I worry that one day if I have kids he/she is going to smoke weed?


Well-Known Member
And if I tell him off he's going to be like "ohh you do it so why can't I?" now I don't want him smoking it until he's mature age 18-20 or even earlier until he understands to be responsible and keep up to all his daily tasks not just sit around smoking pot all day and being a waste of oxygen, so what do you people do with kids that smoke how do you break it to your kids? should you just hide it from your kids that you smoke? what if your kid sees you smoke and ends up telling everyone or his friends, you know how kids are they have loose mouth.
And if I tell him off he's going to be like "ohh you do it so why can't I?" now I don't want him smoking it until he's mature age 18-20 or even earlier until he understands to be responsible and keep up to all his daily tasks not just sit around smoking pot all day and being a waste of oxygen, so what do you people do with kids that smoke how do you break it to your kids? should you just hide it from your kids that you smoke? what if your kid sees you smoke and ends up telling everyone or his friends, you know how kids are they have loose mouth.
You have a lot more to concern yourself about before you worry about one of your sperms thinking for him/herself....like your controlling personality issue, and beside looking to your prose I'd be much more concerned about his controlling absent father, and his crack addiction...?
I have a 13 yo son, and he has always known that I smoke MJ. We've discussed all drugs for years now, so he knows hard from soft and the potential consequences of each. I have never smoked in front of him, though. I'd like him to abstain from all mind-altering substances, but I'm not naive enough to think that he will abide by this. He knows that if/when he uses that he can share that info with me, and if he ever needs me to be there for him if he gets into trouble, I'll be right there to pick him up, or whatever is needed. Kids see there parents drink all the time, you should be more concerned about that than MJ smoking. Alcohol is the true gateway drug...
And if I tell him off he's going to be like "ohh you do it so why can't I?" now I don't want him smoking it until he's mature age 18-20 or even earlier until he understands to be responsible and keep up to all his daily tasks not just sit around smoking pot all day and being a waste of oxygen, so what do you people do with kids that smoke how do you break it to your kids? should you just hide it from your kids that you smoke? what if your kid sees you smoke and ends up telling everyone or his friends, you know how kids are they have loose mouth.

BTW, if one of your child does tell others about your smoking, you simply murder that child. Preferably in front of your other children. Even when young they get the message, and it's unlikely that they will repeat this transgression. You can always make more kids, it's really easy...
It took me til my mid teens to work out that my Dad's friends weren't really putting chocolate in their roll ups! How naïve!? How times have changed! Look at me now!

Eventually, when the penny dropped; I also realised why Dad never wore that T-Shirt he bought by accident that read : 'Adihash gives you speed'.
BTW, if one of your children do tell others about your smoking, you simply murder that child. Preferably in front of the other kids. Even when young, they get the message and it's unlikely that they will repeat this transgression. You can always make more kids, it's really easy...
When the time comes if you are an involved parent & not just providers of food & shelter you'll be able to converse with your kids about mj .

We raised 3 sons who grew up around mj smoking parents & hard drinking construction workers & bikers , all 3 children abstained from using mj , alcohol ect until they were adults & out of the 3 only one adult child chose to use mj on a semi regular basis until he went into the Marine Corp then to Iraq .

Our other 2 sons are too busy working & running a business to spend their time getting high on weed or booze , if you prepare your kids for life & raise them with goals they will make alot wiser decisions about their lives than you think .

Our way to keep our kids away from drugs & alcohol until they were adults was to have structure in their lives , plan their education & help them set long term goals for themselves, we explained how using any drug could interfere with their goals & brain development , they made their own minds up weather to use or not .

The biggest thing you should avoid is the hypocrisy of hiding your use from them when they allready know , then DEMANDING they dont use , help them organize their lives & their goals & shit falls in line on its own as long as you provide them proper training .
You don't even have kids yet. Don't worry about it. By that time it'll be legal and you treat it like alcohol; or it'll be anarchy and that is the least of your problems. BTW, is Reese mom or sister?
are you sure? if it gets to that point its all going to be the same big corporations youd be forced to buy from. they wont even allow you to grow or sell your own since theyre greedy fucks
I have posted advice, on here before, on the advantages of having a vasectomy ..!!

that way ...you need not share your tokes ....with siblings ...Ugh!!!!
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