Club 600

At the level of the Bhut, I would rather grow the Carolina Reaper. If you're going to go big, just go all the way. I was gifted the seeds from a friend of the McIlhenny family that I met through work, and those two were what he had. I just have no clue as to what I could use the Bhut pepper in as far as food goes.
I have some Carolina Reaper seeds to grow to!
You know you have found a keeper when your wife says "that's not how you fuck your wife, that's how you fuck your side bitch".........
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I am getting tired of all this kindergarten shit on the 600. Would people put their little egos away!!! If you don't want to post on the 600 fine, if you are pissed off at someone on the 600, fine, if you disagree with someone on the 600, fine. But please oh fukkin please, keep that personal emotion shit off the 600, unless you deal with it in an adult way.

I have never seen so many people stating they are staying away because of xyz, or they are not posting because abc said, blah de blah. GROW UP, the lot of's making this grey haired dude go greyer, and there becomes a point when grey just ain't that sexy anymore, lol.

damn is that how its been going down lately? d? I haven't been around as much as I used to for this as that.. but I love the six and what you are describing, is not the 6 im used to..