Doc's laboratory


Well-Known Member
congrats man, hope it all works out! We are going to continue our hunt. Not to sound racist, but a very large Hispanic family moved in across the hall and plays music incredibly loud, have sketchy looking people coming and going all day and all night and stare at my GF so shes definitely getting into a rush to move lol.


Well-Known Member
Just take the Hispanic out of that sentence and it applies to all races :)

a very large family moved in across the hall and plays music incredibly loud, has sketchy looking people coming and going all day and all night and stare at my GF


Well-Known Member
Just take the Hispanic out of that sentence and it applies to all races :)
yea. I tried to go over and talk to them nicely, but of course they pretended like not one person spoke english. I lived in ensanada mexico for a 6 months, and I definitely try to be open to other races n cultures, but i also don't want issues where I live or issues with my girl feeling uncomfortable.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
yea. I tried to go over and talk to them nicely, but of course they pretended like not one person spoke english. I lived in ensanada mexico for a 6 months, and I definitely try to be open to other races n cultures, but i also don't want issues where I live or issues with my girl feeling uncomfortable.

Just say, "no me jodas, cabrón"

They will submit, and avert their gazes henceforth.

Actually don't say that, they'll cut you, gringo.


Well-Known Member
They like it, but we all are ready for a place. There are a lot of parks in town, and they have enjoyed them so far.
So as for the trailer parks go all it takes is having your neighbor knock on the door at ten in his underwear bleeding once and it will turn you off to them.


Well-Known Member
I have been getting up early as hell, and normaly I would work in the grow room. I really hate not being able to fill my time like I am used to doing. soon I will be building the grow, popping shit tons of seed, and getting my strains back I can. Then all will be right in the world again;)