Extracted Cannabis oil should be available to Canadian Patients

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
There is a letter in circulation right now from the MMAR Coalition Against Repeal Administration Maurice Fazio of Paradise Hydroponics and it is so violent that he talks of the bikers and of killing people. I was forwarded a copy from a very well respected activist and I could not believe what I was reading. the people also,threatened to remove a body from a MMAR fundraiser in Toronto. Are they on crack to threaten this in the MMAr fb group. this is not the first time as Jason and his wanna be bikers goofs are threatening people. do the real bikers know they are doing this? I think not! the RCMP are now in possession of this very violent correspondence.
No copy or link for us ?


Well-Known Member
There is a letter in circulation right now from the MMAR Coalition Against Repeal Administration Maurice Fazio of Paradise Hydroponics and it is so violent that he talks of the bikers and of killing people. I was forwarded a copy from a very well respected activist and I could not believe what I was reading. the people also,threatened to remove a body from a MMAR fundraiser in Toronto. Are they on crack to threaten this in the MMAr fb group. this is not the first time as Jason and his wanna be bikers goofs are threatening people. do the real bikers know they are doing this? I think not! the RCMP are now in possession of this very violent correspondence.

We need a copy.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
One of the good reasons to let individuals make their own meds....no organized crime with a single person doing for themselves. Usually med patients are also pretty queit about there business as well. Works good.
Plus every individual home grow comes with a built in security guard !


Well-Known Member
Ok I will send you a copy cannareview by email if I can Have your email address. It was too long to send in pm. Long and full of lies and shows the harassing nature of JW and his lying minions who enable him. Please be careful because if you stand up for yourself or for someone they hate then they do their best to destroy you and it doesn't matter if you are sick and disabled or a woman they don't descriminate.


Well-Known Member
Ok I will send you a copy cannareview by email if I can Have your email address. It was too long to send in pm. Long and full of lies and shows the harassing nature of JW and his lying minions who enable him. Please be careful because if you stand up for yourself or for someone they hatethen they do their best to destroy you and it doesn't matter if you are sick and disabled or a woman they don't descriminate.
They can't do shit in reality. There are some lines that when you cross them people wont touch you with a 20 foot pole after that. I can guarantee if Conroy got a hold of that letter he'd burn all relation ships with the coalition directors.


Well-Known Member
The letter is so abusive and is filled with hate from the Coalition. It's just so discusting. They ridicule and intimidate and lie and I sent it to CannaReview. Maurice has been posting not very nice stuff on his fb page but people sent me many of them. I have them saved.

Anyway as CR will tell you soon I am sure that the shit has hit the fan under JW's rule.
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Well-Known Member
did ya ever consider it to be a fake? :)

Here's the dealeo on ONLINE litigation....going on right now with TWITTER.
All stemming from people yapping online. Its in court. Lives have been destroyed.
It's not over yet. :)

People are going to learn fast that they will be held accountable for what they have to say online.



Well-Known Member
I wish it were a fake. It's circulating on facebook. It's attached to,his account with him on his motorcycle with his dog.


Well-Known Member
Things like that are very simple to trace back using IP addresses, depending on the severity of what was said, especially if threats were made. I say someone post it here and any other canadian MMJ forums. Expose him and anyone else who seems to have taken part in this. That's my .02 for what little it's worth


Well-Known Member
Threats we not made in the letter no but because of the content Its scary. LE says because it on the internet that it is a civil matter but the Coalition needs to address this letter and other issues as they are not going away.


Well-Known Member

I don't think much about the guy but that doesn't matter.
People on this site have been down playing anyone who is supposedly fighting the cause...or not.
People had negative comments about Conroy as well.
It's no theory. The comments are there to read.


Well-Known Member
I believe it...I remember the facebook post when WILCOX surface in the LP video....he was pretty nasty...fuck him....