Club 600

They did that across the board - At least it's not High fructose corn syrup, thats our biggest issue with eating, it's in everything, and makes you fat fat fat. I know I cant loose my spare tire cause I wont stop drinking pop/soda.

Modified corn is in practically everything.

A corn kernal is basically one big lump of starch, they then mess with that starch in a lab and turn it into all sorts.

It's why corn is now cheaper to buy than the cost of production, it's everywhere and in everything.

They even feed ruminant live stock with it because it's so cheap, this causes ecoli to flourish in the cows stomach's infecting the meat.

Human Ecoli infection from meat is directly caused by grain feeding cattle.
I agree you can't hide from it these days, the wife and I have a 3000 sq ft outdoor garden for food production in the summer time, there are a few farms I know of that sell organic grass fed beef, 100% difference in our produce and organic beef than the corporate beef in the food stores. It's just scary you can't eat anything they sell in the stores. We can and freeze our veggies to get us year round fresh food. Then this year the wife did pak choy and bak choy in the basement with my stuff and we had fresh stir frys all winter long. Not bragging just saying it's doable.
Keeping in mind I don't get out much ever - Is there a car anywhere with hand paddle accelerators, not shifters but gas pedal like on the shifter or something? My driving days are numbered I fear.
My buddy is in a wheel chair and he drives, it's all on the steering wheel and the steering column.
Nice, they should have a retro fit kit then somewhere for me, that's awesome! I've been looking at a Maroon Camaro ragtop that I would look great driving haha. Now I got me some hope cool.
Thats funny Giggles the wife and I were just discussing where we are going to move to today and we were looking at big open acreage! I told her I would only move one more time to our retirement property! Gotta find the land first lol.
Cool, great, it's still associated with Monsanto and that's bad enough.

Not really, that list is quite sketchy when you think about it logically.

They could buy corn syrup from a 3rd party supplier that's made from Monsanto modified corn and by how the corn supply chain works it would be completely outside their control.

Modified corn unfit for human consumption found it's way into Taco Bell cornflower this way.

Corn is corn and bad corn looks the same as good corn.
When corn middlemen purchase corn in thousands of tons from multiple farmers all over the world and then mix it all together in the same storage silo's before sale how would anybody tell the difference without a suitable lab?

They can't.

I'm sure there's a proper link on Wiki somewhere but here's the story, it doesn't concern Monsanto but gives an idea of the problem.
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Or you guys could get a place like this and grow all the fucking veggies you want....
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My Mrs grandparents land (ex pig and potato farmers) in Poland is about that big.

That kind of land for sale in England is non-existent though.

All our land is owned by the gentry or the government, the dairy farmers and such pay rent to the Lord's, they don't even own their own farms.

A nice dream though, I'd love some land.