Well-Known Member
I thought that's what Sunday school was for?
But, but, creationism is science too!! According to Arizona and Texas law. And I'm sure many others.
I thought that's what Sunday school was for?
This bill came about because the GOP keeps slashing the education budget. They recently cut back $99 mil in university budgets and pretty much eliminated funding for community colleges, while increasing prison funding.
We have schools in this state that are struggling just to keep their doors open and teachers who are using money from their own pockets to buy supplies for their class.
We have one of the worst education systems in the country and the GOP keeps cutting their budgets, making it even worse.
Superintendents are sick of cutting programs, firing good teachers and not being able to repair their schools, they spoke out and the GOPs response was to try and shut them up.
And no, there is no law in this state that prevents police officers or firefighters from talking about legislation that affects them.
Closet cased homosexual ... Come out already and leave Ur wife for see4 and go makelittle Hilary babies.. you fucking gun grabbing tree hugger.
the bill "prohibits an employee of a school district or charter school, acting on the district's or charter school's behalf, from distributing electronic materials to influence the outcome of an election or to advocate support for or opposition to pending or proposed legislation."
good ol' constitutional conservatives, eh?
last week it was mandatory church attendance, this week it is silencing teachers (or they face a $5000 fine).
thanks, GOP and tea party.
I supposed that depends on how you define "facts" and "data" because we know conservatives love "facts"! They almost never try to redefine history or science!
Here's how school resources may be used when it comes to politics. Only stuff that is factual and gives equal time to all views in debates. Yeah. More horrible ideas. How DARE they?
leave it to empty-headed glaucoma to defend this.
and leave it to the rest of the right wing klansmen infesting this site to not make a single peep whatsoever about it.
@see4 , I am somewhat familiar with the creationist BS and agree that it has no place in science class. I don't share the belief that this has anything at all to do with that, though. The language seems pretty clear to me.
BTW, from what I saw, a full house vote is expected this week.
You all won't get any argument from me on the budget. If it was up to me, education would be like the military: Insanely expensive and "free" for anybody to enjoy the rewards.
starts off the post crying about insults, makes his entire post a lame attempt at insult.
irony is lost on the profoundly stupid.
I have to disagree that the language is clear. I don't think it is. And the scope of target is very specific to an already pacified group of individuals.
F. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as denying the civil and political liberties of any person as guaranteed by the United States and Arizona Constitutions.
I know the extreme sadist in you wants to believe that I'm crying, but wishing doesn't make something so.
As somebody here is fond of saying, it's not an insult if it's fact. Science says you are a low life and that the amount of time you spend trolling (which would be off their chart) indicates an extreme level of sadism. It's not exactly a stretch associating torture porn with sadists.
Or are you a science denier? Maybe this study was funded by Big (Something?), exerting it's powerful lobby on Canadian researchers.
Could be. Chances are overwhelming though that you are simply mentally ill. As such, I wouldn't expect you to see it.
Do you have anything relevant to add to the thread you started, or are we just gonna watch you continue proving the study is accurate?
you seem upset. there is no need to be so upset. not about my trolling at least.
however, there is good reason to be upset about the AZ GOP & tea party trying to bully teachers who push back against their anti-education agenda. silencing those who wish to exercise their freedom of speech is never a good thing, unless we are talking about hate speech. but this is not hate speech they are trying to silence, so good reason to be upset remains.
Got anything to actually debate on it beside your feelings?
awwww, he's still defending abridging the freedom of speech. that's so sad.
It would have been faster to just say no since you clearly can't back up a single one of your claims.
Nice job continuing to prove the study is right. You are a mentally ill cancer of society. Cool stats, bro.
Mental illness and cancer aren't funny. Using them to defame someone is equally not funny.
No it's not. And it sucks that people actually cheer him on for it, making it spread. It does nobody any favors.
Facts are facts.