anyone looking for a sweet roomate or 2?


Well-Known Member
Myself and my gf are looking to follow our dreams, I want to cultivate the best organic meds I can create in a legal atmosphere and she wants to work as a massage therapist.

Very nice and hardworking, own a very well mannered dog, only issues is he is timid w new people but when he warms up he won't stay away from Your side. Great around plants as well lol.

We can Skype and see how we click. Very professional and just looking to get a start , hope I find someone out there.

Peace and hope everyone has a great weekend.
Maybe I can't go the whole nine yards in helping you but I certainly can be around.

By a chance tough, and I am just saying out of the blue, you remind me of this couple from Cali that came out here to seek almost exactly what you and your GF are

They blame my plant being vandalized due to their little dog. The male of the couple killed a friendly outdoor/indoor cat of this house facility which was converted into two apartments.

After staying with my neighbors for some two months they finally saved up enough money, got a cheap ass car and an apartment.

I never have had such a bad view on Californians until they came around. People who move to CO looove to say along the lines of
"ooh we moved out to here from TX, VA, CA, etc. for weed/21st century dreaming it's so nice"

so nice? so lets keep it this way.

By the way, stay the fuck away from main area Pueblo
I plan to move no matter what, deff not like that cali couple at all lol

I was actually looking into pueblo, due to cheap prices and anywhere in colorado is better than ohio imo, even if I don't start in mj and work in another area I plan to make it work, its going to be a fun adventure, we visited about a month ago and had a awesome time and enjoyed talking to many many ppl. Stay green yall and any kind of insightful or positive chat is welcomed, I'm not a negative guy so if you come in here with that you may just get laughed at. Later all.
Lmao already have vehicles btw, we aren't bums just trying to save a few bucks and meet someone cool in the meantime . If we have to get our own place it's cool just will take a bit more time to do so. I can't wait to walk into my backyard to a big greenhouse that has bad ass plants.
Myself and my gf are looking to follow our dreams, I want to cultivate the best organic meds I can create in a legal atmosphere and she wants to work as a massage therapist.

Very nice and hardworking, own a very well mannered dog, only issues is he is timid w new people but when he warms up he won't stay away from Your side. Great around plants as well lol.

We can Skype and see how we click. Very professional and just looking to get a start , hope I find someone out there.

Peace and hope everyone has a great weekend.
You all might want to consider one of the other states. I am thinking the grow movement has created a lot of migration and the industry is probably overloaded with qualified help in CO.

P.S. You should try to find the dog a good home. Starting out or over is not a place in your life where you are ready to be a dog owner. I love dogs and have two 16 year olds and they have lived their entire adult lives, in the same home. When you have that kind of structure, that is when you become a dog owner.

I wish you young people's the best. And I believe you should follow your dreams as well. Just try to plan a little better and I think you can achieve them.
Thanks man. I wish I could get rid of him but I can't he's family to me, I'm attached to him like a father is to a son.

I'll keep working hard until it happens, I may pass federally before I can move, if that was the case I may stay here because I have family, but when I visited Colorado it felt like home, not due to mj industry but because the people were actually really decent , the scenery is breath taking and the fact that I can't get in trouble for a herb is soothing, I feel like a outlaw here and I don't like that feeling at all, I have a colon issue and gf has bad migraines, it's not like we are abusers of major drugs we just want natural meds and want to live a good peaceful life , ohio is getting bad imo, the job market is moving elsewhere , and the people suck, a whole bunch of old timing country people who don't see past what They have been taught, whether it's the right Nor wrong way. Anywho, toy can prob understand my frustrations lol we all deal with this stuff but we don't have to put up with it either, I have friends in Humboldt but i colorado is my future home I think at some point in my life. I'm very happy with what colorado has done for the movement and I am glad to see how everything is being ran around there, just wish it was created equal as other meds, not like it's killing anyone like the heroin epidemic. Which I believe is partly due to the fact that our legal doctors prescribe it out the ass. Lol anywho have a great day everyone , nice chatting.
I can't offer a place to stay, but as someone who recently relocated to Colorado from the east let me know if you need any advice or information.

We have two dogs and a cat that came with us one our move. Even in cheaper areas rental cost and pet fees are outrageous. Not many landlords will let you grow in a rental either. We ended up buying a mobile home in a 420 friendly park. It's not ideal, but it is cheaper than renting and no one bitches about my animals or grow room. It also gives us time to decide which town we want to live in for a long time before we buy a house.

Plan on finding another job. Even if you want to work in the industry it will be a couple of months before you get badges most likely.
From a supply & demand point of view your exactly where you need to be if you want foot lockers full of cash .

10 yrs ago in Michigan zips of fire were $500 if you had a hook up , if i were in your shoes i'd stay in Ohio & grow until it becomes legal there , then leave after the market crash all the legal states have had with a trunk full of $.

Take advantage of what you've got , dont move hoping for the best .
I'm not sure just thinking things through, we plan to pay our debt before we leave, so just working my ass off to get somewhere, been talking to a friend in Humboldt lately. We can get approved for a $120,000 home so it's just figuring where and when. I'm in a rush but I also want to be safe and cautious of my decision in the end.
Thanks for advice guys, when some one speaks I listen and really get into deep thought so it's mucho appreciated.

Yeah ohio prices are high, for cali and colorado stuff that has been DE Trichromes during transport , prices are still $280 at the cheapest and high as $400, $500 for amazing shit and ppl pay it, because good stuff is worth it I guess.
I moved here 2 years ago and will tell you that you should go to another state to work in the mj industry. Played out and over saturated.. The boom is over here imo
Over? Maybe for the little guy but have you seen some of the commercial grows?
I just installed the heat pumps in one that I considered pretty large and then a friend of mine who is in the same line sent me a picture of the grow he was working. 2800 lights that grow I worked was nothing. The entire hood smelled of weed too. Was right next door to Mahatma concentrates.
just did some new apartment searching today and let me tell ya as a native with a steady job; it's competitive out there...

getting a place is as bad as looking for a job these days.
Here's just a small part of the 2800 light op in progress.
There is a lot of construction going on. Not just grows but all kinds of shit is being built out here.
I haven't seen so much construction going on since I've been here and that's over a decade.
Anyone who can't find a job out here I don't know what to tell you.


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Myself and my gf are looking to follow our dreams, I want to cultivate the best organic meds I can create in a legal atmosphere and she wants to work as a massage therapist.

Very nice and hardworking, own a very well mannered dog, only issues is he is timid w new people but when he warms up he won't stay away from Your side. Great around plants as well lol.

We can Skype and see how we click. Very professional and just looking to get a start , hope I find someone out there.

Peace and hope everyone has a great weekend.

massage therapist, eh?

send me some pics, i have a spare room downstairs if she can do the ol' rub'n'tug.

we'll skype (cyber) later.

good luck!
Here's just a small part of the 2800 light op in progress.
There is a lot of construction going on. Not just grows but all kinds of shit is being built out here.
I haven't seen so much construction going on since I've been here and that's over a decade.
Anyone who can't find a job out here I don't know what to tell you.

Where is out here? Colorado Springs? Very difficult to find a decent paying job to support a family ...