Lax Lounge farmers market busted?


New Member
Anyone know what's up with this? Heard cops were walking in and vendors were scrambling to the exits.

Any truth to this? Heard so many good things about the market, but glad I didn't go and check it out yesterday.

The 7ten lounge is also having farmers markets as well? is this why the original market has been so dead?
I have no idea Arizona even had farmers markets. I thought all we had here was legal dispensary brick weed.
I have no idea Arizona even had farmers markets. I thought all we had here was legal dispensary brick weed.

There are 2 different markets running. Both have vendors every Saturday/Sunday with another midweek on weds..

Seems a little risky and sketch to me, but heard meds and prices are way better than the Dispensarys so was curious to see what they had, just not sure about safety at an underground club..rumor had it they were allowing out of state vendors as long as you had med card.
Interesting. I know the way Arizona Prop 203 is written. Only "state licensed" dispensaries are allowed to sell cannabis.
I wish we had farmer's markets that were not in a grey area. Course grow rights to more than just the dispensaries looking to make millions would be nice.
I wish we had farmer's markets that were not in a grey area. Course grow rights to more than just the dispensaries looking to make millions would be nice.

Hats off to those willing to push the boundarys of that grey area. Hopefully it doesn't fuck things up for those who play by the rules.

Openly having people selling out of a underground spot can't be good can it?
I only hope for recreational in 2016. At that point grow rights will be 4 plants I believe. If four plants is okay for recreational, maybe then 12 plants for a medical patient isn't so crazy. I predict a lot of change for our state. If we can get past the politicians here.
Anyone know what's up with this? Heard cops were walking in and vendors were scrambling to the exits.

Any truth to this? Heard so many good things about the market, but glad I didn't go and check it out yesterday.

The 7ten lounge is also having farmers markets as well? is this why the original market has been so dead?

Good morning friends..

There are actually 3 medical marijuana farmers markets in Phoenix;

One farmers market is put on by "The Medical Green Community" at the VFW Post on 48th St and Thomas.

Another farmers market is at the Lax Lounge on 16th St and Thomas.

The other farmers market is at the 7ten Club on 51st ave and Camelback.

The "Original" medical marijuana farmers market was the CAMP 420 farmers market. That market no longer exists because the CAMP 420 owner was indicted by the State of Arizona for "Illegal Control of an Enterprise", a Class 4 Felony, for her involvement with organizing the farmers market.
Good morning friends..

There are actually 3 medical marijuana farmers markets in Phoenix;

One farmers market is put on by "The Medical Green Community" at the VFW Post on 48th St and Thomas.

Another farmers market is at the Lax Lounge on 16th St and Thomas.

The other farmers market is at the 7ten Club on 51st ave and Camelback.

The "Original" medical marijuana farmers market was the CAMP 420 farmers market. That market no longer exists because the CAMP 420 owner was indicted by the State of Arizona for "Illegal Control of an Enterprise", a Class 4 Felony, for her involvement with organizing the farmers market.

So probably only a matter of time before these other spots get busted.

Can't be good having people with out of state cards selling pounds out of an unlicensed spot.

Just fucking it up for others in the long run.
Seems a little risky and sketch to me, but heard meds and prices are way better than the Dispensarys so was curious to see what they had, just not sure about safety at an underground club..rumor had it they were allowing out of state vendors as long as you had med card.

You are spot on!

Yes, the legality of the farmers markets are in question. As I mentioned in my previous post, the "Original" farmers market operator has since been indicted and has stopped operating her market.

The question comes down to whether or not patient-to-patient sales of medical marijuana are LEGAL or ILLEGAL.

The wording of our medical marijuana law is ambiguous and often left to individual interpretation. A Judge down in PIMA COUNTY has ruled that the language of Prop 203 seems to indicate that patients CAN legally sell marijuana to each other. That case is now pending appeal.

Regarding the case for the CAMP 420 market, the same legal argument has been made in this case that was made in the Pima County case (which is Arizona v. Matlock). The Judge is expected to rule on the CAMP 420 case as soon as NEXT WEEK!

Hopefully, these cases will shed some light on our medical marijuana law and help everyone to understand whether or not these types of farmers markets are legal or not.

Yes, most of the markets will allow out-of-state medical marijuana patients. This is because Arizona law states that "a medical marijuana recommendation from another State shall have the same force and effect as a AZDHS issued Medical Marijuana Card, except that an out-of-state patient may not purchase marijuana from a dispensary."

Meaning, that if patient-to-patient sales are deemed legal by the courts, then that protection would also apply to out-of-state patients as well.

Generally speaking, the quality of the meds at farmers markers is hit and miss. Some tables have amazing meds at fantastic prices, and some tables have bottom shelf meds.

The biggest advantage of the farmers markets over dispensaries is the pricing.. Top-shelf meds at a state-licensed dispensary are easily $400+. Whereas the same top-shelf meds sell for $250+ at the farmers markets.
Interesting. I know the way Arizona Prop 203 is written. Only "state licensed" dispensaries are allowed to sell cannabis.

Patients "MIGHT" be able to sell marijuana to other patients. Pending a Judge's decision in the Court of Appeals, that is.
I only hope for recreational in 2016. At that point grow rights will be 4 plants I believe. If four plants is okay for recreational, maybe then 12 plants for a medical patient isn't so crazy. I predict a lot of change for our state. If we can get past the politicians here.

We are working directly with MPP (Marijuana Policy Project) to encourage them to draft a REAL Recreational marijuana bill in 2016.

MPP has been raising money from the existing MEDICAL marijuana dispensaries to fund this bill. The problem that we're facing is that MPP's donors (existing dispensary owners) are insisting that PERSONAL CULTIVATION remain illegal.

MPP's most current draft of the Recreational bill would make it illegal to grow ANY amount of marijuana.

One of their previous drafts allowed for adults 21+ to grow 6 plants legally.

MPP chose to remove personal cultivation from the law to appease their investors. The investors/existing dispensary owners feel that they'll lose money if everyone can grow their own. They want to create a situation where marijuana is LEGAL, but only if you bought it from one of their State-Licensed dispensaries.

We are continuing to work with MPP to persuade them that we, the marijuana community, need to be their first priority. The goal of our community is, and always has been, to keep good people out of jail and prison for marijuana only offenses. MPP used to know that, but they've forgotten somewhere along their journey.

Nobody belongs in jail or prison for marijuana.
We are working directly with MPP (Marijuana Policy Project) to encourage them to draft a REAL Recreational marijuana bill in 2016.

MPP has been raising money from the existing MEDICAL marijuana dispensaries to fund this bill. The problem that we're facing is that MPP's donors (existing dispensary owners) are insisting that PERSONAL CULTIVATION remain illegal.

MPP's most current draft of the Recreational bill would make it illegal to grow ANY amount of marijuana.

One of their previous drafts allowed for adults 21+ to grow 6 plants legally.

MPP chose to remove personal cultivation from the law to appease their investors. The investors/existing dispensary owners feel that they'll lose money if everyone can grow their own. They want to create a situation where marijuana is LEGAL, but only if you bought it from one of their State-Licensed dispensaries.

We are continuing to work with MPP to persuade them that we, the marijuana community, need to be their first priority. The goal of our community is, and always has been, to keep good people out of jail and prison for marijuana only offenses. MPP used to know that, but they've forgotten somewhere along their journey.

Nobody belongs in jail or prison for marijuana.

So how/why do these Dispensarys have any say on the recreational front?

Unlikely AZ will be the only medical/rec state with no grow rights..
So how/why do these Dispensarys have any say on the recreational front?

The dispensaries have made a financial commitment to MPP in an effort to get what they want in the recreational marijuana bill.

Not only have the dispensaries already donated money to MPP, but we've been told that numerous dispensaries are also committed to making MONTHLY payments to MPP going forward. They are buying a marijuana bill that will allow them to control the market.

The wording of MPP's most recent draft would make personal cultivation illegal. It would also allow Localities (cities and counties) to outright BAN "Marijuana Establishments" (dispensaries) in their jurisdiction, EXCEPT that a locality may NOT ban any "Marijuana Establishments" that are owned by existing MEDICAL marijuana dispensaries.

So the existing medical marijuana dispensaries will be given the first chance to obtain a license for recreational marijuana dispensaries. Then, if there are any licenses left-over, anyone else may then apply for a license. Unless of course the locality chooses to ban "Marijuana Establishments", in which case only medical marijuana dispensaries will be given a license to sell recreational marijuana.
The dispensaries have made a financial commitment to MPP in an effort to get what they want in the recreational marijuana bill.

Not only have the dispensaries already donated money to MPP, but we've been told that numerous dispensaries are also committed to making MONTHLY payments to MPP going forward. They are buying a marijuana bill that will allow them to control the market.

The wording of MPP's most recent draft would make personal cultivation illegal. It would also allow Localities (cities and counties) to outright BAN "Marijuana Establishments" (dispensaries) in their jurisdiction, EXCEPT that a locality may NOT ban any "Marijuana Establishments" that are owned by existing MEDICAL marijuana dispensaries.

So the existing medical marijuana dispensaries will be given the first chance to obtain a license for recreational marijuana dispensaries. Then, if there are any licenses left-over, anyone else may then apply for a license. Unless of course the locality chooses to ban "Marijuana Establishments", in which case only medical marijuana dispensaries will be given a license to sell recreational marijuana.

Damn, that's crazy!! Hopefully people get out and vote in 2016.

Defiantly won't be patronizing any Dispensarys after hearing that....and I guess props to the people bushing the boundarys and challenging these grey areas.
The dispensaries have made a financial commitment to MPP in an effort to get what they want in the recreational marijuana bill.

Not only have the dispensaries already donated money to MPP, but we've been told that numerous dispensaries are also committed to making MONTHLY payments to MPP going forward. They are buying a marijuana bill that will allow them to control the market.

The wording of MPP's most recent draft would make personal cultivation illegal. It would also allow Localities (cities and counties) to outright BAN "Marijuana Establishments" (dispensaries) in their jurisdiction, EXCEPT that a locality may NOT ban any "Marijuana Establishments" that are owned by existing MEDICAL marijuana dispensaries.

So the existing medical marijuana dispensaries will be given the first chance to obtain a license for recreational marijuana dispensaries. Then, if there are any licenses left-over, anyone else may then apply for a license. Unless of course the locality chooses to ban "Marijuana Establishments", in which case only medical marijuana dispensaries will be given a license to sell recreational marijuana.

You should start a thread about this..
The dispensaries have made a financial commitment to MPP in an effort to get what they want in the recreational marijuana bill.

Not only have the dispensaries already donated money to MPP, but we've been told that numerous dispensaries are also committed to making MONTHLY payments to MPP going forward. They are buying a marijuana bill that will allow them to control the market.

The wording of MPP's most recent draft would make personal cultivation illegal. It would also allow Localities (cities and counties) to outright BAN "Marijuana Establishments" (dispensaries) in their jurisdiction, EXCEPT that a locality may NOT ban any "Marijuana Establishments" that are owned by existing MEDICAL marijuana dispensaries.

So the existing medical marijuana dispensaries will be given the first chance to obtain a license for recreational marijuana dispensaries. Then, if there are any licenses left-over, anyone else may then apply for a license. Unless of course the locality chooses to ban "Marijuana Establishments", in which case only medical marijuana dispensaries will be given a license to sell recreational marijuana.

Do you have a list of Dispensarys that are doing this?
Do you have a list of Dispensarys that are doing this?

The group of dispensaries that are responsible for persuading MPP to eliminate personal grow rights are the dispensaries that are members of the "Arizona Dispensary Association", which is run by Andrew Myers.

Andrew was hired by MPP back in 2009 to be the Campaign Manager for Prop 203. He now has a dispensary in Scottsdale named "Monarch Wellness."

His organization, the "Arizona Dispensary Association" (ADA), represents numerous other large State-Licensed dispensaries. It's this group of large dispensaries that represent the greatest influence with MPP.

There are likely other dispensaries not affiliated with the ADA that are also against personal grow rights, but they don't have as much weight with MPP, for obvious reasons.

A few of the dispensaries have come out publicly to say that they DO support personal grow rights. Those dispensaries should be praised for standing up for whats right.

It's difficult to give you a list of which dispensaries are members of the ADA, primarily because many of the dispensaries are lying and telling the public that they aren't ADA members, when they really are.

The guys at Safer Arizona interviewed Andrew Myers and asked him why the decision was made to eliminate personal cultivation. His answer was that the "law enforcement types were very against personal cultivation and that it was necessary to get their support."

You can read the whole interview here