Club 600

Holy shit the girls grew 3-4" last night! They were begging to flower. This run should be fun. So happy to see lush green plants again.

Oh and the glue is headed my way! Score!!!!

Have a great day guys! Oh and doc I know your one that doesn't care for me
But congrats on the move and best wishes in the future. Don't hesitate to ask if you need anything. Same goes to you alpha. Sorry for acting a fool. Sometimes my head gets buried so far up my ass I lose track of the good.

Peace love and happiness. Off to get some shit done outside.
just wondering if any of you had the same experience as me with topping and lst? i did a run with multiple top plants that had 1 month of veg, then a run w/ plants that had 1 week veg and no topping or lst.. i yielded over a qp more w/ the untopped plants.. the xmas tree structure of the untopped plants recived more light to bottom buds and still ended up with 3-4 branches that equalled the main cola in size.. i guess im running straight sog from now on, maybe because my plants are close together, idk y..
just wondering if any of you had the same experience as me with topping and lst? i did a run with multiple top plants that had 1 month of veg, then a run w/ plants that had 1 week veg and no topping or lst.. i yielded over a qp more w/ the untopped plants.. the xmas tree structure of the untopped plants recived more light to bottom buds and still ended up with 3-4 branches that equalled the main cola in size.. i guess im running straight sog from now on, maybe because my plants are close together, idk y..
Hey Chemist77, I find a lot is in the genetics, by that I mean some like it some don't, and that goes for both topping and lst. I have had strains that love being topped to shit, others will give shit yields. If your in too tight, you might be experiencing plant leaf avoidance, not sure if thats correct term. They may be putting so much energy into getting the light energy that production lowers to keep them alive. I just composted the male ED I was seeding with cause there's no room in the tent for the girls to get enough light. (No worries I did the flour trick with some frozen pollen and dusted the fuck out of the 6)

Your doing right by running test pots, I do it for every strain I do, stress one, top the shit out of another and so on, any kind of noob thing I can think of. I keep grow journals that I look back to when I go back to a strain if it's out of a run for a bit. I hope some of that may have helped. Be Safe MD
Happy Tuesday 600 Club! How the hell are ya all doing today. Nice looking legs on them girls Giggles. As I said in the last post I culled the male ED this morning, I way over topped it, less tops bigger balls dummy. Okay so that's in the book, they probably got pollinated from the balls that opened but who knows, didn't want to risk the seed run. The flour trick makes it go very very far, still dusted all 6 girls and will be turning all the fans off for the night and let them be. I can't wait till the wife can go back to growing her garden instead of mine lol, shes got some monster blueberry cherry tomato plant we tried flowering this winter. The damn thing keeps growing into the ceiling, then I tried to root the cuts in a jug of water and just my luck 1 week and full roots. Now we got more, come on 60's at night she's also got broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower's ready to go into the ground. We also got some new heirloom varieties we are trying for this year, and more popcorn, the wife wants another go at that. It should be a very busy summer, lots of pics outside and in. Be Safe MD.
Nice plants hydro! All these bud pics lately makes me ashamed none of my gear is budding yet but will have preflower porn shortly lol

Too funny about the mail moondance. I'm only 30 and get aarp info packets lo

I cleaned up the scrog net today. Not sure what to expect with the stretch but I can say the net will be full! Holy tops, it shall be a field of colas in no time

Hope yall have a good day

Holy shit the girls grew 3-4" last night! They were begging to flower. This run should be fun. So happy to see lush green plants again.

Oh and the glue is headed my way! Score!!!!

Have a great day guys! Oh and doc I know your one that doesn't care for me
But congrats on the move and best wishes in the future. Don't hesitate to ask if you need anything. Same goes to you alpha. Sorry for acting a fool. Sometimes my head gets buried so far up my ass I lose track of the good.

Peace love and happiness. Off to get some shit done outside.
Thanks we love it here man. How are the fireballs doing? I just popped 35 of the f3 ones I sent you.
@The Yorkshireman I would agree if you had science behind you. You say scientifically its not proven. I say you are full of it. You need to scientifically prove it doesn't work. I have been reading like 50 pages since I have not been on here and I seen 3 posts of yours that was not knocking someone down or saying you are better than someone else. Who gives a shit if any of us is better. we are here to grow and learn and try things out of the box every now and then. When someone stands up ( a real great grower)and says that they tried it and love it you should say okay maybe I am missing something, but no you pull your head out of your ass and spill shit all over a great thread. Until you prove something doesn't do as stated shut the fuck up and be nice. I have done the boiling of roots and if done right has excellent results. It does what @RM3 says it does. Okay I don't want to fight or show who has a bigger dick, this is a thread for all to grow and show while seeing how others do it. If you dont like how some do it who cares as long as they are producing the way they want. I hope you can set your eggo aside and be a man instead of an egotistical ass.
This is why I have not been here and why idiots rule the world yes @The Yorkshireman I mean you. Really all can we just get along and support each other and stop being dick heads. I am tired of the Drama and that is why I am not on here much. At RM3 site we dont have drama. I like it here but if it keeps up i am not gonna come back here.
I am getting tired of all this kindergarten shit on the 600. Would people put their little egos away!!! If you don't want to post on the 600 fine, if you are pissed off at someone on the 600, fine, if you disagree with someone on the 600, fine. But please oh fukkin please, keep that personal emotion shit off the 600, unless you deal with it in an adult way.

I have never seen so many people stating they are staying away because of xyz, or they are not posting because abc said, blah de blah. GROW UP, the lot of's making this grey haired dude go greyer, and there becomes a point when grey just ain't that sexy anymore, lol.