No nodes on branches?


Active Member
Hey guys. I have one plant I'm growing that I was planning on cloning but the branches come right from the main stalk to the tip of the branch with no nodes at all between... My other ones of the same size have a few nodes between on the branches.... Am I going to be able to clone this plant and is there anything that will make it grow nodes on branches? Would topping it help do this? Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
Id suggest that if u dont kno how to manipulate and train ur plants u shouldn't try to clone by topping or fimming ur side growth will grow more start with that


New Member
I once got a tray of clones from a guy I'd never dealt with before, and they weren't rooted/were suspiciously cheap. I was pissed to discover that about half had been cut mid-stem, but I let them go, and was really surprised when they all rooted, I didn't even think that was possible.


Active Member
Ok I just went and checked and I'm starting to actually see small ones appearing now... Guess I'm just impatient and should wait.....