Applying for Relief Based on Critical Medical Need - Should I ?


Well-Known Member
Mr.Biatch and I are very, very much at odds over my intent to grow on DS behalf. I am the primary parent but we have joint guardianship. DS was not part of the MMAR/MMPR and the only documentation we have is a Physician's Letter of Support and Prescription. Dispensary/LP/and CC prices are prohibitive. The strain which is the most likely to be of real benefit without adverse reaction is not readily available.

Is it within the realm of reason to consider applying to the Court for an exemption based on critical medical need and lack of availability via LP ? The Allard ruling isn't expected until December. That would give me time for two crops and hopefully enough for one batch of oil.

Would I need a lawyer or is it something I could handle (at least paperwork wise) on my own ?
I would. But I'm far more concerned about conflict with Mr.B than I am about LE.

I'd like to do it so I don't have to worry about him being a total fink. Not that much would come of it - I just don't need the stress. I'm wondering if petitioning the Court for interim relief is even feasible in terms of time frame before Allard comes down.
as things stand...every patients is stressing.
as long as they can be charged and all of them can be one way or another and lose what they have, all ARE under the gun.
When it comes down to it, he would just be shooting himself in the foot. So maybe I've answered my own question ? I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to have to leave his job to care for DS full time. I can't remember anyone ever going to jail for three fucking plants.

Im looking at a couple more discrete options including a Server Tower Cab. Enough room to get me started with a SCROG/LST. I've seen a couple online but the sites look sketch.
would he know/why would he have to? ;)
he doesn't have to know where it came from right? you just happened to find a great friend.
i assume this is an ex, right? not living together,

hate telling people to risk their freedom.. for me it's simple, no one's going to help me but me.. so best to stay right off the radar ;)
as long as that doesn't cause you undue stress.
just know, you would be fully illegal! but under the rights the courts are fighting for, you might have a chance with$ for a lawyer. maybe talk to a few good lawyers and say would they get you off if you paid them, then ask how much, prob 10k$+
keep quiet, use a filter, don't allow anyone in your house, and honestly if your unsure of the ex, don't tell him, everyone has issues and likes to talk or rat if pissed off. it has happened a million times. be safe
ps limit for jail is 6 plants plus, 6 months. so doing it for someone who needs it with 3-4 plants you might get off ok. that is total plants in the house, not just flowering
@doingdishes If you dont mind, create a thread of Turmels gold star program. Seems like it went over some heads.

It may only be for past MMAR patients but id try it anyways considering you have support from a physician. If your illegal i would keep it small and very clean and tiddy. Also post your doc note close to your grow spot, just as if it was a license.

@doingdishes If you dont mind, create a thread of Turmels gold star program. Seems like it went over some heads.

It may only be for past MMAR patients but id try it anyways considering you have support from a physician. If your illegal i would keep it small and very clean and tiddy. Also post your doc note close to your grow spot, just as if it was a license.

i will gather stuff & start the thread today. might as well. if we can get more in, all the better!
i will gather stuff & start the thread today. might as well. if we can get more in, all the better!

I was looking at Turmels last night.

I'm planning on 3 plants total. No one goes to jail for 3 fucking plants. Especially low THC, high CBD strains clearly being grown for a seriously ill child.

You read my mind about the Doc paperwork. I photocopied and laminated it a couple weeks back. Have it stuck above,the spot where I keep his topicals.
I wonder though about time frame. Allard is supposed to come down in December. That's 9 ish months. Could I get this in front of a Judge with no opposition from HC before Dec ?
I wonder though about time frame. Allard is supposed to come down in December. That's 9 ish months. Could I get this in front of a Judge with no opposition from HC before Dec ?
with the Goldstars, you get your paperwork in & you're stayed as soon as the judge sees it as there are over 300 filers. it's going above & beyond what Conroy is asking.
Justice Manson stayed all the Goldstars pending the outcome of Allard. it's filed online so it's quick and only costs $2
with the Goldstars, you get your paperwork in & you're stayed as soon as the judge sees it as there are over 300 filers. it's going above & beyond what Conroy is asking.
Justice Manson stayed all the Goldstars pending the outcome of Allard. it's filed online so it's quick and only costs $2
Does this apply only to patients with MMAR/MMPR status ? My child is a minor but does have a letter of support from his long time physician and a prescription .