Well-Known Member
no that's zedd he doesn't need facts he's got degreeswhat i fwt lol he didnt know the facts to go name calling hahaha
no that's zedd he doesn't need facts he's got degreeswhat i fwt lol he didnt know the facts to go name calling hahaha
they do that's why I told his mother whom.o'd called what happened she agreed I saved her as the lads from.an abusive background himself n his "autism" as u like to call it make him.irrational I jumped on saved the day called the parents he said he'd rat me out lots alot of money he said he couldn't pay not knowing that I know he's a fucking job...I've been.more than fucking reasonablepeoples court love it lol
again big difference I do the kicking in mates there if his mates theredont need a degree to know 2 men beating up an autistic youth is wrong, learnt that in school year 1
i think u grossly underestimate my agedont need a degree to know 2 men beating up an autistic youth is wrong, learnt that in school year 1
I'm not gonna kill him I just want him to know I know he's a job n he needs to pay his deaths n keep his fucking word first night he said he'd pay then he refused so I called the mother again so now he's paying but I know he has the money I'll let him pay in 20s (a week- he makes 400.not bad foe an autistic kid ey)either way it's a hard situation to deal wiwank putting the frighteners on someone who's a problem with empathy is probably not going to work though. just my two bob, i'll pipe doon now
pretty fukin complicated do you think he will understand lolI'm not gonna kill him I just want him to know I know he's a job n he needs to pay his deaths n keep his fucking word first night he said he'd pay then he refused so I called the mother again so now he's paying but I know he has the money I'll let him pay in 20s pocket his phone after n sell it he won't.know any dofferem
his mother and father did n went dead quiet cuz they also played the who hit who fiort (he hit me.first on cam) explained it to his mom n dad they apologised n promised to pay if he didn't but I said it's the principle he has to pay n as they left i was like "I know he's a job"pretty fukin complicated do you think he will understand lol
150e suits so no price are left note will he know who I am n that way he will pay was another fear tactic had a few ones.that (just for u zeddd) wouldn't inflict 2 muc mental n physicklol how much does he owe? i swear early someone said they'll be in a boiler suit haha like something out of lock stock