T-5 light grow /AirPots /

It looks like you got nutrient burn on there you need to clip those dead leaves off them and if you having purple stripes you gotta flush those plants and give straight plain water
yup! I burned it while it was in veg. Too much earth juice catalyst foliar + FFOF 3.5gal early transplant. This is my second SUCCESSFUL female grow. 1st grow i could use ff big bloom and earth juice at normal feedings with never any nute burn, still learning how to keep this unknown strain happy. As a matter of fact, i think the soil might still be too hot. Btw i have flushed 3 times already, but i read in a very informative thread somewhere that FFBB and Earth juice catalyst is hard to flush because its mostly organic matter(not 100% organic according to research) this is my 1st grow in my new house. I live on oahu with avg temps at 60-80f and humidity avg at 40/60%. However, i live up in the mountains, so my nights are even colder(n55-60/d60-75) and our air holds even more moisture up here (avg 70 max 95). I am basically growing blind and inexperienced with my environment and unknown strain.

I do find it weird that i am at a quarter strength of ffbb and quarter strength of ejc+floranectar seems to be burning new growth tips very minor even at less then 500ppm. All i know for sure is i have much to learn and a de-humidifier on the way because i think mold probability is higher then 50%.
Btw, i clip the leaves when they get crispy, i leave yellow till it browns. Is this bad?

I have been searching and searching for what im growing. The closest i can come up with is this thread https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=213476&page=8

The user, mokaba has/had a very similar looking indica with the same issues i had, his other plants were underfed but his purple striping purple fan leaf stem indica was getting overfed in the same size pots and diet as the others. Mine started with random completly purple fan leaf stems with red hairs, as soon as it showed pre-floweres the stems started making purple stripes. Ill take more photos when i get home!

Just trying to see if i can take some advice from simular strains, as im just growing for self-medication and for experience so that some time in my life i can stop buying quarters every 5 days..
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