Coco Growers Unite!

Why not a MH for veg? Yea looked rad in the big container, I can't see that being good for the roots, correct? Get all mangled and rot would occur prolly. What was the reason that you sowed them like that anyhow? Just curious......always looking to learn....


Sage, I have the two Black Widows in the cabinet under the 400W HPS in the cool tube so I have no way to use the MH. I have done 3 grows completely under the CLW SS400 LED and have produced some very nice results.
The big 13 gal container was just an experiment and I wasn't worried about a root problem, never had one using the Hempy method. I think it was have worked out great, had it not weighed so much after watering.
Thanks for the reply.

Are you using the botanicare pure? How do you like it as a base? Was thinking of going to that, the pure is just "organic". Botniare has stepped up the game and are using premium ingredients.
Its the first time usin it. I ran the grow little lite.,but they grew good getting basically 50% nitrogen. This next 1 I m gonna push it little more,. The Bloom soil and the hydro plex are good to go though! I m sure u couldn't go wrong with canna and GH! I would've have went canna if I couldn't get botanicare! Theres something keeping the pro from organic! not sure what it is though. botanicare little expensive, Well worth it though!
Sage, I have the two Black Widows in the cabinet under the 400W HPS in the cool tube so I have no way to use the MH. I have done 3 grows completely under the CLW SS400 LED and have produced some very nice results.
The big 13 gal container was just an experiment and I wasn't worried about a root problem, never had one using the Hempy method. I think it was have worked out great, had it not weighed so much after watering.
Thanks for the reply.

Thanks for the info, always neat to hear na new experiment! Love it! ✌️be easy
Its the first time usin it. I ran the grow little lite.,but they grew good getting basically 50% nitrogen. This next 1 I m gonna push it little more,. The Bloom soil and the hydro plex are good to go though! I m sure u couldn't go wrong with canna and GH! I would've have went canna if I couldn't get botanicare! Theres something keeping the pro from organic! not sure what it is though. botanicare little expensive, Well worth it though!

Jimmy, I have used GH coco for all my coco grows and have found you have to be sure you charge the coco very well, use Cal/Mag and epsom salts along with with a reduced rate of the nute you will be using.
I will be switching to Botanicare for my fall grows.

Jimmy, I have used GH coco for all my coco grows and have found you have to be sure you charge the coco very well, use Cal/Mag and epsom salts along with with a reduced rate of the nute you will be using.
I will be switching to Botanicare for my fall grows.

Yes I agree with washing all coco to just be sure. thencharge with grow/cal/mag. The recipe on the Botanicare website is LEGIT! Stay away from using doses on back of jugs! Most are cut 50% when using a schedule of all sups! Up until 2 weeks into flower I also folier feed with Vitamino and Liquid Karma! They love it!
Yes I agree with washing all coco to just be sure. thencharge with grow/cal/mag. The recipe on the Botanicare website is LEGIT! Stay away from using doses on back of jugs! Most are cut 50% when using a schedule of all sups! Up until 2 weeks into flower I also folier feed with Vitamino and Liquid Karma! They love it!

Have not gotten into additives or supp's, I use Head's variation of the Lucas Formula, which is 6ml GH Flora Micro, 9ml Flora Bloom, 3ml Cal/Mag and 1 tsp Epsom per gallon. Not a lot of flush growth, actually have back off a bit with these Black Widows as I am getting a touch of tip burn.

Hi all,
Just a few pics of the clones from Black Widow 1 and BW5. I started 12/12 two weeks ago. Had to do some super cropping on day 11 of 12/12 but they do not seem any worse for ware, they have taken off big time. Mutation problem seems to have stopped and all is well on day 14 of 12/12.

This is on one side of my closet, the light is hung from the clothes rod and you can see how stretchy the BW's are. This pic was taken just before I super cropped on 3/26, after I did the super cropping I realized that was only a quick fix for the height the plants will get under this light. So I built a light holder, see pics below.

This is the top half of my new light holder. You can see where the clothes rod is located and why I decided to build the holder

This is the bottom half of the light holder

The canopy is fairly even

Many bud sites

Super Cropping done on 3/26, I always tape the area, no problems just habit.

You can see them turning skyward and look at the secondary branching, this will be a good thing

These 7 ladies are going into the cabinet when their parents have finished in about 3 weeks, they will be 5 weeks at that point and will finish them under a 400W HPS.

Update, week 8 day 56 of 12/12

All is well here at Casa GR8's! The ladies and their clones are all doing ok, have come out of their mutation period but the tips of BW 5 are stretching again. No light change, time change nute change, or love change, so unsure about it. I have contacted MNS with pics but have not heard back them yet.
On the two in the cabinet I have backed off the N, and am using .25 rate and tonights feeding will switch to .10 rate of N and at the same rate of P and K with next feeding and remain there till next week. I will then cut off all N, begin flush and use only pH'ed water until harvest on 4/20 @ 4:20 in the afternoon, after a bowl at 4:20 PM. And as usual on 4/20, I will wake up and do a bowl at 4:20 AM then go back to sleep. bongsmilie

Under the 400W HPS we have:

Black Widow 1

Black Widow 5, notice the spikes, they only started on 3/26 and have grown about three inches since then. I am thinking it's got to be related to the pH issues I had a few weeks ago. This is the thin cola plant but has begun to fatten up, I expect gr8 things over the next few weeks.:weed:

I have added two 18" T8 uvb's to the cabinet. Manually moving this light around the cabinet every two hour. I have the fixture about 12" from the plants.
I used them for my past LED grows and liked the results. I grew three grows using the uvb and two grows without the uvb, same strain on two of the grows one with the uvb and one without. Saw more trichs on the uvb plant and I believe it was just a bit better IMHO. I know it caused no harm so going to use it here.


Under the CLW SS400 LED in the bloom mode.
(4) BW 1's and (3) BW 5's

The Mothers of the above plants are under the T5's.
As of right now the one on the left (BW1) will be the keeper(?) .
That is based on growth rate, size and density of the cola. Final decision will be made after I cure and take some buds to the panel for a taste test. It will be a blind test because they are all blind. :cool:8-)8):clap:


Let's see how they do this next week!

Jimmy, I have used GH coco for all my coco grows and have found you have to be sure you charge the coco very well, use Cal/Mag and epsom salts along with with a reduced rate of the nute you will be using.
I will be switching to Botanicare for my fall grows.

Found that adding O2 helps increase the availability of mobiles.
Found that adding O2 helps increase the availability of mobiles.
Botanicare is making strides ! Almost was going to them too although decided to go with the soil and let the plant eats as it wishes. Makes more sense, this way it gets to take up what it needs when it needs it, allowing for optimal nutrient availability and movement or lack thereof. Are you gonna go w the pure or the reg line? And what different, if any, supplements are YA going to use?
Update: MNS Black Widow

Week 9, 63 days of 12/12

Nutes have been cut off to both plants, now pH'ed water only using GH CaliMagic which is a 1-0-0 @ 3ml and one tsp of Epsom per gallon. I am out of rain water but expecting heavy rains starting tonight, that should fill my 300 gallons of containers.
As I stated prior, I will harvest BW1 on 4/20 but I am going to let BW5 go for another week or so. BW1 has plumped up nicely and lovely trichs, according to MSN this is the week the really put it on. BW5 is airy but beginning to thicken. They are both lovely plants, less my pH fuck up. Cola are all around 16" +/- and the fragrance is getting very nice.

Black Widow 1

Black Widow 5

In one of my last post, I stated I have been using two 18" T8 uvb's on BW1 for about the past 8 + days and will use it through harvest. Keeping it about 15 to 18 inches above the plant. BW5 has been getting some of that light but will be put under it after I harvest BW1. This is just complementary to the 400W HPS in the cabinet.

Update: MNS Black Widow Clones

Day 24 of 12/12

These 7 ladies under the LED, going into the HPS cabinet in about two weeks. They are doing very well and as I expected BW1 is putting on a lot of buds and BW5 has just begun, same as there mothers. I really like the mix ratio I am using with this grow, 75/10/10/5, coco/perlite/growstones/worm castings. Even though the roots are thick in the reservoir I am only having to water ever 2nd or 3rd day, beats the hell out of every day.

The grow space is 36"x36"x74", the canopy is 24 inchs tall from the "soil" line and has filled the grow area.

The bud sites are numerous and getting some size on them.

I do have a question to you SOG guys, how much do you prune undergrowth? As full as the canopy is and seeing the amount of buds under the canopy, I am concerned about a shit load of popcorn. This is not a true SOG as I have done some super cropping due to the fact that when I move them to my cabinet I will have restricted height. Should I not worry about the under growth or should I prune it out? At day 24 I don't want to wait much longer if I am going to remove anything. Any help would be GR8. Sorry that was two questions, bongsmilie

Peace out,

Day 70 of 12/12

Well, here we are near the end of this grow.

I will be harvesting BW1 on Monday 4/20 and BW2 a week or so later. Checked trichs, some lightly cloudy and a few with just a tiny dot of amber in the center of a few trichs. BW2 is still filling in and has mostly clear trichs.
I have started pre harvest trim, removed the fan leaves and any dead or dying leaves, will trim the rest on harvest day, with final trim after dried.

Fan leaves removed 4 days prior to harvest

These cola are all 12+"

"Sticky Fingers" Stones, came on my Jango station while I was pruning. bongsmilie

BW5, removed the dead and dying leaves, fans will be removed at some point next week. Nice buds but still a bit airy.


BW5 is a sativa strong pheno, hope the high is very sativa.

Will take some pics during the harvest of Black Widow 1 @ 4:20PM on 4/20/15. Lol just love it.

4/20/15, day 74 for Black Widow 1 and chop day @ 4:20 PM.

BW5 has the cabinet to itself for a short period of time then, she gets chopped and the clones get to move to the cabinet, and they are ready for that.
I started my trim a few days prior to harvest day. Dead or dying leaves first, select fan leaves when I open the cabinet to move the uvb light I will remove a few leaves at a time, then today I do about a 80% trim. I will do full trim prior to jarring.

@4:20PM I started the chop.

One bud prior to trim

After trim

Bud after trim

Hung in closet to start the drying process. Usually I cut the individual stems but this time I cut the whole plant at the base of the trunk and going to dry this way.

And what a great day it has been.

Peace out,

Looks like I am the only one left on this forum, too bad lots of good info here.
Week 11 day 77

Chopping on Sunday or Monday. She has thickened a little but going to be thin buds and low weight. Not sure of the smoke but disappointed the the grow over all, maybe my fault but should not of been this hard.
Anyway, here is a pic of BW5, having the room in the cabinet since BW1 is in the closet drying, I have bent and twisted her to get the best light she can for these last few days.


Here are a couple of pics of some of the other ladies.
The group of clones that is in the closet waiting to get into the cabinet.


Some clones I cut day before yesterday for a friend. Rooting them in straight coco.

They were taken from the mothers before I began to Bonsai them. I now have the mothers in 3 inch plastic nursery pots, straight coco. I will begin shaping the Bonsai's after they have recovered from the massive chop I gave them.

Before, this pic was taken on 4/2, did not get a pic before I did the deed.;

After, taken on 4/22

Final weight 6.2 zips buds, 1.15 zips larf. Really did not have that much trim but the strain was so thin and airy that I put a lot of BW5 in the Larf jar. Going to make some cannabutter tomorrow.
8 tops from the BW1 Mainline

Individual pics of BW1

Entire group of BW1 and BW5

I did not take a pic of the Tops from BW5, just too busy in my shop to take the time. Maybe later. I was surprised the BW5 actually out weighted BW1 by about a .25 zips, it was the more airy of the two plants.

Well hopefully this will get me by and with the clones flowering now I hope to get by till the fall grow. Think I am going to compost BW5 clones, over 6 weeks flower and hardly any bud formation.

These went into the cabinet 4 weeks ago, had been under an LED, the SS400, to begin their flowering. Bent and twisted to keep them under control for my cabinet.
75/10/10/5, coco/growstones/perlite/worm castings

Week 9 Day 63

Just waiting, not sure how long I am going to run these. Probably start chop around the 11th week. They are just beginning to Plump up. Will harvest the last of the four plants in the 13th or 14th week. They are clones and I want to find the best harvest time for them. I will be watching trichs but want to harvest one at 11 weeks, one at 12 one at 13 and possible one at 14.

BlueberryHeadband Grown 5 gallon fabric pots 70/30 coco/perlite botanicare expertcoco program under optic 200watt Vero29 3000K temp> Getting ready to test 120optic and heavenbrights new MODELV6 high efficiency unit<IMG_20150531_170410.jpg


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jimmy indica I just went to The optic grow website and those lights looks promising? I think they will be good for a small tent closet scrog that I'm thinking of doing. How's the fan noise?
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