Club 600

Totally am gonna invest in one of these!

Handheld Device Lets You Test And Verify Your Own Cannabis
  • TECH
  • — FEB 18, 2014


MyDx connects to a mobile app that offers additional features. (Photo: CDx/Youtube)
A company out of California wants to put a cannabis testing lab in the hands of every consumer.
The team at CDx is trying to solve one of the medical marijuana industry’s biggest problems: a lack of product safety regulation. It’s not that testing labs don’t exist in California and other legal states, but instead that no law requires dispensaries to use them (except in Colorado).

The solution they've come up with is a handheld device that is slightly larger than an iPhone. It’s called the MyDx, and utilizes electronic nose technology to analyze samples of anything you want.

While the ultimate goal is to allow users to test all that they “eat, drink or inhale,” the company is starting out with cannabis in mind.

The need is definitely there, says Daniel Yazbeck, the main funder of the project.

“People can take the same strain, the same clone, and you won’t get the same product depending on the grower and slightly varying conditions,” he explains.

“So the only way to do this is based on the chemicals and not the name until you get consistency in the industry.”

The MyDx comes with a mobile app that will help consumers track the effects of specific strains. The company also plans to partner with labs across the country in order to leverage lab-verified data.

But there’s a problem, Yazbeck says. The device is expensive to produce, and most consumers aren’t likely to pay more than a couple hundred dollars for the ability to test their own medicine.

That’s why the company launched a crowdfunding campaign last month, which has so far been successful at hitting its first target. If all goes well, the company hopes to ship its first batch of MyDx devices by December.
It's about time for another bowl. I wonder what his strains will be.

New hit? Country singer Willie Nelson plans to launch his own brand of marijuana
  • Willie's Reserve will represent Nelson's 'personal morals and convictions'
  • In addition to the cannabis, there will be branded bongs and stores as well
  • Storefronts should feel like 'anti-Walmart' and they will launch in 2016
  • Nelson, 81, revealed his plans at fundraiser during SXSW in Austin, Texas
By Evan Bleier For
Published: 09:37 EST, 27 March 2015 | Updated: 09:45 EST, 27 March 2015

It may have always been on his mind, but country singer Willie Nelson only recently announced he plans to create and sell his own brand of marijuana.
The singer's personal brand of weed will be called Willie's Reserve and it could be available as soon as 2016.
Nelson, 81, revealed his plans at the Heartbreaker Banquet, a fundraiser which is held during South by Southwest in Austin, Texas.
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Willie Nelson, 81, revealed his pot plans at a fundraiser during South by Southwest in Austin, Texas

The country singer will create a brand of marijuana called Willie's Reserve and bring it to market in 2016

Brand will represent Nelson's 'personal morals and convictions' and be sold from 'anti-Walmart' storefronts

After Nelson let the cat out of the bag, his spokesman revealed details about Willie's Reserve to the Daily Beast.
The brand will represent Nelson's 'personal morals and convictions' and it will be sold from storefronts that feel like 'the anti-Walmart', according to Bowman.
The plan is to open stores in states like Colorado, Washington and Alaska.
Bowman said: 'He wants it to be something that's reflective of his passion.
'Ultimately, it's his. But it was developed by his family, and their focus on environmental and social issues, and in particular this crazy war on drugs, and trying to be a bright light amongst this trail as we're trying to extract ourselves from the goo of prohibition.'
He added that growers who meet Nelson's standards for quality will have the chance to peddle their wares next to Willie's Reserve.
Bowman said: 'Let's just call it the anti-Walmart model.
'Personally, internally, that's what we call it.
'A certain standard by which growers have to account for carbon and such, in a way that empowers small growers who are doing the right thing.
'It will be like when you walk into a Whole Foods store.'
Bob Marley's family capitalized on the deceased reggae legend's popularity by announcing a 'global cannabis brand' called Marley Natural, according to the Cannabist.
The brand, which is slated to launch later this year, will 'honor the life and legacy of Bob Marley as well as his belief in the benefits of cannabis' by offering 'heirloom Jamaican cannabis strains' inspired by those the singer enjoyed.

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Totally am gonna invest in one of these!

Handheld Device Lets You Test And Verify Your Own Cannabis
  • TECH
  • — FEB 18, 2014


MyDx connects to a mobile app that offers additional features. (Photo: CDx/Youtube)
A company out of California wants to put a cannabis testing lab in the hands of every consumer.
The team at CDx is trying to solve one of the medical marijuana industry’s biggest problems: a lack of product safety regulation. It’s not that testing labs don’t exist in California and other legal states, but instead that no law requires dispensaries to use them (except in Colorado).

The solution they've come up with is a handheld device that is slightly larger than an iPhone. It’s called the MyDx, and utilizes electronic nose technology to analyze samples of anything you want.

While the ultimate goal is to allow users to test all that they “eat, drink or inhale,” the company is starting out with cannabis in mind.

The need is definitely there, says Daniel Yazbeck, the main funder of the project.

“People can take the same strain, the same clone, and you won’t get the same product depending on the grower and slightly varying conditions,” he explains.

“So the only way to do this is based on the chemicals and not the name until you get consistency in the industry.”

The MyDx comes with a mobile app that will help consumers track the effects of specific strains. The company also plans to partner with labs across the country in order to leverage lab-verified data.

But there’s a problem, Yazbeck says. The device is expensive to produce, and most consumers aren’t likely to pay more than a couple hundred dollars for the ability to test their own medicine.

That’s why the company launched a crowdfunding campaign last month, which has so far been successful at hitting its first target. If all goes well, the company hopes to ship its first batch of MyDx devices by December.

I know 2 people with them bro and they have had nothing but good results. Matter of fact I got to see one in person while out in CO. Sure they wont compare to a GAS test but it's a huge step in the right direction.

Here's some shots of it for ya guys. Not just an article, these are from my buddy who has one.
4cab8e00227eb1b5fc0c9890086aab.jpg 43aefe6aec34ecce1819e674b1e1e1.jpg 082e6d5b55d22fb620b8e320c2740f.jpg
And here's some test results from a GG4 sample
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We tested twice and got almost identical results each time. We also only paid 200 to get in and will be receiving the retail version this summer.
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So I guess it's okay for the DEA to fund sex parties but not allow us to grow a plant...

DEA 'Sex Parties' Funded by Drug Cartels, IG Report Says
Mar 26, 2015, 12:05 PM ET
JACK DATEMore From Jack »


A sign with a DEA badge marks the entrance to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Museum in Arlington, Va., Aug. 8, 2013.
Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Senior Drug Enforcement Administration agents working overseas allegedly participated in “sex parties” with prostitutes funded by drug cartels, according to a newly-released Department of Justice Inspector General report on the handling of sexual misconduct allegations by law enforcement agencies.

The conduct occurred over a period of years, according to the report. In addition to soliciting prostitutes, the foreign officers interviewed for the report allege three DEA supervisory special agents were “provided money, expensive gifts, and weapons from drug cartel members."

Some DEA agents who participated in the parties denied knowing about cartel involvement, but the IG report says “information in the case files suggested they should have known the prostitutes in attendance were paid with cartel funds.”

US National Guardsman and His Cousin Arrested for Trying to Join ISIS

The sex parties occurred in government leased living quarters where “agents’ laptops,BlackBerry devices and other government-issued equipment were present,” posing a security risk and “potentially exposing them to extortion, blackmail, or coercion.”

In another instance, two DEA special agents allegedly solicited prostitutes for a farewell party for a senior DEA official.

That official, an acting assistant regional director, allegedly had “sexual relations with prostitutes” and there were “allegations operational funds were used to pay for the party and the prostitutes,” according to the report.

The report also alleges that one prostitute was assaulted by someone associated with DEA supervisors following a payment dispute. The report was critical of DEA’s treatment of allegations of sexual misconduct, often dealing with incidents as local management issues and not reporting information up the chain of command.

The report also looked at allegations of misconduct against the U.S. Marshals Service, ATF and the FBI.

One case of alleged sexual harassment involved an FBI “Supervisory Management and Program Analyst’s repeated unprofessional behavior, including cornering his subordinates in their cubicles and displaying the size of his genitals by tightening his pants,” the report details. Subordinates of that employee endured his conduct for 3 years before it was reported to headquarters. The analyst was eventually suspended, demoted and reassigned to another office.

The Department of Justice said in a statement that it is working “with the law enforcement components to ensure a zero tolerance policy on sexual harassment and misconduct is enforced
I know 2 people with them bro and they have had nothing but good results. Matter of fact I got to see one in person while out in CO. Sure they wont compare to a GAS test but it's a huge step in the right direction.

Here's some shots of it for ya guys. Not just an article, these are from my buddy who has one.
View attachment 3381812 View attachment 3381813 View attachment 3381814
And here's some test results from a GG4 sample
View attachment 3381817 View attachment 3381818 View attachment 3381819 View attachment 3381820
We tested twice and got almost identical results each time. We also only paid 200 to get in and will be receiving the retail version this summer.
Why are people asking if it is just pulling info from a database? Do you have to tell it its GG#4, or do you put an unknown sample and it tell you its prolly gg#4 by matching to a database?
nothing ever happens to them though is the problem. Justice these days is entirely based on the amount of money given to the lawyers/fines. Hell the CIA was proven to be one of the largest importers of cocaine into the country in the 80s. Big pharma companies REGULLARLY get charged for atrocities as well but never see in the inside of a jail cell. Such as Vioxx (arthritis meds) that cause heart attacks. They have several hundred cases of severe heart attacks and a few deaths...900 million dollar fine. The more research behind the curtain...the more clear it is how badly a revolution is needed in the current status quo. You can give people heart attacks and get away with a fine (900 million on a multi billion dollar company is nothing) but heaven forbid you grow a plant.
Why are people asking if it is just pulling info from a database? Do you have to tell it its GG#4, or do you put an unknown sample and it tell you its prolly gg#4 by matching to a database?

The database is built by users who input their samples to. It's all stored and that way later down the road a patient could know for sure they are for sure getting the right meds. Can also make sure there's no mold, bacteria, pesticides used etc.

It's a great leap in the right direction and I'm glad to have s hand in the testing phase. They are still working kinks out. Just released some new updates. Runs similar to iOS.

But when you think about it what isn't in an database anymore.
all in all, most the states seem to very much wanna make sure its big business running it. They don't want grows in the suburbs, they want massive ones in warehouses run by bureaucrats paying their interests
all in all, most the states seem to very much wanna make sure its big business running it. They don't want grows in the suburbs, they want massive ones in warehouses run by bureaucrats paying their interests

Eh, there's some pretty good sized co-ops and shit in CO that my buddy's run and it's about the love of the plant.

But sure there is those as well. It's gonna take awhile to get all the kinks out but we are headed in the right direction.