I've grown out Cannatonic and the Cbd Crew Sweet and Sour Widow.... Both plants were dusted with God knows what had a few reversed autos around that time, actually reversed a sweet and sour window cut, a g13 x haze male are a few of the possibilities in those pollen chucked cbd seeds... I'm sure if some one was willing to grow mystery beans they'd find a great cbd strain... The cannatonic I didn't like as much as the widow, though the cannatonic seemed more "uplifting" and the widow reminded me of several autos I've tried specifically a line by the breeder Mossy and her wonderful Dragon Autos.... I've also had from the dispensary a 19% cbd to 8% thc strain that was tested so I know for sure the two cbd plants I grew out def had cbd in them as very similar highs to the one tested.... I got most of all of cbd crews gear, the Barney farms cbd strains, the bodhi ac/dc x good medicine.... Growing so many autos over the years they I think tend to naturally have higher
Amounts of cbd as that's what cbd strains I've had reminded me of... Will be going through them through the years....