Popular Bodhi Strains

I've re-read the posts of the GGG thread. Knowing what I know now, I think I can make a update to my complaint, or opinion. (However you want to take it)

Without growing a pack or two, one would not know what to expect. I was clearly looking for a mother dominant plant. That was all I was after.

Did I find what I was looking for? No.

Was I dissapointed? Yes.

I may have directed some disappointment into what some would consider anger or frustration.

When things got heated they put me on the defense, when I should have walked away. I felt it was important to comunicate my experiences for others who like me, we're looking for a mother Dom phenotype.

I know what ggg seeds will produce. I know many will find good things in them and many are happy retuning customers. That's cool. I wish everyone success and happiness.

Bodhi is another that I've tried and though my experiences are much more limited than my GGG experiences. Out of the few I've grown, like genuity stated, they are definitely polyhybrids and thinking you will find a perticular pheno is slim to none.

You have to know when buying these seeds that you are opening the unknown. What you get could be any bodies guess. Not what some might want when trying to track down genetics. but great for others who want a cannabis plant that smokes and gets you high.

With all that being said, I am sure that we all have much more in common then indifferent. We all are passionate about our medicine and some may have a loyalty to specific breeders. Bodhi seems like an awesome guy. I would love to sit down with the man and put some smoke in the air and hear about some of his experiences. All I preach is respect. Respect each others opinions whether they are what you feel or not. In order to get respect you have to give it. It's a mutual thing.

When someone makes a claim that you don't agree with you can ignore, thank the person for sharing their experience, or respectfully disagree stating facts and experiences.

We should never attck people's characters or call them liars or send insults.

If the person is a liar or hater they will probably be exposed sooner or later by digging hire own hole. After a little while they will be easy to spot.

But..I have never attacked anyone's,but I will call it like I see it...
And I have never tryst to stop anyone from posting....

Insults...not me.but with in these last few pages,I sure have been...

Lots of post get overlooked...
Oh shut up. Who do think you are? Lol. You always come across as a bitch ass nigga.

Grown sunshine day dream and was blown away best strain ive ever grown yielded well was frosty as fuck and smoked a treat. Because of this im gonna be running love dawg and jabbas stash. Enjoy something different other than the usual cheese here in the uk.

Nothing but high glowing reports on that one. I don't think there is anybody that's grown that one have a bad complaint. I've even seen some people do some crosses with it and those turned out amazing too. Somebody over at BB used a male on TER Remix and he said once you smoke it it's like taking ecstasy lol. I believe him to cus I had a family member say the same about the Oscar Goodman I tested for SinCity. He said is was like taking Viagra lol
But..I have never attacked anyone's,but I will call it like I see it...
And I have never tryst to stop anyone from posting....

Insults...not me.but with in these last few pages,I sure have been...

Lots of post get overlooked...

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That quote was to refernce the poly hybrid comment. The rest was in general. Not directed towards you. I don't know if you took it that way or not. And yes there is a bunch of personal attacks flying, and that is to what I hoped to avoid slightly with my post.

We (all of us) can disagree about a perticular strain or breeder with out either one of being bitch ass n******. LOL right?

Btw, I still have some lotus Larry that I found in the fridge. I think I might pop a couple. I heard the lotus cross are less male dominant then the appys. I've only ran two of these crosses before but got two males.
One of bodhi's real popular strains (goji og) just got to seedvaultofca with this restock and I dont have any money tp buy them!! First grab of bodhi I did I bought from seedsman, ordered the goji but it got nabbed by customs and they were out of stock on my reship.
So the question is do I start selling my plasma so I can get a pack of goji which I have wanted for ever! Lol jk but I really want that amd ssdd and I think I cpuld be done grabbing bodhi for a hwile with those in my stash.

I'd donate some blood if it meant a pack of seeds I desperately want. I know you were joking, but do it. People need blood !
For what it's worth my Love Triangle is definitely sweet smelling with very little OG. She's coming down Friday so I don't expect the smell to change much, see what she's like dried and jarred. Still got lots of the pack left to sift threw.

Structurally I can see the similarities between the Love Triangle and some of the photo's I've seen of the Triangle.
KGP is the only one,that I seen come with honest information...and I was not even around when that started.if you going to sit here and tell me ghost was being real....you are very delusional.

How did I knock yodaweed?

Is that not my opinion?
Or should I not have one?

Still waiting for that hate post,that you say I posted...
i wasnt lying when i criticized, or hating. ggg is trying to hard to be like bodhi with their fake hyped up descriptions!. your just like the company you rep....claim to be OG but way too SWEET! any time you think im not keepin it real, come see me! im not hard to find....
i wasnt lying when i criticized, or hating. ggg is trying to hard to be like bodhi with their fake hyped up descriptions!. your just like the company you rep....claim to be OG but way too SWEET! any time you think im not keepin it real, come see me! im not hard to find....

Possibly the funniest post I've ever read on here.