Whats quickest way to make hash ..?

whats the easiest and quickest way to make hash outta spare weed..?

  • Butane blasting method

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Kief tumbler

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Bubble Bags

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Morrocan bag and stick method

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • other ..see below

    Votes: 7 43.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Sounds like a process that takes over 24 hours.

I was unaware that people shake their bag of herb and dry ice for longer than that. ;)
You forgot to back up your thirty second claim, but i can see you brought a little douch bag to shake at me lol., and SHATTER!! Not fucking likely.
it took me 30 seconds too. You place half a gram or less between parchment then press for 2-8 seconds depending on temp. . With a flat iron. Then scrape it up with a dabber. That's it. I made 1 gram from 5 grams yesterday. It took me a total of 10 minutes.
Am i reading this incorrectly or did you just say 30 seconds and then say 10 minutes later in your post? Which was it? 30 seconds or ten minutes....to make a gram.
Lmao I don't make dry ice hash and I admitted it. Bho is where my skills and knowledge are, but you are wrong. You don't need to spend 10 grand to be able to make clean bho. You just have to know what you are doing and have your formula down.

you do if you want remove most of the cancer causing chemicals. go get yours tested and you will be amazed how contaminated your bho is. If you can't afford to do it properly then dont do it...
Am i reading this incorrectly or did you just say 30 seconds and then say 10 minutes later in your post? Which was it? 30 seconds or ten minutes....to make a gram.

30 seconds to make 2 dabs from half a gram. Took 10 minutes to do press 10 different times , collect then press into 1 whole patty. look up rosin tech group on facebook or soilgrown on instagram. You will see how to tutorials.

you really seem to.have trouble reading. I said 10minutes total...
you do if you want remove most of the cancer causing chemicals. go get yours tested and you will be amazed how contaminated your bho is. If you can't afford to do it properly then dont do it...
Thee only thing my set up does not do that yours does is refine the butane 5% more at most. Go ahead and play with that stick, but I am laughing inside because of how dickish you want to be. There will always be those people who think there method is the only proper way to do thing's but then again its people like that who can't expand their horizon and never learn new thing because they are scared to do so. There is more than just your method to make bho. I know a few. But I believe the vac purge system removes thee most butane. Unless your going to do an ethanol wash and mix then evap the ethanol.
30 seconds to make 2 dabs from half a gram. Took 10 minutes to do press 10 different times , collect then press into 1 whole patty. look up rosin tech group on facebook or soilgrown on instagram. You will see how to tutorials.

you really seem to.have trouble reading. I said 10minutes total...
Sorry, im laughing my ass off. I like you hyroot. I really do, you rock, your always polite and understanding. These other two jerkoffs are pushing my buttons though.

Ok so ya, thanks for finally supplying links to read. Ive been waiting for seven pages. So without reading the links yet, it sounds like to me that if you dont have a t-shirt press that it takes 10 minutes to get a gram of this stuff. And besides stareing at a vac chamber (cause thats stupid) im able to get way more than a gram of product every 10 minutes of work making it the bho method. Like really i can just keep blasting and store the resin after blasting right in the freezer. An hour later i have enough to make two-three oz of shatter or wax. If a gram takes 10 minutes to make then that would leave you at 560 minutes to make two oz. yes no?
Thee only thing my set up does not do that yours does is refine the butane 5% more at most. Go ahead and play with that stick, but I am laughing inside because of how dickish you want to be. There will always be those people who think there method is the only proper way to do thing's but then again its people like that who can't expand their horizon and never learn new thing because they are scared to do so. There is more than just your method to make bho. I know a few. But I believe the vac purge system removes thee most butane. Unless your going to do an ethanol wash and mix then evap the ethanol.

we distill the butane. That's a must for any bho. We dont use canned butane. We get it by the gallon. Canned butane is far less refined. A purge chamber doesn't remove anywhere near what a vacuum oven removes. Again get your shit tested. Sorry if.i come across like a dick. There's too much dirty bho out there. It still blows me away that people.use butane to make an extract. its chemically man made gas for.god sakes...
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all that improperly made oil is clearly af
Sorry, im laughing my ass off. I like you hyroot. I really do, you rock, your always polite and understanding. These other two jerkoffs are pushing my buttons though.

Ok so ya, thanks for finally supplying links to read. Ive been waiting for seven pages. So without reading the links yet, it sounds like to me that if you dont have a t-shirt press that it takes 10 minutes to get a gram of this stuff. And besides stareing at a vac chamber (cause thats stupid) im able to get way more than a gram of product every 10 minutes of work making it the bho method. Like really i can just keep blasting and store the resin after blasting right in the freezer. An hour later i have enough to make two-three oz of shatter or wax. If a gram takes 10 minutes to make then that would leave you at 560 minutes to make two oz. yes no?

This is exactly why I refuse to spoon feed you. You can't even read and comprehend full posts. All the information has been posted. You act like a child. You call names. It all started when you said something along the lines of "mouthing off and deserve a pen in the neck" because I told you that you are wrong, which you still are, and probably always will be. As if I'm going to teach you anything.

All them heavy metals and mystery oils getting to the brain.
Sorry, im laughing my ass off. I like you hyroot. I really do, you rock, your always polite and understanding. These other two jerkoffs are pushing my buttons though.

Ok so ya, thanks for finally supplying links to read. Ive been waiting for seven pages. So without reading the links yet, it sounds like to me that if you dont have a t-shirt press that it takes 10 minutes to get a gram of this stuff. And besides stareing at a vac chamber (cause thats stupid) im able to get way more than a gram of product every 10 minutes of work making it the bho method. Like really i can just keep blasting and store the resin after blasting right in the freezer. An hour later i have enough to make two-three oz of shatter or wax. If a gram takes 10 minutes to make then that would leave you at 560 minutes to make two oz. yes no?

I haven't made that much rosin yet. But going for bigger yields I'd use a t shirt press. at the same time less is more. I get more pressing half a gram at a time than I do if I press a whole gram. I'm not sure how that would apply with a t shirt press. This is brand new tech. soilgrown is still experimenting.. He was able to microplane some rosin too.

bho 5 days purge. Iwe - 5-7 days drying plus cure time. storing and curing rosin, I dont think anyone knows yet. Rosin is almost like live resin. So I don't know if it will degrade much or not.over time. Even if kept cold.
ACETONE...before you respond, please back up your data. I have the best results with pure acetone and evap with hair dryer. I then use blades and put the strips in freezer.
ACETONE...before you respond, please back up your data. I have the best results with pure acetone and evap with hair dryer. I then use blades and put the strips in freezer.

lol. I have a can of spray paint and paper bag. You wanna huff on that too..

acetone is an acetate... Ie acid. You would really use that ...
2nd cuttings, or bud cuttings. frozen with 3 quarters and a woman's knee high. put all in a clean pringles like container, new clean plastic would be best but it has to have no lip. shake shake shake over a big platter, put in a press.. clean, no chemicals but a little leaf but mostly all golden kief / hash. not the fastest but before I switched to butter because I quit smoking. it was how I made it.
all that improperly made oil is clearly af

This is exactly why I refuse to spoon feed you. You can't even read and comprehend full posts. All the information has been posted. You act like a child. You call names. It all started when you said something along the lines of "mouthing off and deserve a pen in the neck" because I told you that you are wrong, which you still are, and probably always will be. As if I'm going to teach you anything.

All them heavy metals and mystery oils getting to the brain.
Fuck you you brainless fuck. I dont even smoke shatter. Its for the kids.
This is from lots of research. I do not leave the material as long as he does. I swish and not shake. I ended up doing it very successfully way. From the oil i end up with glass chuncks that get soft when you take them out. I have made BHO, wax, hash etc...This is so easy. Dude I have plants ready to harvest and keep putting them off...lazy mans way for me too.
So...this helped me soooo much....ENJOY. from toke city
First take some cured frosty leaves, shake, ground up bud or all of the above and put into a glass container, Bud is even better to use if this is for your personal. The hash oil or hash will be 5 to 10 times more potent because of the purity. If you start with good pot the hash oil will be phenomenal, if you start with ok pot the hash
or hash oil will be excellent.

Before this thread gets lost on some DS I will say plant food is poison also. If you think this is a waste then dont do it this is for the Connoisseur, if you think this isnt for you then dont do it. For those who do try this ENJOY;) as it will not dissapoint.

The return depends on how resinous your pot and or pot leaves are. Do not use stems, seeds, or leaves that have no resin on them as there is no benefit from those parts other than seedy, stemy, shity flavors in your hash oil/hash.

If you use wet leaves/wet ground up bud which is perfectly fine as I usually do, you must let your hash oil or hash cure for a day or 2 which isn't long and if you cant wait that long just light it on fire, before you smoke it to get whats not evaporated out and any other impurities out.(HASH SHOULD ALWAYS BE LIT ON FIRE BEFORE SMOKED ANYHOW OR IT WILL BURN LIKE CLAY AND PHUK YOUR THROAT UP FOR THOSE WHO MIGHT NOT DO THIS)

One last thing this is how to make Hash oil. To make Hash simply add KEEF (NOT LEFTOVERS FROM THIS PROCESS OR IT WILL PHUK
YOUR HASH OIL UP, MUST BE FRESH DANK KEEF TO GIVE THE OIL A GOOD BASE) of your choice or from the same strain. You can not
use any of the left over plant matter left in the bottle after this process not even to add as a base to make hash or your cheese will just crumble, wont be potent and will taste not good. Just discard the contents inside the bottle once this process is over.

Once your resin coated leaves or ground up resin coated buds are in the bottle add 100% pure acetone (NOT ANYTHING UNDER YOUR GIRLS CABINETS ) you can get 100% pure acetone at a local hardware store. Sunnyside is a good brand.

If your bottle is half way full of leaves/ground up bud then you will want to fill it the rest of the way with the acetone.

Leave room to shake. (1:weed 2:Acetone) one part weed, two parts acetone.

Shake for a few minutes or until your hand gets tired, then repeat with other hand do this until the acetone is a deep brownish greenish (klight green is best..,.yields less). Depending on how much you are making, most of the time the first wash with the acetone gets everything, anything after and your wasting your time in most cases.

However if you are making alot using 1 ounce up to a 1 lb. adjust the ratio accordingly as you will need much more acetone to compensate for all the plant meterial.

Once done shaking unscrew the top but not all the way and flip over a big glass dish with high sides and hold the lid on while the green brown acetone pours out leaving the plant matter in the bottle. Once all acetone is out you can add a quick splash more shake quickly and do the same thing with the lid half unscrewed and squeeze out prefferably in another dish labeled 2nd splash or something. Remember you are trying to keep the first pull connoisseur quality.

Once this is done you can either put in a ventilated area and let airdry or i allways get my girls haidryer and blowdry it which does not take long. During this process once all the acetone is gone you will have a green brown film on the glass.

Get a razor blade and scrape up but do not touch as it is like chocolate tar. Smear it back on the dish and blowdry somemore and just keep spreading it like its fresh fudge being made. The key is to spread it thin and get the blowdrier as close as possible to it. (THIS IS AFTER ALL THE ACETONE IS EVAPORATED, ACETONE IS SOME HIGHLY FLAMMABLE STUFF. USE WITH UTMOST CARE AND CAUTION)

Once you feel its nice and good let it set for a few hours.
But if you cant wait here is the next step.

If you are wanting to make Hash then add a lil keef until you get the right consistency for hash, you will know when that is and if not its when the hash oil stops sticking to your fingers like tar and you dont have to lick them. (KEY TO KEEP THE HASH OIL FROM STICKING ALL OVER YOUR FINGERS IS TO LICK YOUR FINGERS BEFORE HANDLING THE HASH OIL, AND THE TRICK TO GETTING IT OFF IF THIS HAPPENS IS TO DIP YOUR FINGERS IN ACETONE)

If you just want to smoke the Hash oil and it hasn't sat for a few hours then scrape some up and melt over some ashes or a few layers of screens with a lighter or torch or something hot enough to make it drip off the razor or pin tip whichever you scrape it up with. You will want to get it as hot as possible before smoking it, BUBBLY HOT if it has not cured for a lil while as it is just like weed with a cure comes flavor and if any more impurities might be stuck they can find there way out.

The hash oil once it has been dried enough will dry and be as shiny as plastic but will melt when held. I will post pictures if needed I just havent got the acetone at the moment but will soon.

Acetone is one of, if not the fastest evaporating solvent on the market and it dissolves THC resin. Can be used on any GLASS piece also to clean resin as it just melts it away, you can dump it in a pyrex dish to be dried and smoked later. I have posted a pic of a bong after it was cleaned with acetone so you can see the results. That is acetone in the bottom that will be evaporated so the resin can be gotten back easily. (I WIll POST PHOTOS WHEN ABLE)

Yes you may also use something else a little less pungent called "denatured alcohol" it works just as well as acetone. You just need to add more denatured alcohol to the mix since its not as strong a solvent as the acetone. And denatured alcohol doesnt smell nearly as bad however it just takes a little longer to dry. I personally like the acetone.