probably a non-supernatural flu. :P
Anyone here ever read the graphic novel?

I downloaded a bunch, but I didn't like reading them on the computer. Just doesn't feel like a comic unless you get to turn the page...

A friend of mine read all of them and LOVED them. Said it was the best series he ever read.

WalkingDeadBLOG--article_image.jpg 4-Issues_The_Walking_Dead_Survivors'_Guide.jpg
I have all the comics, and they are really good. Different from the show in some ways, and they parallel some things from the comic in the show thats pretty cool, but i'd say the comics are better. Less talking drama bullshit.

The best zombie comic out there is "Crossed" though. Fucking brutal.
Anyone here ever read the graphic novel?
Nope. I've only looked briefly enough to get a feel for the art style. I've seen a few frames, but i don't want to spoil the show for myself. Although i suppose i could go ahead and start, since we've completed 5 seasons of the show already. I know the Dixon brothers are exclusive to the show.

But yeah, i do dig the art style. I've just never been 'into' comics. Never thought ill of comics, just wasn't my thing. As someone whose earliest years included lots of drawing, i can appreciate the talent required to make what they do. Still, comics ain't my thing.

And, the drama is the best thing about the show, IMO. Anyone can do gory special effects. It takes a brilliant mind (many, actually!) to invent such a great story, and even more brilliant minds to manifest it into a show (which feels like an endless epic film, to me).

In fact, when i first heard there would be a show... i was inclined to think "oh, great, more gore-whoring..."

I didn't even give it a chance until i realized it was more than 'just gore'. I've seen enough 'just gore'. Although, i absolutely love how they try to make it as believable as possible (visual effects), just for the sake of immersion. I like that they put so much energy into the gore, without prioritizing it.
Anyone here ever read the graphic novel?

I downloaded a bunch, but I didn't like reading them on the computer. Just doesn't feel like a comic unless you get to turn the page...

A friend of mine read all of them and LOVED them. Said it was the best series he ever read.

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Dont read the comic the movie almost follows it to the letter unless you want to know what is going to happen ahead of time.
At the prison I think they just got swine flue because the pigs got sick first thats my guess. What about when tyrese got bit the radio was playing a news broadcast that was saying a group was traveling across the country killing everyone in their path (ricks group) . and again when they were all in the barn before alexandria the radio was saying the same thing. Maybe ricks group is a bunch of hallucinating psychopaths.
At the prison I think they just got swine flue because the pigs got sick first thats my guess. What about when tyrese got bit the radio was playing a news broadcast that was saying a group was traveling across the country killing everyone in their path (ricks group) . and again when they were all in the barn before alexandria the radio was saying the same thing. Maybe ricks group is a bunch of hallucinating psychopaths.

Yeah, that's a good point: they're all traumatized, we know what "the phone" means... so maybe we're only seeing 'their side' of things. I feel i most identify w/ Tyreese's character. Aesthetic stigma, very capable, but very internally vulnerable. He's a big scary teddy bear. I'm a smaller lighter scary teddy bear, lol. He basically gives up on himself and the world, after having decided he's done enough to help, and no longer wants to be part of it. I really liked that scene w/ him explaining to Noah about "paying the high cost of living." After having seen him take that hoard of walkers near the car (in the show... or the 'gymnasium scene' from the comics, i've been told...), like it was nothing... he let's just one sneak up on him while he's having an emotional crisis. And only because he was trying to protect Noah, who goes off by himself toward his family's house (which of course we all know the most likely outcome of any character finding their former home... so kinda futility, but also not).

I also didn't like how Noah died. He had a bad leg, should have sacrificed it. ^^

Also, if Nick would have just Stayed by the door after getting out, he could have helped save Noah. If i'm in that situation, i'm kicking walker faces as soon as that door opens enough. He and Glenn totally could have repelled them for a few seconds, long enough to escape. Oh well! lol.

And yeah, i don't know if that broadcast was real, or whether it's like The Phone. I'm inclined toward the latter. I love how it shows Merle hiding the phone, right before he takes off w/ Michonne. (blooper: watch the wheels on the car Merle takes; they're different in the scene right after he gets out of it and leaves it rolling; spokes in that scene, over-sized one-piece low-profile before and after)

Who would be broadcasting? Woodbury and Martinez's crew and Terminus have already fallen (Martinez liked Rick's group, i think... he seems fond of Daryl in their short moments together). Alexandria doesn't know they exist yet. I don't think Slabtown would be broadcasting about them after what happened w/ Beth and officer-lady-whatever. I don't think anyone even knows they exist, other than those they've encountered... pretty much all of whom, either join them or die. Morgan and the Dixon-bros-rescued Hispanic family from the bridge, are about the only ones who didn't join them, but didn't die as a result.

However... there's also the Wolves (aka "DC scavengers" i'm told), and i've managed to only encounter 1 "Nagen spoiler" so far (hope to keep it that way). So maybe there are more others than has been displayed yet, at that point in the story (of course, without 'others' the story can't continue to season 12, for which they allegedly already have enough material to reach).

Hmm. I'm starting to feel wrong about so much TWD in the "grower girls are ninja-scarce" thread. I bet ninja-scarce grower girls who'd want to share space w/ me, probably don't even exist. So yeah, that would indeed be hard to 'find'. I'd love to lose that bet. But the math says what it says. ^^
Yeah, that's a good point: they're all traumatized, we know what "the phone" means... so maybe we're only seeing 'their side' of things. I feel i most identify w/ Tyreese's character. Aesthetic stigma, very capable, but very internally vulnerable. He's a big scary teddy bear. I'm a smaller lighter scary teddy bear, lol. He basically gives up on himself and the world, after having decided he's done enough to help, and no longer wants to be part of it. I really liked that scene w/ him explaining to Noah about "paying the high cost of living." After having seen him take that hoard of walkers near the car (in the show... or the 'gymnasium scene' from the comics, i've been told...), like it was nothing... he let's just one sneak up on him while he's having an emotional crisis. And only because he was trying to protect Noah, who goes off by himself toward his family's house (which of course we all know the most likely outcome of any character finding their former home... so kinda futility, but also not).

I also didn't like how Noah died. He had a bad leg, should have sacrificed it. ^^

Also, if Nick would have just Stayed by the door after getting out, he could have helped save Noah. If i'm in that situation, i'm kicking walker faces as soon as that door opens enough. He and Glenn totally could have repelled them for a few seconds, long enough to escape. Oh well! lol.

And yeah, i don't know if that broadcast was real, or whether it's like The Phone. I'm inclined toward the latter. I love how it shows Merle hiding the phone, right before he takes off w/ Michonne. (blooper: watch the wheels on the car Merle takes; they're different in the scene right after he gets out of it and leaves it rolling; spokes in that scene, over-sized one-piece low-profile before and after)

Who would be broadcasting? Woodbury and Martinez's crew and Terminus have already fallen (Martinez liked Rick's group, i think... he seems fond of Daryl in their short moments together). Alexandria doesn't know they exist yet. I don't think Slabtown would be broadcasting about them after what happened w/ Beth and officer-lady-whatever. I don't think anyone even knows they exist, other than those they've encountered... pretty much all of whom, either join them or die. Morgan and the Dixon-bros-rescued Hispanic family from the bridge, are about the only ones who didn't join them, but didn't die as a result.

However... there's also the Wolves (aka "DC scavengers" i'm told), and i've managed to only encounter 1 "Nagen spoiler" so far (hope to keep it that way). So maybe there are more others than has been displayed yet, at that point in the story (of course, without 'others' the story can't continue to season 12, for which they allegedly already have enough material to reach).

Hmm. I'm starting to feel wrong about so much TWD in the "grower girls are ninja-scarce" thread. I bet ninja-scarce grower girls who'd want to share space w/ me, probably don't even exist. So yeah, that would indeed be hard to 'find'. I'd love to lose that bet. But the math says what it says. ^^
It's safe to say that you might pay more attention to the deets in this show than I do.

I fully support the walking dead discussion, and until a open-hearted GGG stumbles in lookin' for love, may as well proceed.

If you want to maintain continuity you can post your RIU dating profile...