Is this Glue a gonner?


Well-Known Member
Mice invaded my fucking house and decided to chew on the stalk of a just about fully rooted cut of gg#4 I managed to acquire the other day.

I got it in a cube not completely rooted and put in a solo cup with some tga base soil for 4-5 days before it was attacked.

It's been about a week since it happened and the plant is still alive but not growing very well. It had a good root ball going in the solo cup so I left it in there for a few days after the attack then put it in small pot with more dirt. It's been growing more roots and very slowly growing up top since transplanting it which was like 5-6 days ago.

Overall and despite the damage it's staying green and looking fairly healthy. But the damage and slow growth has me very worried.

Should I just let it keep growing and take clone for a new mom when it gets a lil bigger? Can I just snip this whole plat off above the damage and "re-root" it? Should I try to get another cut all together?


Pics from today:

Your going to get one of two things from this.

#1 A stunted plant that will not grow much more at all OR
#2 a plant that will take back off after a "healing" period and be assured that the damaged spot WILL be a weak point that will most likely be the point the plant falls over from, due to it's weight.

Support it either way.

Take cuttings and clone.....the stunting will not carry over to the clones.
you can prevent and take cuttings like said above and also keep the plant and see how it reacts , i've already seen some plants ( not cannabis btw but that doesn't matter cannabis is a plant like most others..) but cabbages for example , with "similar" damage and grew out to be beatifull plants .. soo .. time is your ally on this just give her time ;)
Also it has been a week since that your plant beeing stunted its normal due to that , but she still looks very healthy overall and thats a good sign , just make sure to "re-enforce" that point if she takes off again.. with a bamboo stick and some wire .. for example.
Cut off that bottom branch and transplant up to just below the next node. It's already stunted so? It could come back.

Do what ^^they said^^. Cut the rest of it up for some clones. Looks healthy.
Thanks guys...

First, I put out like 30 mouse traps lol.

I decided to take that branch off and bury it. I'll get some small steaks and support it further as well.

I tried to get some better pics of the branches and stuff, They are, imo, too small to take clones at this point. I'm guessing i need to wait for the branches to get bigger before I can clone them, am I wrong about this?

Thanks again!
Thanks guys...

First, I put out like 30 mouse traps lol.

I decided to take that branch off and bury it. I'll get some small steaks and support it further as well.

I tried to get some better pics of the branches and stuff, They are, imo, too small to take clones at this point. I'm guessing i need to wait for the branches to get bigger before I can clone them, am I wrong about this?

Thanks again!
I see at least 4 perfect clones. I would clone for insurance and keep the mother going. Done deal.
wow that really sucks man... good choice with going with more soil to cover it up, all the bitting is actually going to help your plant create more roots around the covered new area. Might be a little stunted at first but she will recover for sure no worries. Ive been searching everywhere here in San Diego for some gg clones... sucks you have one and mice ended up bitting the girl... :evil: