They did that across the board - At least it's not High fructose corn syrup, thats our biggest issue with eating, it's in everything, and makes you fat fat fat. I know I cant loose my spare tire cause I wont stop drinking pop/soda.
Keeping in mind I don't get out much ever - Is there a car anywhere with hand paddle accelerators, not shifters but gas pedal like on the shifter or something? My driving days are numbered I fear.
Cool thank you that gives me a place to start.Yeah you can get one's modified for folk with no legs.
I've seen a couple over here.
Actually that's a list of company's who use Monsanto GM products in their ingredients, NOT a list of Monsanto owned company's.
Cadbury for example is owned by Mondelez International.
You could try Growing Vertically we do a lot of tall trellising to double and triple space.I grow some veggies and herbs but no where near enough to keep me and the Mrs supplied constantly.
Not enough land a suburban garden.
Nice, they should have a retro fit kit then somewhere for me, that's awesome! I've been looking at a Maroon Camaro ragtop that I would look great driving haha. Now I got me some hope cool.My buddy is in a wheel chair and he drives, it's all on the steering wheel and the steering column.
Cool, great, it's still associated with Monsanto and that's bad enough.
Or you guys could get a place like this and grow all the fucking veggies you want....
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