Club 600


European banking is definitely ahead ours as far as cards go. I think they are to change by sometime later this year. The hold up has been the banking system bitchin about the cost, never mind how much the public has lost thru their delay.


Talking to my dad tonight, I guess he has a chip in his new Bank of America card. I heard they were supposed to start changing over... I guess some places have already. It's a good thing I think.

Very nice is it all together or?

Yeah, it's all together and works well. Has a strange percolater disk in it that's like parts of glass stuck together. Makes for smooth smoke.
I saw you on Steam last night Hydro. Was funny cuz I didn't know you were back yet, but figured if you were signed in. That stuff looks crazy you posted.

My only issue with double and triple chambered things with showerhead perks and the like is that they seem like they would be hard to clean. Maybe I'm missing something though. I've never bought any of that cleaner stuff. ??
My brother has been using the pc too so a couple friends thought i was back early :) Thanks working it ill post end product.
I "accidently" smoked a Cig/Hash mix on my pipe. Was worried it was hard to clean. But.. A little isopropyl alcohol made it brand new again.. Gave it a shake... Ill get a milky dab for yall when i got my oil finished :)
Iso and salt.. The big chunks of salt :)
And i dont like perculators... Dont know what you would call the thing in my pipe but could be perculator lol.. Ill have to get a vid of how it functions..
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Since when has it been illegal? Dont remember seeing anything about it?

I'm not sure the exact date but a few years now (at least 4 years ago cos I was at the casino when it came in), I'd have to ask the Mrs all the details to give you the full facts of what is and isn't allowed, she's the one up on the banking sector rules cos she's senior cashier at the same casino by night.

You probably didn't see anything about it cos you don't work in a retail setting mate, it's an industry thing.
Be careful with Alfalfa. It contains a protein anomer that you can introduce into your DNA and causes Lupus.

My Aunt said that they would stop feeding pregnant cows alfalfa because it caused birth defects.

A study was performed where they fed monkeys alfalfa sprouts for two weeks and they began showing lupus symptoms. They basically become allergic to their DNA.

I always laugh when healthy people eat tuna and alfalfa sprouts. Dosing with mercury and genetic mutagens! So healthy :)

Before you jump all over my case - I have a degree in biology. I have grown plants from chunks of stems (stem cells).

Be careful with Alfalfa. It contains a protein anomer that you can introduce into your DNA and causes Lupus.

My Aunt said that they would stop feeding pregnant cows alfalfa because it caused birth defects.

A study was performed where they fed monkeys alfalfa sprouts for two weeks and they began showing lupus symptoms. They basically become allergic to their DNA.

I always laugh when healthy people eat tuna and alfalfa sprouts. Dosing with mercury and genetic mutagens! So healthy :)

Before you jump all over my case - I have a degree in biology. I have grown plants from chunks of stems (stem cells).


I'm not gonna eat it lol, but thanks for the tip bro!
Das boiling of the roots is not about increasing trics, resin or potency. Tis about depriving the roots of O2 and causing early fermentation to take place. The science is in my truth about flushing thread. ALL plants (not just MJ) ferment sugars into alcohol in order to survive in conditions where the roots are starved of O2, ie: like a flood. The same thing can be achieved by drowning the roots but it takes longer and can cause mold. Boiling them makes it happen instantly.

There is a years later followup at the end that also explains why fading at the end does the same thing
Slow drying while still "aliive" is my best guess. Top bud cut of and stalk down in water will do the same and i cannot say for sure but really felt like a smoother end product..
Like its cured straight from drying.. Not to sound lame just a comparison
I'm not sure the exact date but a few years now (at least 4 years ago cos I was at the casino when it came in), I'd have to ask the Mrs all the details to give you the full facts of what is and isn't allowed, she's the one up on the banking sector rules cos she's senior cashier at the same casino by night.

You probably didn't see anything about it cos you don't work in a retail setting mate, it's an industry thing.

Nothing about it being illegal coming up on google either.

Maybe you misheard her at some point....
Nothing about it being illegal coming up on google either.

Maybe you misheard her at some point....

Lol no mate it's in the wording, it's sort of quasi illegal if you will.

Exactly why I didn't go into detail and said I'd ask the Mrs for you (she can tell me exactly what's what and exactly where the rule is to be found) but unfortunately she's in Poland until Thursday.

I'll find out for you, remind me cos every time I ask her about it I forget and a few days later it comes up in conversation elsewhere. lol
Das boiling of the roots is not about increasing trics, resin or potency. Tis about depriving the roots of O2 and causing early fermentation to take place. The science is in my truth about flushing thread. ALL plants (not just MJ) ferment sugars into alcohol in order to survive in conditions where the roots are starved of O2, ie: like a flood. The same thing can be achieved by drowning the roots but it takes longer and can cause mold. Boiling them makes it happen instantly.

There is a years later followup at the end that also explains why fading at the end does the same thing

Same thing we do during the cure, the boiling/starving roots of O2 speeds the cure up

IOW ,,, a fresh dried bud will taste like it has spent 7 to 10 days in the jars

It very simply speeds up the process

So more pseudoscience and subjectivity then?.........:roll:

Don't bother wasting your breath man you're full of shit, I read a very short section of that first post in your so called "truth about flushing" thread and soon noticed you're not only way off the mark regarding the reasons behind flushing but just plain wrong.

Then I scrolled down through the posts a little and it takes you all of 4 before the bullshit starts with......

"When it rains the plants go to sleep, basically they hibernate until they see light then they wake up in hyperdrive mode to wick off the excess water it is what they are programmed to do in nature"

Sleep? Programmed? Please!

Then when the guy legitimately asks you for a scientific link to back up your assertion you reply with.......

"I do not have a link to anything my research covered many things and honestly I discovered by accident"


Reading through the thread and you don't actually answer questions with a straight answer, it's just a big melting pot of assertion and misinformation.

Just like here when I asked "For what reason?".
It's clear that some little pal has gone for your 2 pennies worth because you don't normally frequent this thread yet jump straight in with a post indirectly aimed at me, so when I ask why, I want an objective answer, I don't want you to piss in my pocket and tell me it's raining.

It's patently obvious you are incapable of having a rational and scientifically objective discussion with anybody about botany.
Opening your own website in order to spread your assertions and misinformation is the very definition of "The blind leading the blind" and is akin to putting a stool and table at the side of the street in India and calling yourself a Dr.

Fucking quack, get yer self off!
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