Injecting Marijuanas


Well-Known Member
It's all fun and games until you actually start injecting marijaunas...Started with home made pipes, got my first acrylic bong at 14, glass pipes and bongs by 16...Glass on glass by 21, and started making dabs at 26...Now I'm in my 30's, and I gotta inject at least 8 marijuanas a night.



Well-Known Member
Seriously, great contraption for traveling, but I wouldn't wanna try to explain what it was to a cop if I got pulled over..."I swear, it's for cannabis, let me show you how it works...."


funny i remember when i used to do 8 marijuanas a up to 15 injections every 5 hours myself lost my two kids and my wife of 420 years to this horrible and veil drug but its just too addictive to quit

oh and was that a vape atty???? gotta go with a RDA dripper man more air flow more dangerous and makes your injections last longer


Well-Known Member
My veins are no good,all the years shooting up joints and even freebasing hash!!
Now a days I just have to boof nuggets...only way of consuming herb..veins are shot..
Anyone got some butt nuggets? I could use a good buzz...