Yellowing of leaves - confused !

All growers flush, it's pretty much required every 30 days tops, especially when not using 100% organic nutes. I think as long as you have good enough draining soil, a flush should only help your yields. As long as you don't drown it, flushes are a healthy, natural part of the growing process.
Thank you for the heads up man - I will give this all a go and post a update, my soil has around 35% perlite in and it seems very good with drainage, I'm also using a air pot so that should help with drainage !
Sometimes day/night temps being off can cause this too, if your night temp is same or higher than day, it will cause this, seems weird but if you run your AC only with lights on, this can happen..
I'm not that lucky to be able to run a A/C unit It's to cold in the United Kingdom we don't get hot weather ;) ! My temps are pretty much perfect but i have had my heater fail and it became cold for one night but this has only just started happening ! I'm going to flush her out tomorrow and see what happens with the calmag feed I'll give :)


Well-Known Member
I grow in 100% coco so i rarely flush. Those are the mls I would add but then again coco and soil are totally diff.
All growers flush, it's pretty much required every 30 days tops, especially when not using 100% organic nutes. I think as long as you have good enough draining soil, a flush should only help your yields. As long as you don't drown it, flushes are a healthy, natural part of the growing process.

And you are welcome. I've never ran more than half strength of whatever the instructions say for bloom fertilizers. They want you to use excess so you buy more.
Hi all , I flushed today - the run off water was a deep orange, normally it's light yellow - I think I added a lot of nutrients and locked something out - she is now flushed and will start using cal mag and 1/4 dose of nutrients in 5-7 days time - I have decided to use some foliage cal mag spray as well until I start feeding calmag to the roots via watering - thank you all for your help :) !!!

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Hi you lot - I'm currently growing 1 critical kush under a 250 watt hps and I'm having problems with it - If any one could tell me what the problem is I would be so thankful!
I'm growing in bio bizz all mix at 10 days into flower. Using green house seed powder feeding hybrid at 1 gram a litre - I feed then water then feed.
Let me know how the Green House Seed nutrients do.
All growers flush, it's pretty much required every 30 days tops, especially when not using 100% organic nutes. I think as long as you have good enough draining soil, a flush should only help your yields. As long as you don't drown it, flushes are a healthy, natural part of the growing process.

And you are welcome. I've never ran more than half strength of whatever the instructions say for bloom fertilizers. They want you to use excess so you buy more.
Thank you man you were right - it's only been a few hours since I've flushed and foliage sprayed my under parts of my leafs and it's already bringing back the green on the leafs that I've been loosing :) !! Thanks to everyone for the heads up and help !



Well-Known Member
I'm not that lucky to be able to run a A/C unit It's to cold in the United Kingdom we don't get hot weather ;) ! My temps are pretty much perfect but i have had my heater fail and it became cold for one night but this has only just started happening ! I'm going to flush her out tomorrow and see what happens with the calmag feed I'll give :)
Ph u have locked out mag and now ur plant can't uptake other nutrients feed it plain phed water
Ph u have locked out mag and now ur plant can't uptake other nutrients feed it plain phed water
Hi, I already have flushed and added calmag into a foliage spray - it's has worked and my plant is now back to normal - my ph was always perfect at 6.4 to 6.8 - thanks for your reply to this thread
All growers flush, it's pretty much required every 30 days tops, especially when not using 100% organic nutes. I think as long as you have good enough draining soil, a flush should only help your yields. As long as you don't drown it, flushes are a healthy, natural part of the growing process.

And you are welcome. I've never ran more than half strength of whatever the instructions say for bloom fertilizers. They want you to use excess so you buy more.
Is it okay to flush in veg mode and every week? What do you recommend ??

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Is it okay to flush in veg mode and every week? What do you recommend ??
Yes it is OK to flush - one should flush plant every 4 weeks to help prevent plant issues, but not for a two week period, just feed plant water for 3 feeding (example day 1 - flush; day -2 flush; day 3 dry day; day 4 flush)
Yes it is OK to flush - one should flush plant every 4 weeks to help prevent plant issues, but not for a two week period, just feed plant water for 3 feeding (example day 1 - flush; day -2 flush; day 3 dry day; day 4 flush)
Oh okay so just for those for days do that and re-flush in the next 4 weeks but keep with the feeding just re-flushing in that way in the next 4 weeks right?? Thanks bro


Well-Known Member
Oh okay so just for those for days do that and re-flush in the next 4 weeks but keep with the feeding just re-flushing in that way in the next 4 weeks right?? Thanks bro
It's a good rule of thumb when changing anything with your system to flush every 4-5 weeks. As you become more experienced, you will find you have to flush very little. I probably flush a little different than most people, because I usually run low nutes to begin with. This makes it so I pretty much flush only when I see a problem, or before harvest. And my before harvest flush is more of a tapering than an "oh shit let's try to slam some clearex down this slut our last two days of flower."

@ Forver: You can just flush that day or for a few days, depending on the medium you are using. Then resume feeding at 1/4 strength the next time you water the plant, which should be a few days +. Then taper your way back up to what you normally use nutrient wise.

TDS and pH meters that are calibrated frequently are a good thing to have around to keep some of the guess work out of things.
It's a good rule of thumb when changing anything with your system to flush every 4-5 weeks. As you become more experienced, you will find you have to flush very little. I probably flush a little different than most people, because I usually run low nutes to begin with. This makes it so I pretty much flush only when I see a problem, or before harvest. And my before harvest flush is more of a tapering than an "oh shit let's try to slam some clearex down this slut our last two days of flower."

@ Forver: You can just flush that day or for a few days, depending on the medium you are using. Then resume feeding at 1/4 strength the next time you water the plant, which should be a few days +. Then taper your way back up to what you normally use nutrient wise.

TDS and pH meters that are calibrated frequently are a good thing to have around to keep some of the guess work out of things.
I'm growing in 75/coco 20/perlite 5/clay pebbles.. i been using floranova gro but just had a problem with having purple red looking stems and on my other plant 90/coco 10/grow stones and I have also problem with purple stems on that one and one yellow leaf on the bottom.. Do you know what that can mean?? And oh okay I'll take the advice on the flush man :) thanks

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Textbook - flush 2-3 x's container size for final flush of two weeks before harvest also !!!! So flush your plant 1 x a month for 3 waterings (about 4-5 days), but if don't want to flush - flush at time of nutrient /cycle change and harvest that would be 3 flushes