trippy festival thread 2015

Yea,I've seen em 68 times,not counting all the parking lots I was at but didn't go into..I have no idea what a shows like today,last Time I seen em was a bonnaroo when snoop was there,so its been awhile..
They're great live,and its an all encompassing thing,the lot,ladies, nitrous fun ect..not just the music IMO,the debauchery:-)
I've been to some righteous shows but I agree,they have ocelot..and its gay.
I knew the scene had changed when the 18 yr old chick walks up,miracle finger in air,and sings to me "miracle,miracle,where have you gone?"
I responded with "the miracle died in 1995,20 years before you were born.I got an extra,60 bucks"
yeah live they are fuckin great. the bonnaroo show in 09 was better than the one in 2012 imo. but those are the only two times i've seen phish. summer's coming up though, i'm stoked. does allgood seem weird to you this year? the lineup is pretty decent but it just isn't all bangers like usual. dat primus doe
I'm not paying premium stage prices for 2nd stage acts the ENTIRE weekend..
You gotta see phish at an arena..
Way cooler show wise..Hampton 98 was sick as can hear me yelling on the discs;-)
Tbh,I think all good is fucking up..not enough pull to draw the crowds it needs to recover from its hiatus..too much else to do,with way better lineups,plus,uncharted territory on the new land/site..time will tell if it'll get back on its feet,but IMO,its a suck fest this year compared to others..I was thinking of going cause I love primus,but,I've seen them many times,including at all good.and 3 other bands plus primus is the only draw for me..
To Chicago I will go:-)
Really hoping to get to Allgood this year, gonna be about a half hour drive from friend's house. Love the experience of camping on the grounds but after a day or two I could use a nice shower and a bed/couch...

I'll letcha know how it goes. Haven't been to too many fests though so I guess my opinion won't hold much weight. If I'm surrounded by drugs, old friends, and some decent music than I'll be content.
Really hoping to get to Allgood this year, gonna be about a half hour drive from friend's house. Love the experience of camping on the grounds but after a day or two I could use a nice shower and a bed/couch...

I'll letcha know how it goes. Haven't been to too many fests though so I guess my opinion won't hold much weight. If I'm surrounded by drugs, old friends, and some decent music than I'll be content.
You'll be me...bring a test kit!!:-)
Allgood is one of my favorite festivals, i even had a blast a the ohio site in 2012... but i agree rory i can see this year being a flop. the only bigs ones i'll be at are peach and lockn, unless roo pulls me in (it's very close to here). my buddy's trying to drag me out to terrapin hill in ky which is supposed to be rad, bluegrass, moonshine, good music. they throw a fest 4 times a year. melvin seals and terrapin flyer played family reunion last year there.
Cabin Fever Reliever at Terrapin Hill is next weekend..

Rumpke Mountain Boys
Free the Honey
Owsley County
Thems Live
Whiskey Bent Valley Boys
The Allmanacs
Woody Pines
Driftwood Gypsy
Restless Leg String Band
Tom Boone and Friends
Yea my friends were telling me this was announced Friday..
Still not the last show.:-)
But I'm very happy more will get to see em play!!
Very happy indeed..
Chicago gonna be a REAL fun show after all the Cali fun gets there:-)
Extra revenue for extra fun at the production level also...